That does sound like a lot of driving Zizi, how do you transport all the stuff you use for your visits if you go by train
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Not really Gem, she is a nice lady and I am glad she is no longer with the control freak she was with for so long. She has been having a good time in the last twelve months and is much more relaxed. We have had some really good evenings with the gin bottle (she always makes a contribution as well) and she has helped with some of my events. She has a spare key to the flat and my car and I have let her use my car when hers died and she couldn't afford to replace it. We also have a spare key to her flat,
Plant my job has changed a lot, it is mostly now in London and I don't have as many big events requiring lots of resources, it is more meetings, advice and strategy which is really not my favourite but I try to make it so that if I do need to take things they all fit into a large suitcase on wheels. It is not the most convenient way to do things but I will not drive to inner London as it stresses me out too much. You never know where the cyclists are coming from early morning, they are just like darts coming from all angles, everything is just so busy that I am exhausted before I even get to the venue and then coming home I am further stressed by remembering which lane to go into and seeing the sat nav give me the time to get home and it changing so often because of the traffic. I can be half an hour from home one minute and 55 minutes the next. Much rather be on the tube or train. Still sometimes stressful if it isn't moving but at least you don't have to have eyes at the back of your head. Good grief don't I sound like a wimp??If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Received onFacebook some pics From a friend a couple of nights ago about his journey home on the underground, the passengers
were allowed into the underground and then the staff decided to directed them out through an exit which was locked, lots of panicking peopleWhat is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
The underground is becoming a nightmare. They are cutting staff at ticket offices and when you look around there are little gatherings of staff all having a little chat and not actually taking any notice of what is happening around them. My line, the Piccadilly, has been severely delayed for days because wet leaves have caused damage to the wheels - Ummm a) we are a wet country and this has never happened before b) there is very little new rolling stock so how is this suddenly a problem? C) why is it only one line that has been affected d) if you have no tube trains for this particular line why not divert some from the depots that I go past with loads of tube trains sitting doing beggar all. GGGGRRRRRRRRR ........If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Morning ladies a mild morning , came down early this morning and my patio lights were on and sitting by the Patio windows were two of the prettiest cats I've seen , one was white with a few ginger spots and had eyes like a cartoon cat they were enormous such a beautiful face , the other was a tiny delicate tabby with massive ears , never seen them before so don't know who owns them but it put a smile on my face seeing them 😊Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Good frosty morning, ladies.
Zizi - I absolutely admire the way you cope not only with your job but the nightmare journeys it entails. Every day I give thanks that I live out in the sticks - I have to steel myself just for a trip into Southampton or Bournemouth!
Oma - how lovely. The cats had come to keep you company while B is in hospital. I hope he's had a good night and is feeling a bit better.
Nanto - I might start my Christmas shopping soon! I have bought Christmas cards because of sending the overseas ones so early. I ought to write those ones!
Today we're out for a christmas lunch! Second of December is far too early, but it's OH's Pensioner's Club do and I didn't decide the date! It's in a nice hotel in Bournemouth and we're aiming to get there early and have a coffee overlooking the garden and the sea. It's also nice to see a lot of people we don't see very often.
Whatever you're doing today, keep warm everyone.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good morning everyone.
A mild day here as well.
Oma, the cats sound lovely, maybe as Daisy says they will vist you when B is away (as long as Storm isn't there!!)
Daisy, enjoy your lunch!
We are setting off for our drive down south later this morning. Just have to pack my essentials, such as Lady Grey tea, Samsung tablet etc. It may be only on night, but I need my stuff“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning everyone. Think I'm in for another visit to the dentist today. I went last night for a filling repair but in the night I lost part of the tooth. Eeeek😱
Have a good day whatever you're doing."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
Good afternoon ladies, I have been to Sandbanks beach for walkies with my friend and her two dogs, walked to Alum Chine then went in the Jazz cafe for a warming latte. Not cheap at a cafe in Sandbanks but was delicious and warming, plus dogs are allowed inside. My friend leaves her two in her car to sleep, I can't leave Shiloh for fear someone might try to steal him. I was really proud how well he settled while I had my coffee conssidering it was his 1st time inside any cafe. Youngest DD and SIL should be in Germany by now, DD has always wanted to go to the Christmas markets there, so SIL surprised her with tickets in August for her birthday. The Nanna from Wales is here to have the girls, originally I was going to care for them but as she doesn't see them often, I conceded. Do hope Brian is feeling better Oma. Gem hows the knee/hip feeling today. I have assembled our Christmas tree, it will not get decorated for another week or so, but this is a trial test to see how the boy is with it. As he was a puppy last year we didn't have a tree as I knew I would be retrieving baubles left, right and centre. Fingers crossed no leg cocking please ladiesLast edited by Libra Gran; 02-12-2016, 05:38 PM."What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."
Hello from Chiswick
We are settled into our room, having a cuppa and OH watching some snooker.
We have to be at the party for 7ish, in good time before the birthday girl arrives. It will be niibles rather than a meal. As all we have had is a sandwich on the way down, we will get something to eat on the way to the party.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Oma - the cats are looking to move in! Storm could find himself facing a barrage of fur and claws next time he visits. :
Nana - ouch, that sounds painful. I hope it's now been sorted out and isn't giving you any pain.
LG - what a lovely walkie you had. And it sounds as though you walked far enough to have earned your latte and a yummy pastry. I hope your DD and SIL have a lovely time. I've never been to the German markets but they always look interesting. In fact, I've never been to Germany! I do hope Shiloh doesn't think the tree is indoor plumbing for him!
Gem. glad you've arrived safely. Are you staying in a hotel? I hope the birthday girl enjoys her surprise and you all have a great time.
Our Christmas lunch was lovely. We arrived early enough to have a coffee beforehand, and at a friend's insistence I had a glass of sherry. I can't remember the last time I drank sherry. I had fish rather than turkey for the main course and cheese for afters, and even managed a mini mincepie with my after-dinner coffee. I don't think I'll have to cook dinner tonight - we're both far too full. On the way I was telling OH about Zizi's horrendous battle with getting around London - while we were sitting in a traffic jam in Bournemouth. I'm sure it's nowhere near as bad as London, but it did bring it home to me how congested our roads are.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)