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    Morning ladies a very muggy morning here but no rain as yet, Oma those headaches seem to be coming quite often now do you think it's the weather ?
    I'm doing a Daisy today quick run round with a duster and Hoover lol
    Fora all I had my shopping delivered I bought some cous cous and it runs out of date today ggrrrr so having to go shopping although I never buy my meat online but I have ordered several bits that have short dates on and I hadn't planned on using the till early next week makes you wonder if it's worth it 🙄
    Enjoy your day folk


      Qwerty I tend to get a spate of headaches then none for weeks , tiredness doesn't help but I'm ok now just feel bashed and bruised . I don't get half as many as I used to when I was younger they seem to lessen with age 😊 only upside of getting old haha ,
      My sister always does online shopping she informed me yesterday that Morrisons do it now so she was having a delivery today , she often comments about the shelf life of cooked meat raw meat etc being within a couple of days , When you watch the online pickers in the supermarkets they never look at dates they just pick the first pack they come too and add it to the cart .
      Gem i bet the baby doesn't do it again just to be awkward 😀😀

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Afternoon everyone, how is Rhys , does anyone know. He has been upmost in my thoughts today.

        I hve have never had any problems with my online grocery shopping, in fact mine was delivered today, all present and correct and with long shelf life on the fresh food.

        Ive managed to change my hair appointment to later this afternoon, can't wait to get it chopped off, the sun seems to have taken the shine out of it but perhaps it's my wait it's the sun, it's definitely the sun !
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Posted a photo of the happy couple in my thread about the wedding.
          Wishing all the look in the world to Rhys and his family.
          Looks and feels like there could be storm brewing.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Originally posted by Mimi View Post
            Afternoon everyone, how is Rhys , does anyone know. He has been upmost in my thoughts today.

            I hve have never had any problems with my online grocery shopping, in fact mine was delivered today, all present and correct and with long shelf life on the fresh food.

            Ive managed to change my hair appointment to later this afternoon, can't wait to get it chopped off, the sun seems to have taken the shine out of it but perhaps it's my wait it's the sun, it's definitely the sun !
            This was Morrisons online Mimi where do you get your shopping from ?


              If I have a big shop, such as booze as well as groceries, I book a delivery slot but go and select my own shopping. Otherwise I bring it home myself. I am a W and JL fan, they give me money back and free coffee, newspaper and tea and cake at JL.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                I'm a Tesco on- line shopper and have always been pleased with their selection and delivery. The drivers are always very cheerful and friendly and anything nearing it's sell by date is packed separately and pointed out so I can reject it if I don't want it.


                  I've never had a problem with Tesco either Clover.

                  DD1 took GS1 to buy his first school uniform today. He looks sweet and not our baby anymore, although of course he will always be DDs baby.
                  I have posted a photo of him in my media, and also of his little cousin GS2, on the beach a couple of weeks ago.

                  As most of you know GS1 is fairly individual.DD said he was most put out that thy couldn't buy one of the nice dresses and as well as the grey trousers. He doesn't think it's fair that they are only for girls!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    An independent thinker you've got there Gem He looks so smart in his uniform.What a lovely bright colour. Your GS2 is a little sweetie. He looks as if he's really having fun on the beach.


                      Gem, GS looks so grown up in his uniform.

                      Off to Wakefield shopping today. Hubby wants to go in B & Q and Homebase. it's going to be thrilling.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Thrilling indeed Nan2!!!

                        As I said on another thread, busy day for me. I'll try to catch up this evening.
                        Have a good Saturday
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning from me, too. It's nice and sunny here, warm but not yet baking hot.

                          I look forward to seeing your photos later, Gem - we've got visitors for coffee before DS1 and family arrive and going out for lunch. We have to be home this evening because an American family in our road are having a street party and they always seem to find the loudest bangers in the world! Poor Eva will need cosseting!

                          Have a good day everyone.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Morning ladies
                            Gem he looks so sweet in his uniform what name did you decide for Teddy ? hope you raise lots ,
                            GJ how is Rhys today ?
                            Daisy have a wonderful day xx

                            Well I was up early this morning so gave house a good clean although by time I got up Hubs had already cleaned the kitchen within a inch of its life so that was a big help to me , gave the bedrooms a flick with the duster and hoover too , not that they were dirty but did no harm sprucing them up .
                            Beds stripped , bedding washed and blowing on the line as we actually have sunshine ,
                            Nothing to do now so day is my own , windows open to let the air flow through and patio doors although I may close them as next door are watching Tennis with their doors open and they are whooping like the Americans do its so irritating grrr , I'm probably being a misery as I hate Tennis, My sister loves it she knows I hate it so keeps texting me just to be annoying just as well I love her
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Back home after an enjoyable couple of days in Devon. It was so nice meeting up with our friends again and catching up with them. Have a lovely day Daisy, hope Eva is ok this evening. Hope you all have a good weekend, we are chilling in the garden and will see DGS later as it is his birthday today
                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                Welcome home Enfys. Pleased you enjoyed it.
                                Well, we were out most of the day, hubby couldn't get the tool he wanted, but we know now they have them in Screwfix,so a trip to there tomorrow.
                                We couldn't get the plant we wanted,so it looks like buying one on ebay.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

