I must be mad, because I'm going over to DS2s and DIL's to do a few odd jobs for them while they are away - the sort of things it's hard to do with a toddler 'helping'! At least I'm not missing a gorgeous day weather-wise, as it's overcast and dreary, although I think it will brighten up.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Well, I got some rest time reading in the conservatory. Then OH and I went to visit mum and did some gardening for her. She was most appreciative, so it was worth it!
I hope your DILs mum enjoyed her day Jane.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Back now from Edinburgh. We really enjoyed it. I even managed to fit in a visit to see M C Escher's exhibition at National Gallery there. Mind blowingly brilliant!
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
I'm getting ready to go off to Portugal tomorrow to escape this rain! I'll pop in and look round whilst i'm away from time to time if I get a minute.......
Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
Good morning from me, too. It has been tipping it down here in true Bank Holiday style. I do feel sorry for all the holidaymakers here who are camping. Our lawn was under water this morning, so I can't imagine how soggy the campsites must be.
Still it will be a good test of whether our new summerhouse is water-tight - or not! I'm glad we managed to get one coat of paint on yesterday. So if it's too wet to work on the summerhouse I COULD catch up with the dreaded ironing. But perhaps I'll find something more important to do. Now where did I put that dirty frisbee I wanted to clean!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Good morning all.
Rainy here. It rained all night and is set to rain most of today.
I wish I was off to Portugal Avo! Have fun
I hope the summerhouse is watertight Daisy!
We are going to look for some wallpaper. One day, when OH isn't golfing or working on the house we are going to rent out, our own living room will be decorated! We have only lived here almost 5 years, the little bits of tester pot painting have only been on the walls about 2 years We will be painting the most of the room, but I want a little pattern on the chimney breast, if I can find something I like! Large patterns seem to be in vogue, but I like small Laura Ashley style ones. We will go out for a meal tonight, as it is too miserable to do much else.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
I'm getting ready to go off to Portugal tomorrow to escape this rain! I'll pop in and look round whilst i'm away from time to time if I get a minute.......
Hope you have a good time Avo.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Raining stair rods here all morning so am spending far too long on here. The 80th party yesterday was lovely and I met a lady who is 79 and she was one of the funniest people I ever met, she was a great storyteller and had tears running down my face, just what I needed. What a character.
Beautiful day here , got the boys and put them to work hanging out washing ,finding the iron ,carrying things up stairs and all in the promise of an apple tart from the farm shop
Afternoon on this lousy BH typical rain big style,
Well that was the week that was hence not been on here for a week, had babies 2 days and had eldest g/d for 3 nights and four days, DD was away for her wedding anniversary from the moment she opened her eyes to going to sleep at night she never stopped talking and asking what we were doing next! laying in bed she would say shall we play a game I Spy at this point I hadnt even l opened my eyes, from there we had jig saws,games, colouring stood outside whilst she scootered round the cul d sac, back in to watch dvd eat drink back to baking you get the idea. She went home last night and I fell in to bed, in between I washed and ironed holiday washing having a rest day today as twins are back tomorrow hope all is well with everybody