Afternoon ladies it's never stopped raining for a good few hours now , just pottering finally got around to washing and tumble drying all the new hand towels I bought for downstairs loo , I bought them in Matalan and although they are nice the quality isn't a patch on Dunelm,s. they not as fluffy .
Gem I was in B&M yesterday they getting all the toys in ready for Christmas 😀
Well I got all the way to the ironing fairy and realised I hadn't put the stuff in the car. That is the third time I have done that recently!! So I have made the moussaka for later, picked some tomatoes from the garden to ripen on the window sill. I bought a peach jumper and a pair of multi coloured cotton trousers which, no, I do not need but, yes, I did fancy so I bought them!
i did survive yesterday but I have a lot to do tomorrow now as I am out most of the day on Monday. I cannot be bother to do work today. Lazybones, two days with no work being done! Slap the back of my own legs!!
i bought a cheeky bottle of Merlot for my moussaka and I might have to test it later on. I don't usually drink red wine but it seems a shame to waste it......
Zizi, do what I do...., I attach a post it note to the inside of the front door, saying whatever it is I am likely forget in big capitals. As in IRONING in your case!!
Oma, we decided we couldn't be bothered to go out. We want to look for a coffee table as well, and need to be ready to go out again by 6pm. We are going on Monday though, so hopefully I'll get some bargains then
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good afternoon ladies . well I have taken myself out of the corner for now. it wasn't to bad in there as I had Nan2 to talk to.
As it has been raining for most of the day I thought, I know what I will do to pass the time as I cannot go out into the garden, I will put my photos on my phone on to my pc. There is only a 100 or so on there.
There was n't 100 or so there was ....... 3339 of the flipping things ! But the story doesn't end there , when the photos were uploaded a copy went to Windows photo gallery, a copy went to Windows live and another copy went to Microsoft cloud . !!! That equals 10,017 of phots for me to look through and delete .
Mimi - I'd be in tears too if I had to sort through all those photos! I don't know how Windows/Ms Cloud operates, but can you delete one or two sets without losing the third? They are duplicates, and unless you've deleted them from your phone you can re- upload them if it all goes pear-shpaed? I bet you wish you'd stayed in the corner, chatting to Nanto!
Gem - the post-it note is a good idea. If I think I'm likely to drive off without something, I leave something in the car in the 'wrong' place - like the parking clock on the driver's seat. Then it prompts me to think 'why have I left that there' ... and usually, the little brain ticks over and remembers! That's the theory anyway.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Good afternoon ladies,raining here.Started at 10.30 and it's never stopped.
Didn't get my kitchen cupboard sorted,had unexpected visitors. Must do it tomorrow.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
I do a similar thing I write a note and stick it on my handbag , I never forget that so see the note or I stick it to the front door near the lock so I see it on the way out , another trick is I write whatever I must buy on some masking tape and stick it on my purse 😊
Miserable wet day here. We got soaked going for a paper this morning. It wasn't too bad when we set off but when we were half way there it threw it down.I always feel sorry for people having a wedding on a day like today when the previous days have been so nice.
Daisy ,I use that trick of leaving something out of place to remind me of things.
All this talk of planting bulbs is rather depressing as it means we're heading into Autumn.Where did the " summer" go?
Another reminder of the approaching season is the letters we received from our GP surgery today asking us to book 'flu jabs.
I like the idea of the sticky notes think i will do that, my DD's at a friend's wedding today too, a great big Castle wedding then awful rain, hope it doesn't spoil her day, pity about photo's, hope it was dry for pictures....
Tizzy the nightmare has started for my kitchen, kitchen fitter has put most of the units up to find the one which he would need first has no instructions or any bits with it, so can't put that one together, he called into the shop where we bought it from of course there customer service is closed until monday and should take 3/5 days for parts to get to us, i want them now......, then had British Gas put my new "Hive" system in so we would get rid of all the other control boxes, then when it was in he said he couldn't disconnect the old stuff i need a engineer, apparently it is connected in a way he cannot touch it, i was told off 3 different BG workers when they sold it they would take it all out, so been on customer service there all morning so have a lovely new wireless control panel stuck in the middle of my tat, don't think so..............why did i start it, thought it was going along to smoothly....
So kitchen fitter cannot get on with anything else so just ring him when the parts upside down........
OH will be in from work so think i will have a bath, chill with wine and get a take away.......... saying that he will probably be in the "grumpy old man club"....
Oh dear Pearl join my club. It is the two month mark for us having a house upside down. I just cannot put anything back in place knowing that the sitting room is going to be full of boxes from the 12th September. Wren have not had the courtesy to respond to my email telling them in no uncertain terms that I am not accepting any further random deliveries and that I require written confirmation about my flooring being repaired or replaced.
Wishing you all the best
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Thing is this is NOT a small bag. It is enormous and is at the top of the stairs that we have to go down to get to the front door!!!!
Daisy what is a parking clock??
Zizi - we can buy annual parking 'clocks' for use in most of our local car parks. You can get 'all day' ones or 'short stay', ie up to 3 hours. I get a short stay one every year. I think it probably saves me a little money, but I know it saves me a huge amount of frustration, time and bad temper when I don't have to find the right change, battle through torrential rain and puddles to get to the pay thingy, try and get the ticket to stick on the windscreen etc, etc. I just set it to the time I arrived in the car park and prop it up on the dashboard.
Oh Pearl - I do hope things get better!
It's been mostly wet and miserable here today as well. Clover - it can't be flu jb time already!
Nanto - it's lovely when you get unexpected visitors - especially when it gets you out of a tedious job.
Plant - I forgot to say earlier - I love tulips too. I grow them in pots though, and haven't even thought about them yet, so thanks for the reminder.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Oh Daisy I wish we had those. My local tube car park is £11 whether you are there for an hour or up until 2.59am, yes odd time I know. I am quite lucky in that I have an allowance in my salary to cover parking and travel and, to be honest, I do generally come out on top financially. If I know the parking attendant is not there (which is not very often) I pass my ticket on to people but because of where the car park is most people park early mornings to get up to town.
Cannot remember who said about sticking notes to handbags but that would not work for me. If I am going to a meeting that requires a lot of paperwork or my laptop I take my very old, but very comfortable, brown leather briefcase and a little bag that will go over my shoulder and sit on my hip and takes purse, credit card wallet, lip salve, Oyster card, tissues. If I need my iPad and a notebook I will take one of my larger handbags (of which I have many), if I don't need much at all I will just choose whichever handbag I fancy at the time (of which I have many many many). I would have to have a whole pad of post it notes and lots of time to remind myself of anything using the handbag method!!! London living and working appears to give a completely different set of problems.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
A lovely family day today, went out to lunch with DD, SIL and SIL'mother. They decided later to get an Indian takeaway, joined by eldest GS and his partner. Later we had a Skype meeting with youngest GD in Canada for a year at a University in Montreal. Lovely day, too much food and wine.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare