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    Sounds like a good day planned.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Morning all. Hope everyone is well.
      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Oma I hope all goes smoothly at the hospital.
        Thanks for passing on news of Qwerty. She certainly seems a bit overwhelmed at the moment.I hope things get better for her really soon.

        We woke up to pouring rain this morning but at last the sky is clearing.Apparently it's going to get really cold at the weekend. Brrrr!


          Qwerty - I'm sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather, and hope you and your OH will both soon be feeling better. It's great to keep in touch, and I'm pleased you browse around even if you don't feel like posting at the moment. Be kind to yourself and take care. xxx

          The bright start to the day didn't last down here. It clouded over and rained, and rained, and rained!

          My day didn't go to plan! I got a text to say a parcel would be delivered earlier than I expected, so we were late taking Eva out. We took both cars so I could go straight on to pick GD2 up from playgroup. This meant I was approaching playgroup from a different direction. I reached the roundabout before playgroup, needing to turn right, but couldn't because the road was closed for right turns. So I went left, intending to turn round and join the traffic waiting to go in the direction I wanted. Bad choice - the queue was enormous! So I carried on into town and round to approach the roundabout from the opposite direction. That road was closed about half a mile from the roundabout, so another U turn out on to the A35 and eventually, after another set of road works, got to playgroup just in time! It had only taken 3/4 hour!to do about 5 or 6 miles. Grrr...... By then it was pouring. GD2 didn't want her coat on (I won that battle!) and then complained bitterly that she was getting wet because I didn't put her hood up! Nobody told me she had a new bag (the essential change of clothes) so I left it at playschool. I hope there's nothing in there she will miss for a few days! Then she got her feet wet stamping in puddles and complained about having wet feet. I think she's quite tired after having a couple of weeks at home. Anyway, she cheered up after lunch and eventually went off for a nap quite happily.

          Going home was nearly as much fun as this morning, then about half a mile from home a car shot out of a t-junction into my path. Fortunately, I wasn't speeding, and slammed on my brakes and swerved. The other car narrowly missed a brick-built post box! I expressed my opinion with the car horn! I hope tomorrow will be better, but the road closures are for 3 weeks.

          Gem - how lovely GD has been busy creating artwork for you. xx

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning everyone.
            I'm first here, but can't add the pretty picture as I'm in bed on my tablet!

            Raining again. The temperatures are set to drop later this week, so I'm glad I bought my new warm winter coat.
            Daisy, I got a beautiful home made Get Well card from GD (lavishly decorated with cats) and a little cat model made with pom poms and stickers She has just recently been told about my hospital visit. She was alarmed that I may have been 'rushed into hospital ' then cross when she knew it was planned, that no one had told her! I will see her soon, so hopefully this will put her mind at rest.

            OH playing golf this afternoon, so a quiet one for me.
            At 6.30 I am going to a meeting of the new Friends of the Library group that I belong to. I may have mentioned that our lovely local library closed suddenly in July, as the 1960s building was deemed unsafe. Since then it house been housed in a tiny room elsewhere. The council has pledged to save our much used branch, and we are working to get the best venue for it. I want to be involved, so although it is less than a week since my surgery I felt it important to go, as it is only sitting and listening and talking for an hour or so! The meeting is at the library in the next village. OH will drive me.

            What frustrating journeys yesterday Daisy!!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Morning ladies , I've just sat down having 5 minutes , got up put washing in then had a cup of tea then did dusting and hoovering and along the way decided to wash the sofa and chairs down , that led to cleaning the dining table and chrome chair legs , then decided to spray the oven with oven cleaner before I had breakfast and shower , I'm my own worse enemy , I've had my shower now working my self up to tackle cleaning the oven trays and oven door , so much for a quiet day , why do I do this to myself I have no idea it's a madness I think 😲😊
              Daisy what a journey these things are sent to test our patience 😀
              Gem enjoy your outing it will do you good xxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                What a frustrating journey Daisy and a worry you would be late for picking up your GD.
                Gemini I hope you didn't overdo things yesterday, I presume it is no driving for you for a bit.
                I wish I had half your energy Oma.

