My sister was 70 today just doesnt seem possible, I said to her i think of us as young women , then we looked at each other and went into fits of laughter
Just the usual kind of day here, housework to be done.
Youngest son and his partner are popping in before they go to work. Both of them are on the afternoon shift today.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Good morning everyone. Nanto - that cheerful graphic has put a smile on my face and makes me think of summer!
LG I think you've got the work-life balance about right - working one day in 9! Or is it 10? Either way, plenty of time for cuddles and fun with Shiloh.
Zizi - You know how they talk about 'sleep hygiene'. well, I think there aought to be something similar for emails! People just fire off ccs to everyone on their email list without thinking! I would hate it if I had pages of emails a day (like my DS1 does) which he has to at least skim through in case there's anything important. What a waste of time.
Oma - 70 is the new 50!!!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
My sister was 70 today just doesnt seem possible, I said to her i think of us as young women , then we looked at each other and went into fits of laughter
Morning girls, no Oma it just doesn't seem possible that we have reached a certain age, and when another big birthday arrives, it gets more and more absurd! Guess we are lucky if we don't feel (and look !) the age we are, as they say age is just a number....
A day without wine is like a day without sunshine....
Good morning everyone.
The sun is shining and my cold is getting better We are going to the theatre tonight so it will be good not to be sniffling all night!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies been to see Eye Dr again more drops and cream for another 2 month I thought they were ok but she can still see lots of allergy spots . Got shopping to do today and pick up J after school . Gem enjoy your evening , have a good day everyone xx
Wel today I have done some housework I didn't want to but tomorrow I am visiting a charity for whom I am trying to get some funds and then coming home to the window surveyor and then the gas boiler man so I thought I had better at least sling the hoover over and do a bit of dusting. I feel quite exhausted now!
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Been a busy day here, managed to get housework done before visitors came, then I cut the grass, then went in the shower,made something to eat,popped to newsagents, going to Denby Dale soon,to take a package to eldest son who is at work.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
This morning was a complete write off! After our traumas with OH's birthday last week, plus being at DS1's for the week-end, plus GDs all day Monday and Tuesday, I wasn't capable to doing much more than take Clyde for a walk. It was a beautiful morning, with the sun shining through the trees making patterns on the ground. We had visitors this afternoon which was very pleasant, and almost finished off the remains of OH's birthday cake! I seem to have been on the computer all evening - where does the time go!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Morning, it's been an earlier start to the day for me. Hubby went in to work early as he was being interviewed on our local radio. As ever the supportive wife, I thought I'd better tune in to listen. But, I couldn't find the station on any of the house radios, so had go outside and sit in the car to hear him. He did well and I'm well awake after my cold start!
Looking at the time it says I posted this , it's an hour out. Now that would have been silly o'clock.
ps. He's on local TV tonight too.( it's about apprenticeships on the Humber)
Famous hubby, GJ I'm glad you managed to hear him!
My OH goes under the knife for her trapeziectomy operation today. I dropped her off early. There are no facilties on the day ward for visitors to stay with patients, so as we live 10 minutes drive away I came home. Time to catch up on some lovely housework
I think she is going to find having her right hand out of action for some time really hard.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown