Poor babies Qwerty , my two youngest have had the tummy bug so I didn't get to see them this weekend , Teething doesn't help when they poorly either hope they both back on form in the next couple of days xxxx
Plant, I was told that it could be up to a year before my finger was completely back to normal! I don't think it's going to get any straighter now, but at least it's not causing any problems. keep doing the exercise!!!
Off to Nottingham tomorrow on the train. Going to the cricket on Wednesday ( hope it doesn't rain!) then back on Thursday! Speak to you then xx
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Oh folks, just back from the conference. Look at the time!! Got to Piccadilly line at 10 past 4. Announcement made someone was taken ill (euphemism for someone has thrown themselves under a tube train poor tortured soul. So I took another tube to Richmond at 10 to5 and then got a bus which took FOREVER through the rush hour traffic. Honestly I am soooo tired. PLUS I wore high heels last week and got blisters under my ankle bones on both feet and today, walking all over the place, standing around, in my comfy shoes I might add, the blister plasters came off and now they are worserer than ever! PLUS I caught my arm on a nail when I was putting the recycling out and ripped a bit of flesh out and have a big bruise and lots of blood.
My goodness what is going on in my house?
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together