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    Good morning all.

    Clover, that's the downside (or one of them!) of returning from a holiday, all that ironing.
    I went to mums yesterday did her shopping and spent the rest of the afternoon there. She has made a remarkable recovery from the nasty bug, I'm pleased to say. OH got her hearing aids and is adjusting to them. Amazed at sounds she can hear!

    OH and I are going to Ikea. I bet Oma's OH envies us We rarely go, I find it exhausting when we do!
    Tonight we are eating out with 2 friends we haven't seen for ages, so lots of catching up to do.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Hearing aids ah, my OH paid lots of money for his and gave up wearing them so we still had to shout. I have NH ones and although I do not wear them all the time I always wear them in company, it is so tiring for people to have to repeat things all the time. When I step into the garden with aids in the birds sound so loud. Hope OH gets on with hers Gemini, have they got a small cone which goes in the ear and the control behind the ear?

      Had a call from Physio dept to ring them for an appt, here we go again

      Waiting for a call from surgery to let me know what is happening. Haven't heard the result of the tests but the surgery phoned me yesterday to say another doctor wanted to see me about my fracture. He is actually the doctor I am registered with so I am presuming he is going to take over. I have an accidental insurance so I took the form in for the doctor to fill in a few details and sign it, I was shocked when they said the charge would be £25 pounds, yes £25 pounds.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Plant we have 4 Dr,s who charge to sign and 1 who won't abide the idea he thinks it's outrageous to pay for a signature , well you can guess who everyone goes too 😊
        Gem hope S gets used to them it will be a massive difference , my dear Dad was almost deaf and would sit with his hand cupping his ear ,if there was a lot of noise he couldn't make anything out at all bless him ,

        Well no sleep for me at all last night I tried all the beds ,the sofa , a hot drink everything but just couldn't rest last time I looked at clock it was 5.30 then I dozed off but up again at 7.15 . Had to go pick Dog up but called in shopping centre first for few things ended up buying new earrings well OH bought them for me , not what I went in for but they caught my eye a purple tear drop crystal lovely , might have to have a Nana nap after lunch my eyes feel like they have grit in them with tiredness .
        By the way Gem have you sorted the phone call about your sister ? xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Another Granny nap imminent here Oma, I got up at silly o'clock just couldn't sleep very unlike me. Now it's catching up with me after tidying cleaning, walking the dog. Plus I arrived at the Doctors surgery for my flu jab at 11, silly me appointment was for 11.50 . So rather than hang around I have rescheduled for Monday. Out with girls from work tonight, going to be a hoot I'm sure, whether we make it on to a club at closing time is doubtful, feeling my age lol.
          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


            We survived Ikea! It was quite fun actually. We bought the 2 fold up dining chairs (so DD won't have to bring hers over so often) and rug which were the 2 things we went for. Plus plenty more things! We had lunch in the café midway around, not a bad day at all.

            Oma and Libra, I hope you managed your naps, losing sleep is awful.
            The phone call was sorted thanks Oma. I have written about it on that thread.
            Plant, yes the hearing aids are as you described.

            Enjoy your night out Libra. We are eating out with 2 friends. It won't be nearly the fun your night will
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Got my nap sort of in between DD phoning twice to remind us of things then ELVIS called from a call centre in India 😲yes ladies Elvis is alive and offering PPI checks 😂and the dog spotting next doors cat on our patio and going mental skidding on the wood floor trying to get out of the door , I gave up after that
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Have a lovely night out Libra.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Good morning

                  Going into town shopping.We were,'t going to bother,but hubby needs some things now.
                  Mind you, going out means we will eat out,so no cooking for me.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Morning all , pleass don't shout I have a sore head this morning. Cannot see me achieving very much today, must try and buck up as we are out again tonight. Dinner at Matthew & Jamie.Have a good weekend all whatever your doing.
                    "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                      GOOD MORNING LIBRA sorry couldn't resist 😀 as long as you had a good night .
                      Up early this morning so I have literally cleaned everything , windows, floors , kitchen cupboard doors, work tops , dusted polished and scrubbed , light fittings curtain rails , you name it I've done it , I feel as I wasn't well everything has been half done the past week so now I feel better I wanted to give it a good blitz . Had a shower , third lot of washing on and now I'm doing nothing till I iron after lunch . Love when I get a spurt of energy like that I could move mountains 😊
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning all.

                        Libra, drink plenty of water today

                        Nan2, eating out and no cooking is always a good option!

                        Oma, good lord woman, you have done all that, and I am still in bed!! I have fed 3 cats, made 2 cups of tea and opened all the curtains, does any of that count ?

                        Nothing planned today. OH playing golf later. I may call in on mum later.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          The sun is out....whoopee. Enjoy your day everyone.
                          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                          (Doe Zantamata.)


                            Every little helps Gem 😁
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              This morning didn't start off good weatherwise, but it turned into a lovely afternoon with plenty of sunshine.
                              Went to Asda on our way home from town,and I bought a new jacket while we were there.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Above post was from last night,don't know why it didn't work last night.

                                Good morning.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

