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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Good Saturday morning everyone.

    Nanto, thank you for the bright and cheery flowers this morning. It's a bit dull and grey here, but hopefully the sun will get going soon. Are y ou off shopping this morning?

    Gem, it's only natural to feel a bit nervous (or a lot nervous) about an operation, but I know you will keep your eyes set on the end goal - a life with a knee that doesn't hurt and lets you walk as far as you want. You'll be chasing GS3 round the room in no time at all. xxx

    I'm going to take Eva out early today as we've got Missy from next door this afternoon, and she will be tired from her morning walk. They flop down together like two tired toddlers!

    Back later.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Good morning ladies

      Lovely flowers to greet us this morning Nan2! I hope you have a good shopping trip.

      It's lovely that Eva and Missy get along well Daisy You are right, I will just take it day by day and look at the bigger picture. My friend who had her knee done in 2019 tells me I should be pretty much back to normal by Christmas.

      A free day today. I am going round to DD1's to feed the guinea pigs this morning as they are away this weekend. We want to go to Wilko (sadly closing soon ) as I hear there are bargains to be had.
      β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Lovely cheerful graphic Nanto.

        It is sunny here but it is beginning to feel Autumnal. I really should go food shopping but we shall see.

        Daisy, how lovely that those two dogs get on so well.

        Gemini, You must feel the days are dragging out and want to get it done.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Morning Ladies

          We went to our Wilko the shelves were empty ,so sad to see.
          not long now , your bound to be nervous but as you say looking at the bigger picture it’s worth it xxx

          Sometimes you just need to freshen bedding up that’s been laying around , you know it’s clean but you feel better getting it done , plus you know if you can’t get it on the line in the winter it’s done now.

          We have had wall to wall rain for two days and last night it was so windy and cold I had to get up and close bedroom windows it was rattling the bedroom door.
          Your right it’s feeling Autumnal now,

          Lovely graphic
          enjoy your trip to town will you have lunch out ?

          Done my usual Saturday blitz cleaned bedrooms and bathroom yesterday so B hoovered up there for me once I stripped the bed.
          Cleaned right through downstairs ,Kitchen cupboard doors etc
          Got a dark wash done and dried then the bedding in ,
          While that was doing we poppped to Lidl got a sour dough loaf there but they not the same as the Artisan bakery ,
          Beggers can’t be choosers though so it’s better than none .

          It was very dark in store half the lights off , apparently they have been told to cut down on lighting ,
          Not good for people with bad eyesight,
          People we’re complaining so i don’t think that’s going to work.

          One man talking to the manager and he was telling him to complain to head office that way they will know shoppers views

          Apart from some ironing later everything is done so rest of day just lazing about 😁

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Plant, that's right really. Having to do the mssa prep daily means I can't just put it out of my mind!
            β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Oma, that is a weeks cleaning as far as I am concerned.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                No sunshine here today,but not really cold.

                Got everything we wanted and more in town.
                Stocked up at the butchers,hubby got some more tulip bulbs.
                Got a few other bits and bobs.We ate out.

                Popped into Farmfoods on the way home.
                Carte D'or ice cream was on offer,2 Β£5.50. Used to be 2 for Β£5,but its our favourite ice cream.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Hallo everyone, it is still warm here, rain forecast for next week, from tomorrow they say.

                  I have made a Christmas cake! It is for friends, they were telling me a few years ago they missed Marks and Spencer being in Den Haag for the Christmas cake, I have made them one every year since! I will take them it this week then she will " treat" it with the liquor up to Christmas!

                  I have taken the bike carrier off my car, only couldn't remove the tow bar, a neighbour kindly helped me.

                  Nanto, I saw on TV, or the internet, last night they they have developed a tulip bulb that doesn't need to go in the ground, it just grows in water.

                  Oma, it must be dark in the Lidl with only half the lights working.

                  Gem, will you be in the clinic for long?


                    Nan2, Carte d'Or is our favourite ice cream too

                    You are well ahead with the Christmas cake Lizzie I was thinking about maybe buying our ingredients some time!
                    They say 2 to 3 days hospital stay.

                    Guinea pigs were well and glad to see us, or rather the food we gave them!
                    It was very sad in Wilko, lots of empty shelves. We got a few bargains. We called into Cooplands on the way home and bought a sandwich each and some scones.
                    We have spent some of this afternoon trying to remove the gel varnish from my toes. It's not easy! No nail varnish at all allowed for ops, and it's due to come off anyway.
                    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Its our favourite also , we will pop up there sometime this week thanks for telling us 😁

                      Its nice when you have helpful neighbours isn’t it.

                      I like M&S Christmas cake.
                      I used to make one every year for FIL , we would share it as there was only me and him ate it ,
                      when he died there wasn’t any point just for me so M&S it was 😁

                      Its never stopped raining it’s so dull

                      A easy Dinner for us tonight Veggie burger in a bun and chips , it was very tasty I must admit ,

                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Easy dinner for us too Oma. Poached eggs, mushrooms and baked beans ( and presumably toast) OH is making it now. We have paused Strictly
                        β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          We ended up having dinner very late - just scrambled eggs on toast and a cup of tea!

                          Gem, I'm glad you won't be in hospital long. I'm sure you will be more comfortable in your own home. It will soon be over, and then you can start looking forward to Christmas - even on here, and I promise not to grumble! xx

                          I haven't made a Christmas cake for a couple of years, but perhaps I will this year. I usually make two - one to keep and one to eat.

                          I got tons of washing done today. I decided to tidy out the wardrobe where I keep jumpers, tops, fleeces, light jackets etc, and decided to wash everything as well. Most of it dried outside - it went cloudy but was warm - and I have just one more load to do tomorrow. I also hand-washed a couple of cardigans and three 'posh' tops and they drip dried outside. Of course the reward for all this hard work is the biggest load of ironing you can imagine!

                          We like Carte d'Or Ice cream as well.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Still dark.
                            Don't know what the weather forecast is.

                            Lizzie, I haven't seen that about the tulip bulb. I know hyacinths can be grown like that.

                            A bit of ironing to do. Must get the meat sorted and in the freezer.

                            We had a lovely carvery dinner yesterday, so just doing a pizza today.

                            Have a good ladies.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Good Sunday morning everyone. It's dull here and due to rain. I'm going to put a load of washing out anyway and keep my fingers crossed.

                              Nanto, I love to see flowers arranged in a basket - pretty graphic.

                              Gem, did all the gel polish come off eventually?

                              I ought to get some bulbs for the garden, but after the planting frenzy of the last two springs, I now need to pause and move some plants that are in the wrong place.

                              No particular plans for today, but lots of jobs to get on with.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Good morning everyone.

                                Dull here but some sun forecast for this afternoon. We shall see!

                                Daisy, I like to get all sorts of things washed before the weather changes!

                                We have our flu jabs this morning, and we are out for a meal with friends tonight. The lovely Chinese restaurant in our village.
                                It is one of our friends birthday later this month and she's kindly having her celebration early so I can be included.
                                β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

