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    I had a very broken night, unusual for me but I was kept awake planning where all the books etc were going to be stored when the furniture is stored ready for the decorator whilst we are away. I have bookcases containing very heavy books most collected by my OH. Lots of them are reference books and who needs those when you can find answers on phones, ipads etc. they are so heavy. I have dealt with pictures and ornaments and need to wrap glasses. I don't want the television to go in the garage, not secure enough, so that will go on spare bed and so it goes rattling around in my head. Got up at 5 am, made a cup of tea, got pen and paper and wrote everything in my head down then slept until 9am, so not too bad. Not much on today, got to make a short trip to get petrol, tablets from chemists and take some glasses to charity shop, then some tennis. Very dull here but no rain.

    Loved the pics. Daisy, very happy family. enjoy your beach party.

    Have a lovely day everyone and I hope the news of Rhys is good.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Plant I find if I write things down it sort of clears my head.
      Sunny here today after yesterday's deluge.
      Hairdresser for me early afternoon so an early snack lunch is called for.
      OH has currently taken himself off for a walk so I must get on and wash the kitchen floor
      Have a stress free day everyone.


        Been to have our passport photos done as passports need renewing , good lord we look like a pair of serial killers
        You cant have glasses on had to take my earrings out move my fringe from my eyebrows , so I look nothing like me with raggy hair and Brian looks hideous hahaha.
        Picked dog up came home and hes gone straight to lie down in the Garden ,
        Nice day for sports day Gem '
        Qwerty they a dead weight when asleep arnt they .
        Plant when you have so much on your mind it does prevent you sleeping ,hope your not to tired today ,
        Daisy a beach day with lots of screaming children sounds fun
        Have a good day ladies xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning all, how is everyone. I need an up date as I have been absent from here again . First and foremost... what was the name of the teddy bear ?

          Its been an hectic past few days. Sunday was a lovely day . All the family met up for a meal . We chose a pub that has a huge play area for the younger member of the family and lots of benches and picnic tables for everyone else. It was a perfect day, we had lunch inside and then went and sat outside in the afternoon sunshine for a few hours . it was perfect.
          Monday we were supposed to be going to OH's uncle's funeral in Cardiff but BIL's car was playing up, he managed to get as far as our place but the smell of burning was coming from the engine so the trip was called off.

          Yesterday was the day from hell. I had a phone call at about 7.30 am from eldest DS . He said he was in an ambulance ready to be taken to hospital. Apparently he had collapsed at work but he had no recall of that happening. We rang for a taxi to take us to A and E but we were stuck in traffic so by the time we got the DS was talking more clearly and he had had an ECG and few blood tests. After several hours later, three more ECG's and countless blood tests the dr couldn't find anything wrong with him. He told the drs that just before he collapsed he felt dizzy and had a pain in his chest and they have put that down to a painful muscle spasm . He has been told if it happens again he has to seek medical attention at once. He hasn't gone back to work today and he is very sore from his fall .
          Hoping for a calmer day today .

          Hope everyone is well and the sun shines on you all
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            That was a nasty shock for you all Mimi, hope all will be well now
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Mimi I do hope DS is loads better and you are all getting over the shock.Such a pity after your lovely time the previous day.

              I went to the hairdressers and then decided to go for a walk in the Botanical gardens nearby. A lot of beautiful flowers and plants plus some enormous oak trees. We treated ourselves to an ice cream even though it always makes me thirsty.
              Off to get the washing in now then salad and strawberries for tea.


                Mimi - what an awful shock about your DS. I hope it was just a one off, but he probably needs to take it easy for a few days.

                Gem - I hope GS1's sports day was good fun and the weather behaved. Your mum will enjoy spending some time with the little ones.

                Clover - I've been to the hairdressers today as well. I've been going to the same person for several years and really like how she cuts, but somehow today she wasn't her usual self (her 14 month old daughter isn't very well, and I think she was worrying about leaving her, as we all do/did). She hasn't made a great job of trimming my fringe, and I think by next week I'll be back to looking like an Old English Sheepdog.

                Qwerty - I'm glad you and your friends have fixed another date for a get together. Well done for remembering Clare with smiles and just a few tears. Your poor DD must have been shattered after her long journey.

                I have this lovely mental picture of you marching along with a toddler tossed over your shoulder! But she must have been quite heavy.

                Plant - take your notebook and pen to bed with you tonight - just in case, although I'm sure now you've got it down on paper you will sleep your usual 8 hours with no disturbance. It's funny how things can seem so difficult at 3 am!!!

                I've given myself the afternoon off! After being so busy and with a busy week ahead, I needed it! I've dozed through some of the tennis (OH was watching - I'm not bothered!) then went into the garden and picked runner beans, a cucumber, tomatoes and courgettes. What on earth can you do with cucumbers? There's another one ready for picking too, and I have been giving them to DIL2, who loves them, but her own are producing now. I don't want to waste it!

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Mimi that sounds scary , hope he takes a little time to recover before he goes back to work ,
                  Clover I find the same with ice cream it does make you thirsty doesn't it
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    It's all been happening for you Mimi this week. Hope DS feels better soon.
                    Oma, we did our passports last month,but we did them online.
                    Mimi, i have been wondering what the teddy was called.
                    Had lovely sunshine all day, still sunny now.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Mimi, i've looked back on Gemini's posts,and the teddy was called Cuddles.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Nanto I think the Teddy was called Cuddles
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good evening

                          Oma, I just read out to OH about your passport photos
                          Mimi, the bears name was Cuddles, I have written about it somewhere LOL
                          Poor DS, and how upsetting for you all. Let's hope it was just one of those one off things. I hope he feels much better soon.
                          Qwerty, I don't think I could carry a 3 year old very far!!
                          Daisy, it's a pity we don't live closer. GS1 eats a cucumber a day, literally. We give most of the cucumbers we grow to them!

                          Sports Day went well. All children got a sticker for all races, but GS1 for a 1 sticker for the running race as he won in his group He's not terribly sporty it must be said, but is a good runner
                          We had a lovely afternoon at DD2s, and GS2 demonstrated a little of his walking to his great grandmother
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Gem - my DIL2 love cucumber too, but even she couldn't eat a whole one every day!! Respect to your GS1! Well done to him for his sticker for running.

                            I'm losing it!!! Yesterday GD2 put her much-loved Nemo soft toy into my bag for safe-keeping despite me saying it would be better in her bag. Of course I forgot to give it to her last night, so took it in today to her parents' shop, and have just realised that it's still in my bag - I forgot to give it to them! Can I claim it as a senior moment?

                            It's been much cooler today, but was really pleasant when we took Eva out about 6 pm. I hope it stays dry over the week-end for barbecues etc.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Looking a bit overcast this morning.
                              No specific plans for today,apart from going to in laws.
                              Daisy, a senior moment indeed.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Now Daisy it isn't yours so give it back
                                My new passport pic. is dire too.
                                Off to Aqua this morning, charity shop, paper re-cycling, petrol and chemist, not necessarily in that order. Tennis later perhaps although Andy isn't in the tournament now, poor Andy and Novak injured. Oh nearly forgot hairdresser at 12.00. Better get dressed!
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