                Well my day started with a phone call at 8am, I was still fast asleep, from the Secretary to the Cardiologist who is investigating my falling, I have had lots of tests and all okay for my age. The cardiologist has been a long time to get in touch since we had the results, she was calling to say he doesn't want to see me again and is prescribing a drug which I am only allowed to pick up from the hospital. He felt all along that the drug I was on to control my atrial fibrillation attacks was lowering my pulse too much and affecting my thyroid. Needless to say I went back to sleep and have only just got up.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Qwerty hope you are looking in this morning . Hope you and your OH are soon feeling much better. Sending you lots of (((HUGS))) .
                  Oma you have been busy this morning . I don't seem to have any get up and go this morning .I didn't get up till past 9 this morning , perhaps that has something to do with yet another bad nights sleep. Must be up early tomorrow as the gas man is coming to service the boiler.
                  Felt very strange this morning, I got out of bed as per usual , opened the blinds, fed the cat etc, and then I almost passed out ! Luckily I was able to grab a chair and sit down, don't know what it was, still feeling a bit woozy now. Its most probably the after effects of the bug I have had this past week.
                  Yesterday afternoon I had my MRI scan, the nurses were rushed off their feet . I don't know how they do it, efficient and cheerful , if anyone deserves a medal its them . Sad to notice that all the wards were closed to visitors yet again because of the winter vomiting outbreak.Its the same every year . I remember dad had it when he in was there . I don't remember this happening when I was younger .
                  Its another cloudy, dull day here again and apparently we all need to rush around panicking as its going to snow and turn a lot colder...... Who would have thought that would happen in the middle of January, anyone would think its winter
                  Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                    Plant, no driving for me yet. It needs at least 2 weeks for enough healing to take place. As it is my left breast the seatbelt would be right on it in when I'm in the driving seat, so I'm not even tempted! The Kleeneze man brought me two fleece seat belt pads this morning, which I ordered to cushion me when I do drive.

                    Take it easy Mimi, I expect as you say it will be the after effects of the bug you had.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Oma,what happened to your decision to take it a bit easier and "let things go" a bit?
                      Plant ,that was a rude awakening but at least nothing to worry about and hopefully the new medication will suit you.
                      We very rarely get snow here on the coast in S.Wales but it can get very cold if there is snow anywhere inland. My sister who lives in Essex gets more snow than we do and she said people were stocking up in the local shops yesterday.


                        Clover sadly that didn't last long 😕 I have had a easier afternoon I ironed the clothes I washed and dried this morning and that's it , I even had a Nana nap for 20 minutes 😊
                        B ventured out himself this afternoon , just over Sainsburys for some peppers and onions I needed for making fajitas for tea , he was quite pleased with himself
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Yummy, love fajitas Oma
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Good evening ladies. Just had dinner and now waiting for our friends. Keep trying to catch up on here, but we get chatting to folk. Quite mild here this evening.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Nanto - we do miss you, but it's good to know you are busy enjoying yourself. We all need a bit of that sometimes.

                              Oma - I have to boast that I cleaned the racks from our oven last week. I meant to do them before Christmas but didn't get round to it and they were definitely in need. I soaked them overnight in boiling hot water and Vanish powder. The next morning they just needed a light going over with one of those green scrubby things. It was a lot easier than elbow grease. I also don't know where you get your energy from, especially so early in the morning. Well done to B for going out on his own. I bet he felt it was a good step forward. I love fajitas too!

                              Mimi - I bet you're glad your MRI scan is over - I hope you were ok. I expect feeling faint this morning was from that awful bug you've had. They do have aftereffects sometimes. I reckon the shops have a grand secret plan to bribe the Daily Express to make dire weather predictions so everyone will rush out and buy loads of food, candles and woolly blankets!

                              Plant - you must have woken up wondering what was the matter. I hate it if the phone rings before 9 am - I automatically think something bad has happened! A friend of OH's woke us up at 7.50 one day last week - just for a chat!!! But at least your phone call was good news. I hope the new medication does the trick and you don't have any more falls. xx

                              Gem - I hope your library can find a new home. They are such good resources for a community. DIL2 takes the GDs to the library about every 2 weeks, and they've always got a good supply of new books. The girls love choosing their own books to take home.

                              My journeys today were much better - I didn't have to go quite so far to get round the road closures and got to DS2's in good time. GD2 has been a little sweetheart all day. At one point she was using a banana to phone Daddy, had a quick chat and then said 'Bye, Daddy"!!!

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                What a lot of sick people today. Good news tho' Plant from your consultant. I really must make the effort to get the house back to how it was before Christmas. Oma I wish I had the enthusiasm you have towards cleaning. Your house must sparkle. The basket full of ironing is still waiting after about 3mths. I'll get round to it. Hope you all have a good night's sleep.
                                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                                (Doe Zantamata.)

