Libra we have been to lots of German markets over the years while visiting family, the best one we have been to several times was in Berlin and the Hamburg one is wonderful , They have a sort of zip wire from the clock tower to the middle of the market and Santa and his sleigh with (pretend ) reindeer slide slowly down its magical , they will love it
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Morning ladies to dark out to see what kind of day we going to have, Put some decorations up last night , didn't manage tree might not put it up its big and heavy and only me to see it will see when I'm less tired , DS picking me up at 12 to go to Hospital so try get some jobs done this morning little things not had time to do ,
Nanto enjoy the market hope you find lots of goodies 😊 have a good day ladies xxIm not fat just 6ft too small
Morning everyone.
Daisy we are in the Best Western hotel on Chiswick High Road. The party was just along the road. Drink prices in the private bar at the party were horrendous!!! Birthday girl G was surprised and very happy, especially to see those of us who travelled to get there.
Oma, what about a smaller tree just for this year?“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gem - Glad you were staying in comfort, not on someone's sofa. Hehehe - that reminds me of the days when we used to go to parties without a thought for where we'd sleep - if we did sleep! Days long gone but not forgotten. I'm sure the birthday gril had a marvellous time - she won't forget her 30th.
Oma - I agree with Gem - why not get a small tree for this year. I did that one year and now put the smaller tree in the hall and the larger one in the living room. You can take photos to show B. He might feel worse about not being there if he thinks you haven't dug out at least some of your traditional decorations etc.
Nanto - I hope you find lots of bargains. Have a lovely day.
I'm off to look after GDs today. DS2 and DIL don't usually open their shop on Saturdays but today it's the town's Christmas fair and they always open for that. It's more of a social day than a business day and it's surprising how many regular customers will come in just for a chat etc.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Went to Waddesdon with GD yesterday, it is owned by the Rothschild family but the NT have some stake in it. It is like a French Chateau, beautiful gardens. The house is full of beautiful collections the Rothchild family have collected over the years and at Christmas they decorate lots of rooms with Christmas trees and there was a Christmas market in the grounds. It has become such a popular place they have a new very large carpark and they bus you to the stables where the cafe is and you can then hop on to go to the house. They have three playgrounds for different age groups and tables for picnics. When it gets dark they have illuminations on the house and a river of lights in the grounds, we didn't stay for that. If you are ever in Bucks it is well worth a visit any time of the is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Morning all. I was supposed to go to my yoga class today but hip and back are too painful which should make this evening interesting as we are going out for a family meal . BIL is picking us up and taking us back to his place where we will walk to the local pub to meet all the rest of the outlaws ! SIL thought it would be a nice idea to get some fresh air before we sit in a stuffy pub for a few hours which I can understand but walking any distance at the moment is really uncomfortable. OH said I should say something about it but I don't want a fuss so I am hoping that it will be ok. The company and catching up with everyone will help focus my mind.
I have just written out all the the Christmas cards for them so I can give them out tonight , this will save a few pennies in postage. I still have lots more to write out !
This morning I put out our wooden Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on the patio so that is a start to the Christmas decorations .
I think we will be putting up the decs in the house on Monday .
Have a good day shopping in Lincoln today Nanto. Will you be partaking of the odd glass of mulled wine and mince pie ?
Plant it sounds as if you had a lovely day
Have a lovely weekend everyoneBring me sunshine in your smile.
Lovely reading that preparations are going ahead for Christmas. Good idea to have a smaller tree Oma. Pleased the party went well Gem. Mimi after a few glasses of Christmas cheer you'll forget all your aches & pains. Plant Waddesdon Manor sounds a brilliant day out. Nan2 we went to the Lincoln market a few years ago & really enjoyed it. Daisy the parties I went to at College I could never recall the next day, hic.😅"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
Our community choir (based in a nearby village) are joining up with the church choir and villagers to sing carols around the village as they turn
on their Christmas lights this evening. So I'm off there later then to friends for a Chinese takeaway! Been busy sewing Christmas gifts this morning.Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
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Didn't get up until 8.45 today. I am giving myself a rest (yes I know I am just back from holiday but I just disn't want to rush around today). I have plenty of meat and stuff in the freezer and I can pop to the greengrocer on Monday. So I went to get the paper, sat and did my puzzles with a cup of hot chocolate and some digestives (what a breakfast) then did a bit of frittering the time away on iPad for a while and then sorted out the wine for my son and dil for Christmas. 4 X white, 4 X red and a bottle of bubbles. £120 AAARRGGGGHHH..... I have to make a hamper for the other dil and son and I don't know what to do for the missing one.
