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    Aww, Mimi, no you are not being unreasonable. Families don't always think, maybe dropping a hint or two about how much you miss seeing the GC now you and OH don't travel so well would work?

    It is half term here next week, so that will be busier for me.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Oma, hope you get the oven sorted. Hubby never reads instructions. If he wants to know anything i have to read them out to him.
      Mimi, i don't hink you are being unreasonable either,but sometimes the younger generation don't think.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Mimi , Nanto is right the younger generation don't think and your not being unreasonable,
        My DS is like that I can go weeks and weeks without seeing youngest two , we can't visit them because of the DIL issue so he knows the only way we see them is when he brings them , mind you I can go weeks without hearing from him too . My children are total opposites, I see my DD a lot GS1 comes after school 2/3 times a week for tea and SIL picks him up so see him all the time too , I often wonder how they are so different ,they were both brought up with the same values and rules manners etc but with DS it's always tomorrow ,what's the rush, does it matter 😠 . A phone call may be what you need to do to remind them your still there , I say to my DS we are still alive thanks for asking 😊 I won't tell you what he says after very sarcastic Mother 😲😁
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          If it were not for my DIL I don't think I would see my son very often and their children are nearly 18 and nearly 15 so have very busy lives. If I pop in he is always very pleased to see me but that is only when I am passing which is not often. At least I have a good relationship with my DIL Oma, must be hard for you.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            It is Plant but I'm used to it now , it was really hard when it first kicked off , going from having O every day to once every few weeks but like everything you adjust don't you xxx
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Just a phone call would do. There are so many ways to keep in touch, text, phone, Skype, fb, FBI messenger, email etc, I used to have to go to the phone box down the road to speak to mum , whatever the weather I rang her every week .
              We have been busy in the garden this afternoon, OH put together the new birdbath which is still sitting on the patio till I decide on a permanent place for it. The 'nanny and grandad ' scarecrows are back in the boarders between the wallflowers and daffs that will be in flower in the next day or so. I've put a small tub of crocuses by the front door step which also have small tulips in so when the crocuses have finished flowering the tulips will take over.....and still the parcel man hasn't arrived!!!
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Nice sunny morning today.
                We were up early,and we have been looking through some brochures for a new door for the back porch.
                Not quite made a final choice yet,but we will.

                Nana and Daisy, hope your hubby's are feeling better.
                Love to anyone else feeling under the weather.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning everyone.

                  Nothing planned today apart from popping to the library this morning for my mums audio books. After 2 busy days, this is welcome!
                  I am very achy at the moment. This can be a side effect of the drug I am now taking, but it could also just be the results of 2 busy days, including carrying shopping, and a 10 month old baby!

                  I hope everyone is well and enjoys their weekend.
                  Last edited by Gemini; 18-02-2017, 02:48 PM. Reason: ........Edited to say I wasn't carrying shopping AND a 10 month old baby! One was on Thursday, the other Friday.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good Saturday morning, everyone. Sorry I've been AWOL for much of this week - it's been rather busy!

                    After Wednesday when the grandsons and dog went home I was shattered! But with visitors yesterday I had to get on with cooking and cleaning on Thursday. It's surprising how much mess 4 children and 3 dogs combined manage to make! OH was too poorly to be much help, and then our boiler broke. I thought we'd be ok because we've got an immersion heater but that broke too. A cold shower yesterday was not what I would have wished for! And it's surprising when you are doing a lot of cooking how often you want hot water, and how much longer it takes when you have to boil the kettle each time. The plumber came out yesterday morning but couldn't fix it immediately, but came back again when he'd finished his scheduled job for the day and did a temporary repair which he hopes will mean we've got hot water. I hope so too, because the part needed won't be here until Tuesday! It is an old boiler! Thank goodness for the woodburner!

                    I was just going to bed o Thursday night when I noticed a WhatsApp message from DIL1 saying DS1 had been involved in a 6-car accident on the motorway. The message was 4 hours previously, so we were frantic with worry and couldn't get hold of her at all. Eventually about midnight, after repeated texts, voice messages etc we got a call from DS1 saying he was fine. A couple of the cars involved were wrecked, but he'd got off very lightly and his car was driveable. He'd been on his way to a colleague's leaving do and had just got in. DIL had gone to bed when she knew he was ok, and never thought about letting us know!!!!!!! She was on the phone at 8 am yesterday apologising.

                    We had a lovely day with our friends yesterday - lots of laughter and I don't think I gave anybody food poisoning. I'll definitely do baked salmon again for guests, it was so easy and everyone seemed to like it.

                    We have nothing planned for this week-end. I think OH is feeling a bit better - they say laughter is the best medicine, don't they!

                    Mimi - It must make you very sad not seeing your GCs very often. I know how busy everyone is these days, and I can remember when I was that younger generation full of guilt because I didn't keep in touch with my MIL as much as I would have liked. But as you say communication is much easier these days and an occasional message would be appreciated. Perhaps that's part of the problem - it's so easy to text, email, whatever, that youngsters don't realise how important it is to us older ones. Perhaps you should start a campaign of light-hearted text messages to them, saying what you're doing asking them what they're up to, etc. They may not reply to everyone, but it keeps you in their thoughts. xx

                    Gem - I hope you didn't overdo things yesterday. Enjoy your rest.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Morning ladies not a bad morning , waiting for GS1 to get up , it's the first week he hasn't had a football match for a long time so making the most of a lie in ,
                      Daisy glad to hear your visitors had a nice time , you will be shattered now with all that's gone on this week 😊
                      Gem you really shouldn't be lifting heavy shopping bags but what are you supposed to do ? When it's got to be done , rest today no heavy lifting .
                      Nanto hope you agree on what door to get , it took our friends months to decide on the one they both liked for the front 😊
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Misty morning here, nothing planned, no rugby to watch.

                        Gemini, I expect your aches are from lifting and carrying which you haven't done for a time, take care.

                        Baked Salmon sounds good Daisy, did you cook it in foil? That must have been worrying for you waiting to hear if your son was hurt in the car accident.

                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          I'm sorry that I can't reply to all your posts individually. I follow what you're all getting up to though. Nan2 was it you going for the test at the hospital? How did it go?
                          I think there's signs of OH' s virus on its way out at last. Had to cancel GS' s sleepover so he's not happy. GS3 has sickness bug. Roll on sunshine & better health for everyone.
                          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                          (Doe Zantamata.)


                            Afternoon all . I have just come back from yoga , this weeks class was a lot easier than last week , either yoga teacher is getting kinder to us or I am getting better at it . DIL has just sent me a message, she will be popping by later so I am really looking forward to seeing her. I know that DS won't be with het as he works on a Saturday and I 'm certain the GC will have things planned so a catch up with her will be lovely
                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Nana i dont always manage to reply to every post , it doesnt mean i havent read them or care its just some days i only get to pop on and off for a few minutes at a time ,
                              Mimi i used to do yoga and loved it but i badly damaged my knee and couldnt go for a long time then just didnt bother again shame really .
                              Daisy have you spoken to your son again is he ok no after effects from the crash ?
                              Finally finished the bedroom a couple of things to put on wall but the hard work is done looks bright and fresh
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Afternoon a quick post from me, got home late afternoon yesterday.Washing all done and a nice surprise kitchen flooring was laid. Beautiful sunshine today,I have pottered in the garden and cut back all the clematis. Off to have a granny nap,all the walking and GD's have caught up with us.
                                "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."

