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    Because I'm not seeing my sister before Christmas we need to exchange gifts for our families. The only free time we have is this Sunday, So guess what I'm doing today? Wrapping Christmas presents 😱
    Thanks for your kind wishes Gem. As you say the cough might have gone by then. I've only had it 9wks....eek.x
    "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

    (Doe Zantamata.)


      Good morning everyone. It's not chilly here - it's flippin' freezing! Eva is pestering for walkies - she only seems to feel the cold when you're trying to send her out into the garden last thing at night!

      I'm tired today after two days with the GDs. GD2 isn't very well - we think she's still teething - so not her usual cheery self yesterday. But we both enjoyed the cuddles!

      Nanto - I love that nice cheery graphic.

      Pearl - good luck with the shopping. I suppose I'll have to start thinking about Christmas soon - but not yet.

      Zizi - don't all these transport problems make your life harder!!! It would drive me mad, but at least working from home is warm and cosy.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Freezing here today, not looking forward to walkies but must be done. I have a poorly girl today,Menna had a reaction to the 50 50 cream she has for her dry skin, same happened with valentine. Now on antihistamine and new cream and referral to skin specialist at last. Sore face and blistered lips bless her.
        "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


          Vaseline blessed predictive text.
          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


            Good morning. Another cold and frosty but sunny one here.

            My cold has moved on to the hoarse voice and annoying cough stage. My mother and I had a dental appointments today, for check ups. I cancelled both yesterday as I could tell the way the cold was going. After a fairly traumatic week I am happy to stay at home, and my mum gets an extra afternoon in the warm watching her beloved snooker!

            Daisy I hope you can rest today too after your two childcare days.

            Poor M Libra

            Nana, I may wrap some presents today, or at least write a few cards!

            Thinking of the Omas today.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Well to be grateful for small mercies eh? You know I have moaned like mad about the delivery company Yodel who either chuck things over the fence or leave them in strange places. I ordered an enormous amount of wine for Christmas and the Yodel man actually knocked on the door!!!! Could have been an almighty mess if he had done what they usually do 😱😰

              On another note while we were on holiday our renewal quote came in from Saga for home insurance (buildings and contents) £624 AND they have the cheek to charge £20 renewal fee! It was due to start Friday 2nd. I went on a comparison website and got quotes varying from £130 to £360 for the same thing, well actually in some things a bit better. I called Saga and they were quite snotty about me cancelling, saying that I had to give 7 days notice. I pointed out that I wasn't here 7 days ago and anyway it is MY money and the renewal fee is a complete cheek, she offered to remove the renewal fee and look at the quote to see if she could make savings. I told her that as far as I was concerned if they have quoted £624 and could make some savings surely they should have taken the savings off the quote for a loyal customer. She asked for time and I refused. She said the first payment might go through on Friday and I said that if it does they can refund it with interest immediately. It was an extra £59 for credit (monthly payment) so when I agreed the Sainsbury quote which eventually came out at £204 I decided to pay outright. Crikey I am a stroppy old bag today aren't I?

              This stroppiness is not helped by husband cancelling his doctors appointment which he promised faithfully he would go to. The reason he cancelled? Because he feels a lot better. I pointed out to him the things that are happening with people on here (the Omas and Gem) and got very upset with him about it all. I wasn't speaking to him but that makes him worse as he does things likes pokes me, and licks my face (yuk), calls me HUNNYYYYY etc. I am going to clump him shortly.

              Hope al is well with B. I can't imagine the stress poor Oma is going through at the moment and poor Gem with her diagnosis. Sometimes life is just not fair is it?
              If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                Very naughty of your OH to cancel his appointment, what is it with men?

                Tizzy we gave up using Saga some years ago, they got so expensive
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Plant when we first moved our insurance to them they knocked spots off others but it just seems to go up and up and up for not real reason.......
                  If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                    I cancelled my car insurance with Saga, went on money and for identical policy but much cheaper.Yes Zizi they tried that blarney with me about giving adequate notice. dd got a super deal through M &S for wine and champagne,plus her Mil gets 10% off.
                    "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                      Zizi I'm glad your alcohol order arrived in one piece.
                      I think these insurance places hope people won't check their previous premiums and just automatically renew without checking.Then they can up the payments on the quiet.I think it's abominable that they have the brass neck to charge to renew.
                      For our "outing" this week we went to the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery in town(Swansea) It has recently had a very long,expensive renovation and we haven't been there for years.Anyway it was very interesting with lots of beautiful artefacts brought back by Vivian on his travels. There was also an exhibition displaying ten sketches by Leonardo da Vinci (part of the Royal collection) They were exquisite so delicate and detailed,especially the anatomical drawings.


                        LG - poor M. I hope they can find something that suits her poorly skin. It must be painful for her. Is she self-conscious about it, poor little lass?

                        Gem - I hope your relatively quiet day has helped your cold and given you a bit of peace to cope with the shock of your diagnosis. xx

                        Zizi - I think clover's right. So many people just renew (or it's done 'automatically' and they don't even notice!) that the insurance companies can get away with daylight robbery - like 'renewal fees'! It really annoys me as well when they offer better terms to new customers than existing ones. I insured my car with Direct Line for years - but then one year the premium shot up. When we queried it, compared with the quote for a new customer with the same car they said to go somewhere else and come back next year to get a good rate again! Needless to say we didn't, but I was quite sorry because up to that point I'd been really pleased with the service (I'd had 2 cars stolen in that time) but they were really taking the you-know-what!

                        Clover - what a lovely day you've had, and what an interesting collection. Did you have lunch out as well?

                        We took Eva to the paddock for a run round this morning - and even though it was cold, the sun warmed our faces as we sat watching her for a few minutes.I seem to spend most of Mondays and Tuesdays indoors, so it's good to get out for a while. then we had a quick lunch and took her Ladyship to training. She was really good and thoroughly enjoyed a game with lots of toys all over the floor!

                        If it's dry tomorrow I think I'll do some gardening!

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          I told the sainsbury insurance person I did not want to automatically renew and he said how much easier it was as you didn't have to think about it. I said that I had automatic renewal with sags aand if it was case of not thinking about it I would be four hundred quid worse off right now so please just remind me next year so I can make the decision without automatic renewal. I have also put husband on as joint holder. I think I said In another post somewhere that because I do all the banking and stuff he did not have anything in his name. It was not deliberate it was just that I did it all. Now we are slowly changing things like the utilities etc, Problem is he says "I will forget" "I am not made for that sort of stuff". But it is important that he knows how to get access to all the normal stuff we do.

                          Ranting as usual...
                          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                            Good morning ladies,and welcome to

                            Posting Christmas cards today. I always post the ones that need posting on 1st December.
                            No frost this morning, and it doen't feel as cold as earlier in the week.
                            Need to order a couple of presents today.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Brrr, thick frost here this morning and it's very cold! In bed with a nice hot cuppa looking out at all the whiteness. It's a real change from yesterday when we enjoyed a lovely walk along the beach in the sunshine and it felt really warm. We're out later this morning to do a bit of shopping so hopefully it will have warmed up by then. Have a good day ladies ❄️⛅️☀️
                              "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                                Morning ladies not a bad day at all hear , no frost this morning , going into hospital at 11 then must go to bank when I come home , need to put couple cheques in never had time all week , slept from 11 till 6.30 so had a good sleep for me .
                                How are all the ladies with colds etc are any of you feeling any better ? The sickness bug is raging hear I'm avoiding people like the plague 😀xxx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

