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    Morning, what a way to start the day, managed to make a coffee, and baby S just woke up talking away to himself, well shouting....

    Not sure what we are up to today....see as the day goes along..

    Happy St George's day from me too....
    How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


      Morning ladies sunny but a chill in the air , have Josh staying tonight . Happy St Georges Day
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Good morning ladies. Nice early start for you with baby S, Pearl

        Tonight we are going to a murder mystery night at our local library. I feel I should support it, and as the the librarian mentioned it to me a couple of times I would have felt mean not going, unles we had other plans.
        The mystery we are to try and solve is based on an Ann Cleeves story ( writer of Vera)Two of our friends are joining us, and we will eat at the village pub afterwards. Hopefully it will be good. It starts at 6, a bit early as 4 of our friends who would like to have come to this are going to the Harrogate flower show, and won't be back by then.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Happy St George's Day ladies.

          It's also Shakespeare's birthday, and the 400th anniversary of his death.

          My DS2 is 41 today. My DS1 is at Heathrow waiting for his flight to Australia this morning, but the flight has been delayed and has disappeared off the announcements board.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Happy birthday to your son Daisy, and safe travels to your other son!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Many happy returns to your son Daisy it's my sons 41st in 3 wks we must have been pregnant at the same time 😜 Hope number 1 son gets away soon


                thank you for the good wishes to DS2. Yes, DS1 is currently over some country with towns that I can't pronounce and don't recognise.

                Qwerty - and do you remember what a lovely summer followed our babies' arrival? It wasn't as hot as the following year 1976 - but it was still good. Sadly we were living in landlocked Bedfordshire and I just longed to be able to take the children to the beach every day!
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Happy Birthday to your DS Daisy and pleased that other son got off ok.

                  Sunny day here but still very cold. We are both getting over horrid colds, DH is still suffering and I have been left with a nasty cough. So a day in again for us today, everything seems to drain our energy ...just want some nice warm weather 🌞
                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    poor Enfys bet you feel drained , Wonder where all these years have gone ladies what happened to our little babies , my DD is 43 in June I'm not old enough to be the mother of a 43 yr old
                    Brian been for a little drive around this morning he did ok still weak on his pins but its a great start on the road to normality ​ ...
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      I do Daisy we had 2 hot summers on the trot DS only wore his vest and nappy and although I kept him out of the sun with a pram canopy do you remember those had fringe round fastened it with metal spokes to our coach built pram anyway I digress he turned a lovely shade of brown he looked so healthy, just as well he just wore a vest he was 6 wks premier and nothing fitted . Happy days my first baby pleased as punch we had a little cottage life seemed less stressful or was it that we were just contented then yet had less money .
                      Last edited by Qwerty; 23-04-2016, 12:50 PM.


                        We have eldest g/d this afternoon and overnight her OH is on a 30th birthday single mans do in other words pub crawl , DD has had a particularly rubbish week nothing too major just lots of little things so giving her a night to herself. She has had a cat for nine years since she was a kitten unfortunately she has been diagnosed with stomach cancer not a lot they can do its in the lymph nodes too, they pay pet insurance and the vet has said she can have chemo it won't make her ill as the dose is not like humans get , it's a small dose and will make her feel better in the short term but he thinks she will last abt 6 moths.
                        She bought a new car 3wks ago and leaves it in a park and ride car park, after a bus journey that normally takes 10 min journey took over an hr due to a motorway accident she got to the car and someone has caught her door nothing major but it's brand new, g/d goes to after school club on that day ,a couple of days ago the grass was cut on the playing field and with the dry weather it had turned to hay, so they let the kids play out but she decided to roll down the hill and school uniform was covered in hay she had to strip her on the pavement before she could let her in the car, then when she got home and hung her coat up she noticed the hood was missing, when asked where it was she told her it was in her school bag someone had dragged her and pulled the hood off it fastens with prestuds and it had been ripped off torn the material and the stuffing of the quilt was coming through its a Barbour coat so not cheap, small things but she was shopping in the supermarket at 9 in the evening as she was at the vets after dropping her off at school she had a hair app, hung washing out back to school to pick her up and straight off vets to pick up cat after her scan then back to school to pick g/d up from school and onto swimming lessons then home and she was peeling spuds with her coat still on poor girl she doesn't work Fridays she hasn't time , all small things but it had built up on her, OH doesn't get home till between 6/7 pm
                        Last edited by Qwerty; 23-04-2016, 01:17 PM.


                          Gosh Qwerty, your poor DD, she does deserve night to herself after that week. So sorry about the pusscat, we lost one of ours to stomach cancer, almost a year ago.

                          I had my first baby in February 1976. We lived in Sussex that summer, it was amazingly hot! !
                          Oma, I'm pleased to hear B managed a little drive.

                          I am suffering badly with hayfever, or some allergy! I have looked it up and pollen levels in my area are low to medium, with only birch pollen being present. Whatever it is, it's driving me mad. I hope the antihistamines work soon!!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Well done Mum, DD sounds as it she needs a day off, with her luck atm perhaps she should stay in bed
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Originally posted by Qwerty View Post
                              I do Daisy we had 2 hot summers on the trot DS only wore his vest and nappy and although I kept him out of the sun with a pram canopy do you remember those had fringe round fastened it with metal spokes to our coach built pram anyway I digress he turned a lovely shade of brown he looked so healthy, just as well he just wore a vest he was 6 wks premier and nothing fitted . Happy days my first baby pleased as punch we had a little cottage life seemed less stressful or was it that we were just contented then yet had less money .
                              Qwerty - I remember the canopy. A friend lent me her Silver Cross pram for DS2 and he spent most of that summer sleeping in the garden. We were often outside until 9 or 10 at night it was so warm. We also had a net to go over the pram to keep the thunder flies out - very tiny black flies I'd never heard of until that summer in rural Bedfordshire. This was my second baby, so I was quite busy and it was almost a full-time job keeping my fair-skinned DS1 from burning. We weren't as aware of skin cancers in those days, but he was so fair I had to be careful. I think life was simpler, even though for us at that time it was a financial struggle.

                              Your poor DD - even smallish things going wrong can be stressful when there are so many of them in one week. I hope she's ok.

                              Oma - it's good to hear B's getting out a bit.

                              Enfys - it is very cold despite the sunshine. I do hope you and your OH are better soon. xx

                              Gem - I hope the antihistamines do the job. I think I read somewhere that tree pollen can affect susceptible people worse than grass or flower pollen.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                I'm back home again after a week in Scotland. Had a couple of super days in the sunshine on St Andrew's golf course beach. I sat while OH took dog miles down the beach. Just what I needed. Thank you all so much for your loving wishes. Aunt's funeral is on Friday.

                                Sorry to hear all your trials & tribulations since I've been away my friends. My DD1 was a March 1976 baby (Essex). Should have been Feb but she was late. Oma pleased to hear B is getting better. Small steps (no pun intended ).

                                We came through so many counties today. Shouted hello to grans who I thought lived there.😂
                                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                                (Doe Zantamata.)

