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    Oma - I meant for me, not you. You're a spring chicken compared to me!!!
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Brrr. Bitterly cold here today, icy wind too. We were going out this morning but I put my nose outside and decided no! So pottered about, I did some paperwork whilst DH fiddled on the computer then we went out for lunch. I succumbed to a pudding and now feel so,full, that'll teach me, but it was delicious.

      Im hoping we don't get any snow as I'm out early morning for the next couple of weeks invigilating time again, and I don't like driving in the snow and ice. Fingers crossed it will stay away ❄️⛄️
      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


        Originally posted by Oma View Post
        Yes its a iron you let it get hot and run it over clothes to get the wrinkles out , only use on a flat surface not while you wearing the clothes and it doesn't take face wrinkles out either 😁😂😃😄😆😅
        I told you our fountain of all knowledge, Oma , would know what to do with it , but can she explain why ???

        Its a bitterly cold day here but no snow thankfully.
        DS came for lunch today, we had breaded haddock with roasted stuffed peppers and salad. I asked him what would he like for afters and he said he fancied Christmas (sorry the C word so soon in the new year) pudding as he hadn't had any during the festive period, so that's what we had !!!
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Who says imaginative play goes out of the window as you get older? Dobbie, (in HP) tried it on his hands.....not advised. 😜
          I'm I'll in bed with flu. Can I start 2017 again pleeeeez?
          "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

          (Doe Zantamata.)


            Yes Daisy, our friends enjoyed the holiday as well, and we all enjoyed each others company.
            Good food in the hotel and comfy beds,what more did we need.
            Hope you feel better soon Nana.

            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Oh dear Nana, hope you will be feeling better soon, keep warm and drink lots
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Thank you. Off for a nod now.x
                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                (Doe Zantamata.)


                  Nana - I've just said on another thread, I hope you're feeling a bit better. Of course you can start 2017 again!

                  Nanto - with this bitterly cold weather I bet you wish you were back on holiday. I'm sure it was just what your friend needed. xx

                  Enfys - I haven't even taken Eva out for her run today. I've never liked the cold but these days I really can't cope with it. I hope it's ok for you on Monday, especially on the hilly bits.

                  Mimi - why, indeed. Unless it's to keep your hands (very) warm, of course! But I wouldn't want to risk it - I'll stick with the thermal gloves. Mmmmmmm ..... Christmas pudding - I love it and we didn't have any over That time either. But there are two in the cupboard for when we get the urge.

                  OH is out tonight, so I'm going to treat myself to tinned tomatoes on toast. I know how to spoil myself!
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Poor Nana, feel better soon and take care

                    The snow here melted very quickly. One of DDs neighbours however skidded her car this morning when coming out of their quiet village road in order to cross the very busy main road to get to the main part of the village , on the other side of the road where the school is. An oncoming car hit hers and spun it around. Luckily it hit a sign which stopped it. DD was behind in her car with GD. She pulled over safely and went to help. All were OK but shaken. DD took the children into her car to keep warm. Very scary, but could have been much worse. The car is a write off, but the people are all OK.

                    It was lovely having the baby here all day, then GD after school. OH is exhausted though LOL, she has done all the running round and going up and down stairs that I normally do
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Nana poor you, nothing you can do but rest and keep hydrated , sleep is good for your body keep napping it will do no harm xxx
                      Mimi we didn't have any Xmas pud either but have two in the cupboard we keeping them till B gets his taste buds back 😀
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Forgot to say, we did get a bit of snow yesterday. It started about about 6.30 am and snowed for about an hour.
                        After it stopped snowing,the windy died down. Snow soon melted.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good morning
                          Frosty start here, but its forecast to go up a few degrees this morning and be sunny. As long as there is no frost I will walk down to the village centre ( only 5 minutes) later. OH is going to help a friend with a few things and I don't fancy going as I will be bored, and I don't want to talk about my op etc just now, and they may!
                          Tonight OH and I are eating out with 2 good friends, I'm really looking forward to it.
                          I hope the weather is treating you kindly wherever you are. Keep warm and safe!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Nana are you feeling better this morning, I hope so x
                            Its a very icy day here so it looks as if I will be ' slipping ' my way to my yoga class this morning....fingers crossed I don't fall over. I have visions of me sliding my way down the hill on my bottom !!!!
                            Enjoy your weekend everyone
                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Hope Nana is feeling better today.
                              Mimi, hope you weren't slipping and sliding.
                              We popped into town today,and it didn't feel as cold as yesterday. Went to Argos for some new cordless phones, they are charging up now.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Hope your feeling better Nana...xx

                                Thursday tea time OH go a phone call from his friend saying they were going fishing and 1 of them couldn't go so did he fancy it, he hummed and hard a bit think he was worried about leaving us after what had happened, told him to get himself away, we would be fine,

                                Friday, DS called in with Baby and K, so both stayed over, we ordered a take away, DD in too, what a lovely night, Baby was fine gave me a snuggle, haven't seen him since September for OH's Birthday so thought he might be a bit hesitant to come but he wasn't, he was lovely, walking all over, which he wasn't doing, into everything he is, but who cares.... then DD2 rang to see if was doing anything if not would I have G, so she came over today, baby went home, DS out somewhere, OH still away, so got K and G, DD cooked us a lovely Fake Away chicken curry, very impressed have to get her to do it again....

                                So a lovely weekend, mind the house if like a bomb has hit it, think every toy is out and even Paw Patrol cartoons isn't bothering me......OH back tomorrow and taking us out for lunch so a fun filled weekend....

