Ladies - thank you all for asking. I felt much better this morning, which was good seeing as it's my longest Grandma day. By the time GD2 went down for her nap I was ready for one as well! Still, not bad considering. And as LG says, it was really foul weather - gales, torrential rain and cold with it! I had to smile at DS2's dog. He didn't want to go out in the garden for essential pit stops, but kept pestering for me to take him for a walk!
I don't know about anybody else, but I'm really fed up with this weather. Winter seems endless and I've had no real enthusiasm for the garden, the allotment or even the greenhouse.
Clover - what it is about beans on toast - I love them!
I don't know about anybody else, but I'm really fed up with this weather. Winter seems endless and I've had no real enthusiasm for the garden, the allotment or even the greenhouse.
Clover - what it is about beans on toast - I love them!