I have a very large wine rack and it is full now with some of the wines I have bought over the last year or so and not drunk plus the new ones. I am keeping a couple of nice bottles for Christmas lunch and NYE and for gifts for people like my ironing fairy etc. I also have twelve bottles in their crate at the top of the stairs.
Later I went through my wardrobe and my jumper boxes and put a lot of stuff on the charity pile. I have a couple of good heavy jumpers and coats which I might take to the Sally Bash rather than the charity shop. I took a couple to Kings Cross Station a couple of weeks ago where they were collecting for the homeless people but I found these lurking in the back of the coat rack today. There was a collection for the food bank at Tesco yesterday, the ladies were asking if we would buy one item for donation and I got carried away and bought pasta X 3, three lots of tinned veggies, hearty soups, tinned pies and meat and tinned ham, cakes (it doesn't all have to be practical does it?) and various other stuff. I took them to the ladies and they were delighted. One of them said we only asked for one item, you are not following the rules (joking obviously), I said truthfully that we had so much and spending a tenner or so on a few bits is not going to break the bank.
my sister in Wales is disappointed with me as she does "dressing" of the house and announced it on FB. She does make a big thing of it and I put on there I would get my tree out of its box. She wants to know where the fun is in getting a tree out of a box already decorated and lit. I haven't got time to faff around putting tinsel and flipping sparkly sprinkles all over the place, every single room in her house is "dressed" not to mention the outside both front and back gardens. Anyway it would I would have to hoover too much..........If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Plant - that sounds like a nice trip out. My DS1 and family are fairly close to you, so not too far for us to travel when we're up there so it's on my list of places to visit.
Mimi - take care. It sounds as though you are in a lot of pain. i definitely recommend some warming Christmas cheer. Mmmmm .... I love mulled wine.
Avo and Oma - I'd love to join a choir too, but I think I'd need some singing lessons first. I hope you all have a lovely time singing, Avo.
LG - you have been a busy sewing bee. I want to make a few bits and pieces for Christmas, but I'm a bit short on inspiration at the moment.
Zizi - if you can't have a lie in on a Saturday then when can you! At least whatever happens between now and Christmas you will have a few bottles of wine to choose from. I put out a bag full of clothes and shoes for Age Concern yesterday, but I still need a proper sort out. I feel very guilty that I always forget the food bank when I go into the supermarket - it's near the Exit, and I think they need to put a notice at the entrance reminding people. I would willing put some goodies in, and yes, I think cakes and other nice things are very appropriate. Toiletries, too.
It did cross my mind that you could say to your sister in Wales that you have lots of fun without spending hours 'dressing' your home.Our decorations are relatively modest - two trees, lights outside - these were a new addition last year - and decorations in the hall, living room and dining room. Perhaps we could really push the boat out and get some of that 'Yule-tide' loo roll for the cloakroom.
The GDs are already flagging a bit over all the Christmas things at school and playgroup. It's the first year GD2 has really understood about Christmas, and she insisting in 'Ho-ing' at everyone. She does a very posh sounding 'Ho-ho-ho' with a big grin on her face. After an early lunch I took them up into town for the Christmas Fair and we had to go a long way round because of road closures for the parade. GD1 was very keen to practise some of the songs for her school Nativity, but GD2 kept singing 'Five little monkeys jumping on the bed' instead. GD1 got very frustrated with her, and I' afraid Grandma just giggled to herself.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)