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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Gem, I do feel for you and S. After so many weeks of recovering from your surgery you now have another recovery to make. It was sensible to cancel your activities and S's golf. I hope tomorrow you both feel better and the weather is better (although that sounds unlikely!). Hopefully there won't be any fireworks tonight. xx

    Oma, I was talking to a lady in our road whose husband was battling against several inches of leaves in their front garden - and she said they had cleared it all up yesterday. Luckily the biggest tree is bare now!

    Plant, I was sorry to hear about GD's OH's granny. It's a sad time, despite her age. I'm sorry GD is still suffering with her injury. It must be painful and hard to rest with lively little H around.

    Nanto I hope you don't get any storm damage.

    My car was much better than we'd thought! I think I started to close the roof, but being in a hurry switched the engine off too soon, so it was just a narrow gap. There were puddles on both the front seats and some in the channels where the roof closes. The carpets were dry, and so were the back seat and the boot. I keep one of those granular bags in the car in the winter and that was very wet, so it had absorbed quite a bit of water. OH kindly took the car out for a run with the windows and roof open, the heating on high and the seat heaters on. Bless him, he came back very damp from sitting on the seats. He's definitely a keeper!

    I got about 6 loads of washing done, and most things dried in the new tumbler dryer. Just the ironing to do now!
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Good morning and all is calm.

      Gem, hope you both feel better soon.

      Daisy, glad your car wasn't too bad.

      Seeing as we didn't get to Wakefield on Saturday, we are going into town this morning. Hubby will go off with his pal for a couple of hours, I'll go round the shops on my own.
      We will meet up for coffee afterwards.

      On our way home, we are calling in Iceland for a few bits.
      We always go on a Tuesday, because it's over 60's day.

      Not sure what dinner will be, might do a pizza, something quick.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Morning Nanto/Ladies

        Nanto it’s calmer here too, enjoy your browse around the shops ,
        We often go to Iceland on a Tuesday for the discount 😁

        So pleased the car isn’t too bad it could have been a lot worse 😱😁

        How are you and Sue today ? Are you any better xxxx

        Will you see GD & H today? Is the funeral arranged now x

        Hope your feeling a little better today , stay in and pamper yourself xx

        Did DIL go to the Drswith her shoulder , what did he say ?
        Any news on the modernisation yet .

        We are going for a drive to Mainsgill farm at Scotch corner , I love to go see their Christmas decorations, I have my eye on a Gingerbread house , we will have lunch there ,

        Tomorrow we are going to look at a new car ,B is finding it very painful and difficult getting in this one ,
        Its a shame as it’s a lovely Car but no good if he’s having trouble ,
        He has constant pain due to nerve damage in his left leg now he can’t bend his knee as well as he could so we need a lower car .
        To be honest I have to hoist myself in it's so high .
        Thats due to me being a dwarf though 🤣🤣🤣
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good Tuesday morning, everyone. I hope Storm Debi hasn't hit you.

          Nanto, enjoy your day out and your shopping. Teddy looks as though he's playing a happy tune on that guitar.

          No plans for me today - just stuff round the house.

          I hope all the poorly people are feeling better.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Oma, our posts crossed.

            What a pity about B's new car. He was so pleased with it, but if it's too painful to get in and out he's better off changing it. Will he have another electric one? I'm not sure if the current one is 2 or 4-door, but the doors on a 2-door are wider, aren't they? That might help, and well as having something lower. Oooh, I can see him choosing a low sporty model that will turn heads. xx. Seriously, it must be awful to be in so much pain, and anything that makes life easier has got to be a good thing.

            Enjoy your visit to the Farm. It sounds lovely.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning everyone.

              We are still feeling pretty rotten.
              A friend is going to drop some painkillers off as we have run out .

              Talk to you later xx
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem, you and S really are having a bad time. Sending hugs. xx
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  He’s looking at a Hyundai Ionia 6 electric car ,

                  I think you both need a day in bed lovely 🥰
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Hallo everyone, I was certain I posted this morning, but, I must have dreamt it!

                    It has been dry most of the day, rain from 3pm, very windy with it.

                    Oma, what a shame about the car, but, if it is painful for B to get in and out he will be better getting another one.

                    Gem, are you both feeling any better yet?

                    GD2 was showing me photo's she had made of the northern lights from her football training. I doubled checked on Google, and, a lot taken around the same time so they are the lights.

                    I helped the girls clean their bedrooms on Saturday, the idea was not to tell their parents I had helped, they did tell 04606c31-bf31-4a8f-a7bb-03e148c14da8.jpg 8e0374cb-ab15-4d54-a5f8-7bc0bc9cf43e.jpg though! DS1 phoned last night to thank me
                    Last edited by Lizzie48; 14-11-2023, 04:17 PM.


                      Wishing those feeling under the weather a speedy recovery.

                      Oma, hope you get a new car soon.

