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    Good morning ladies a very wet morning hear but so stuffy ,
    B had to take the car for a service this morning , I decided to set too and clean all the kitchen cupboards out ,
    How is it even when you wash and dry crockery you still get crumbs in the cupboard they are in ? where does it come from they are clean plates and bowls for goodness sake !!!
    The food cupboard was the biggest job so I decided to go through everything to see if anything was out of date or wasn't getting used , I surprised myself in finding nothing out of date , usually at least one packet that's slipped out of sight is well past its use by , but no not one .
    I did throw some trifle sponges out that had some how managed to get squashed , they were still ok I suppose but a bit flat
    I will do the ironing after lunch the stuff that's in the tumble will be dry and ready to do , not my favourite job ironing I must admit .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Just food shopping for me today. I tried on the items of clothing I bought from JL yesterday but they have all got to go back except the sun hat. Dinner in oven, now to decide if it is G&T or wine soon. Usually my eldest GD comes in on a Friday evening to have a G&T but she is house sitting for a week.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        It's been raining most of the day here, however we did manage to pop to the library in between the showers.

        Oma I can remember when our food cupboard would be stocked to the rafters with food when all three DC lived at home but now it's a different story. I used to have every type of cereal going as they all had different tastes , now I buy one packet of cereal and I don't buy more until that one is almost all gone. At the moment we have Fruit 'n Fibre flakes to munch our way through.
        Mum and MIL would have a fit if they could see my cupboard now. They would have had at least one bag of sugar opened and at least 3 spare 'just in case ' . Also things like of tins of fruit, evaporated milk , tea and beans would all be great amounts. I suppose it comes from the rations during the war, the feeling of you never know when you might run out !
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Mimi I'm guilty of that , I tend to have several of everything , for instance I bought a box of Bi Carb the other day and I have 3 already in the cupboard also a tin of Mandarins and again had 3 of those in plus 4 tins of peaches, 2 tins of Pineapple chunks and a 2 of mango slices , I always have extra Sugar , Tea Bags and Coffee and don't get me started on Kitchen Rolls ,Toilet rolls and Napkins
          I buy my Napkins in Ikea 6 packs at a time meaning I have 600 Napkins at any given time , my DD cant understand it
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Been quite a cloudy here.About 4.30 we had a shower and it looked like a storm was brewing, but it passed over.
            I always have plenty of loo rolls in, always had a fear of running out of them.
            When it comes to cereals, we like a variety,so always have several different boxes in.
            I stopped buying tinned fruit,because we didn't eat it, don't know why, because i prefer tinned to fresh fruit.
            Coffee, i buy 3 large jars at a time, and always have plenty of t-bags in.
            Don't get me started on stuff thats in the fridge and freezers.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Nan2, if you like timed fruit I think you should buy it! It's still fruit, and good for you

              We had a lovely day with GD and GS2, I have loved spending two of GDs half term day with her.

              Tomorrow morning I am going for my spa night away with my daughters. OH leaves for her golf break before I get back on Sunday, taking the tablet with her. So, it's unlikely that I will be here between tomorrow morning, and Sunday evening. I will pop on tomorrow morning to say goodbye though.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                No rain here yet, warm but not sunny, quiet evening watching television.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  It's been quite warm here, but hazy and cloudy until late afternoon. After a few drops of rain, the sky cleared and it's been a lovely evening.

                  I try to keep one new one of everything in - if that makes sense. So as we get near to the end of a packet of cereal I'll put it on the list for the next shop. I made bread tonight and I've got enough flour in to make one or 2 more loaves, so it's on the list for whenever we next go shopping. But OH buys certain things when they're on offer - even if that's for 3 consecutive weeks, and there's no room in the cupboard for multiple packs of the item! This week's bargain was tea bags. We must now have about 520+ teabags in our house, not counting green tea or decaff tea!!

                  Gem - enjoy your spa night with your daughters. I'm sure you will all enjoy spending time together.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Good morning,gardening for us today,if it stays fine.
                    Gem, you are right about the tinned fruit,we just never get round to eating it.
                    Enjoy your spa day today, i'm sure you all will.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good Saturday morning, ladies.

                      It's bright and sunny here, but of course it might not last, so I'm going to finish sorting out and planting up the greenhouse before it (hopefully) gets too hot.

                      I always keep a couple of tins of fruit in, and often end up using them up just because they've been there so long, but sometimes they do come in useful - and actually I like tinned fruit.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good morning all

                        I'm Northumberland bound with my daughters. DD2 driving us all.
                        We will set off this morning, have lunch on the way, then this afternoon check into the hotel and enjoy the pool and spa. Meal in the hotel restaurant tonight. I will write about it in my journal when I get back.

                        Be good everyone, and have a great weekend!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Morning ladies
                          Gem have a lovely relaxing time xxx
                          Going to pop in MIL's this morning then B wants to get back and finally finish painting the fence , only the side of the shed where I keep my bins and the outside alley gate , seems to have taken ages but its dry one day wet the next or something has cropped up we had to do first ,and its forecast rain till Thursday I think ,

                          Brian made Baked Alaska last night it is so long since we ate that (must be a few years now) I had forgotten how nice and light it is but he used the last of my eggs so will have to call in shop and buy more , I hate shopping on a Saturday all the lunatics come out and they all seem to make a bee line for me , I wont be making eye contact with anyone today
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oh I have always wanted to try Baked Alaska, Oma!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Your OH is such a clever cook Oma

                              Have a lovely time Gemini with your DD's

                              In the past I have made a crumble with tinned fruit the family loved it.

                              Not doing much today, Rugby being recorded so will be watching that later. Sun shinning atm, not sure what the forecast is, I hope it will be fine tomorrow, at least no heavy rain as we will all be in a marque celebrating SIL's mother's 90th. Must decide what I am going to wear.

                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Morning friends a busy day yesterday went to see our local councillor at local library she's there the first Friday in each mth for an hr, we are having problems
                                with the speed of traffic coming from the farm where he has opened a petting farm, cafe farm shop although it means more traffic we all have to make a living but the back road is a residential road ending in a farm track but the speed they come down is like a speed track and when they hit our road they are doing 30/40 MLS an hr we worry if our g/c ever run out they would be killed. Our gate is always locked but it only takes one time for it to be forgotten ,and we are not the only ones with children.
                                Anyway to cut a long story short she never turned up waited half an hr and no one seemed to know where she was, so that was a waste of time, had to take some jeans back for a smaller size that put a smile on my face again.
                                Then bought table and chairs for outside, we have lots of seating areas a couple of benches , a bistro set, and those wooden chairs that have a tabe
                                attached to them in the middle bit never owned a set as such, so moi put her foot down and bought a set inc tilt umbrella I struggle with ours can't get the damn thing to open so bought a winding one its a doddle ⛱
                                Out today at 1pm DD and G/d are taking us out and it's a surprise which is nice OH hopes we are not going on a bear hunt lol but been told to wear comfy shoes and a cardi 😊
                                Enjoy your lovely spa break Gemini
                                Hope you all enjoy your weekend ladies what.ever your doing