                      I enjoyed my morning in town.
                      Bought a few potato products in M&S. They are in the freezer.
                      Had a good look round the shops. Bought a few Christmassy bits.
                      Met up with hubby and his pal for a coffee, then we went into Iceland on the way home.

                      Didn't do a pizza for dinner. We had M&S carrot and swede mash, Birds Eye southern fried chicken in breadcrumbs and Asda mixed veg. oh and chicken gravy.

                      Lovely photos Lizzie. The Northern lights have been seen in North Yorkshire.
                      We are in South Yorkshire.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Gem, I am so sorry you and S are still feeling rotten, keep warm and rest as much as you can.

                        Daisy, your poor car, at least it wasn’t as bad as you thought. The visit to DS and Dil sounded good, the men were pleased with their purchases and you had a nice day.

                        Enjoy your day out, we don’t have an Iceland near us although there is one in the town.

                        Oma, I am not very good at choices. I hope you find the car that will suit you and B. I suppose an electric car is suitable for you as you don’t have to wrestle with petrol pumps.

                        Sil fetched GD and H yesterday, GD had dropped her phone down the toilet so that was that. Her father sorted her out with an old one of theirs. Her ankle is getting better and she isn’t using her crutches so much around the house. No date yet for GM’s funeral, they have cleared her room in the home. GD is finishing work today and they will be moving in just over two weeks. I really am going to miss them just being down the hill.

                        Glamm, so pleased to see you posting. Take your time
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Hello again

                          Nan2 that sounds like a nice shopping trip.

                          Poor B Oma I hope he soon finds a car suitable for him.

                          I have never managed to see the Northern Lights Lizzie. Good photos!

                          We had a game of Scrabble this afternoon. This was a good sign as it was the first time we have felt up so anything like that. Mind you now we are exhausted! A friend who we haven't seen since before we became ill sounds as though she has the same thing. She has had 3 negative covid tests too. Something nasty going round.
                          Hoping to feel better tomorrow. I have of course cancelled tomorrow's aqua and also the sports massage I had booked for the afternoon.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Wow I would love to see the northern lights so beautiful.
                            Trust the girls to snitch on themselves to honest 🤣

                            Nanto we had Birds Eye Sothern fried chicken with Jacket potatoes for tea ,
                            Great minds think alike 😁

                            I bet GD was upset about her phone good job SIL had a spare old one ,
                            It will be strange when GD moves xx

                            Good you had a game of Scrabble but it’s draining isn’t it .
                            Have a quiet night lv xxx

                            Didnt get my Gingerbread house ,
                            I saw it last year and I sent a picture to DD to see if she liked it but I didn’t buy it .
                            It was £49.99 at the time .

                            Anyway today they were £85 , a huge increase,
                            I text DD to see if she still had the photo to see it was the same one ,
                            She did and it was the same one with the price ticket on .

                            Out of principal I wouldn’t buy it , I know things have gone up but this is probably last years stock ,
                            No way was I paying almost double .

                            so disappointed , I came home searched online and a similar one in JD Williams was £39 plus I got a discount code so only costing £34 with free postage .

                            We did have a nice lunch there and I got a nice miniture jars of jams gift set and a box of shortbread for MIL for Christmas ,
                            I volunteered To have her for secret Santa this year ,so that’s her sorted.

                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, that was some price increase. I wouldn't have bought it either on principle.

                              Gem if you had a game of scrabble it must be a good sign.

                              Plant, about 3 years ago i dropped my phone in the loo when we were at ds1's.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Gem, having a game of Scrabble is a good sign. I hope you are both feeling a bit better tomorrow, but what a pity you have had to cancel several activities. It seems to be a very nasty bug doing the rounds.

                                Oma, the car B is looking at looks very swish and sporty. What a pity about the gingerbread house, but that is a huge increase in price. I wouldn't buy it either! Your JD Williams one sounds a bargain in comparison. Well done on volunteering to do Secret Santa for your MIL. I hope she enjoys the presents. Lizzie, your GDs are so honest confessing you helped with tidying their bedrooms. I love your GD2's photos of the Northern Lights. She's done very well - not easy to photograph. I saw a very brief show of them in the Orcas Island (off the NW coast of Washington State) some years ago, but nothing as spectacular as that.

                                Plant, Oh dear, poor GD1 isn't having much luck at the moment. I do hope their move goes smoothly, but I know you'll miss having them so close. At least her ankle is getting better, but what a shame about her phone.

                                By co-incidence, a neighbour was telling us today about a friend whose wife dropped her phone down a portaloo! Her husband retrieved it from the chamber below - I think it was still working. But losing your phone is a major problem when you've got so many important things stored on it.

                                I've had a busy day today, but I can't for the life of me think what I've actually achieved! I'm still catching up with washing and working out the best programmes on the new tumble dryer, I did some housework - not much! - read for a while, had a little nana nap after lunch, and took Eva for a decent walk while it was sunny. That took us ages as we kept seeing dogs and people we knew. I cooked my weekly Jamie Oliver recipe tonight - it was very easy.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

