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    Oma, not too long till Tuesday, now, thank goodness. I'm sure you just want to get the angiogram over and done with. Well done, B, doing the weeds. I'd be itching to 'supervise' as well, Oma, but at least it's getting done. It must a be good day for MIL, going to the hairdressers.

    Lizzie, fires are so scary. I hope nobody was hurt in that blaze. I hope you enjoy the reception, and it's good that volunteers like you get invited as well.

    Nanto, Did you get the thunderstorm?

    Gem, I hope you and S are enjoying your day with GS3. Did you try him in the bouncer?

    We were going to the garden centre this morning then OH remember someone should have been calling round, so we waited, and waited. He never turned up so we had lunch and then went. It was pouring with rain so we dressed accordingly. We got to the garden centre - only about 5 or 6 miles away - and it hadn't rained, the sky was pure blue and it was baking hot because we'd dressed for really bad weather. Everyone else was in t-shirts etc, so we felt really stupid. Of course, we spent more than we'd intended. It's impossible to ignore all those gorgeous plants just pleading for a home in our garden!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Pub meal was lovely,never had a bad one yet.

      We didn't get any thunderstorms,just alternate sun and showers.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Well the rain stayed off until early evening and then we had another thunderstorm followed by a beautiful rainbow but we managed to get lots done in the garden .Paying for it now though, arthritis is hurting in several places and my left hand is swollen. I have to say that I'm not impressed with the getting old marlakely

        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Oh Mimi I so sympathise with the arthritis, it's a pain in all ways.

          I'm glad you had a good meal Nan2.

          We had a lovely day with the baby as usual. He is such a good boy and so happy. He can move about the room now, so we have to be on our toes more!
          Our friends C and P turned up in the afternoon, which was nice. They got to see the baby before he went down for his afternoon nap. We didn't get to put him in the bouncer in the end. Maybe next week!
          This morning my neighbour brought round OH's birthday present for me, which is a stone birdbath. I think it's supposed to be a fine day tomorrow so I think she will get it into place in the garden.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good morning all, Mimi, I know how you feel with the getting old marlakely! I am going to a fall prevention course this afternoon, apparently the man that does it is really good, the idea is to help you fall and land safer if you do happen to fall. With the arthritis in my feet I have trouble getting up off the floor at the best of times, the young men have assured me there is a huge, high fall cushion and if I can't get up there are plenty of strong young men around me pick me up!!!! I am just thinking, that could be a treat.

            Daisy, I have done that before, left home with it raining and 10 minutes up the road it is dry. In fact yesterday we had a heavy shower as I biked to the reception, raincoat on, 10 minutes later the sun was out and I was sweating on my way home.

            Gem, S will be pleased with the bird bath, I hope it is dry today so she can get it in place.

            Oma, will you have to wait long for the results of your angiogram? I can just imagine how you felt when B was doing the drive. I would be the same.

            Daisy, luckily no one was hurt in the fire.

            I enjoyed the reception and got to meet the rest of the administration volunteers, I am going to go on a Wednesday evening as well so they now have a permanent hostess!!!

            I am taking my car for the MOT at 8am, I thought of taking it last night but was tired so will go this morning.

            I go for treatment later and to get measured for new tights and sleeves. The lady will be stressed as the girls that works there is on pregnancy leave so she will be on her own.


              Morning Lizzie / Ladies
              A few hunky men to pick you up is a bonus 😁.
              I think I get the results immediately but nit sure how it works .

              I say the same this getting old malarkey is not what it's cracked up to be is it .

              Pleased you had a good lunch what did you have ? I like a pub lunch 😋

              Sounds like he's on the go now like Fin , a case of eyes in your backside now as they can get into everything .
              Sending Birthday wishes to S today hope she likes her bird bath xx

              Need to go to Wilko this morning but not going far didn't have a good night so I'm already tired and walking too much at the minute kills my breathing
              Have a good day Ladies xxx

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma, hope the angiogram goes well.
                Yesterday.3 of us chose gammon,hubby had scampi.

                Lizzie,hope the car passess.

                Beef stew for dinner.If it doesn't warm up(the weather) i'll do dumplings with it.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning to everyone.

                  Oma, I hope you can get some rest today.

                  Let us know how the fall prevention course goes Lizzie!

                  I love dumplings Nan2. We don't have them very often.

                  OH's birthday today. I have tried to persuade her to go out for breakfast or lunch, but she doesn't want to! I am going to make bacon sandwiches for breakfast - her choice!
                  We are celebrating her birthday tomorrow night with a meal out with friends.
                  I have got her a birthday cake which the GC can share with us later.
                  GD and GS2 from school for me this afternoon.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good Friday morning, everyone.

                    Gem, very happy birthday to S. Bacon sandwiches sound every bit as good as a birthday cake - even without the candles.

                    I'm just off out with a friend to walk the dogs and I'll be back in a while.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Gemini, say Happy Birthday to S from me. What a lovely present, love garden ornaments. I am sure the GC will enjoy a slice of cake later.

                      Madhouse here today, GD2 and her partner are here from London for the weekend a day earlier because of train strikes tomorrow. GD is working in my spare bedroom, decorator is in DD’s hall and DD and Sil have H and she is staying the night. My gardener has just arrived to finish off. H’s mother is at the Windsor Horse Trials until late, her daddy is working late, hence why H is with us, she is so excited to be here with everyone.

                      Oma, not long now to get some results, I do hope there is something the medics can do quickly to relieve your breathlessness.

                      Lizzie, you are a busy lady in spite of health problems.

                      Nanto, mmmm dumplings
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Plant, it's much the same at our house - totally mad. At the moment OH and two friends are doing car stuff in the garage - I'll have to go and make them a sandwich in a minute. I'd just got back from walking Eva and was giving her a shower in the garden when the garage rang to book my car in for MOT. I had to go right outside to check the registration number (can't remember it) leaving an impatient Eva dripping mud in the garden. A phone call for OH - took message etc, back to muddy dog. Got her cleaned and she dried herself very well cuddling up to my legs. Jeans soaking wet. Got changed and finally sat down to a glass of water and a catch up here.

                        Oma, do take care. It's only a few days now, so don't be tempted to try and push yourself too hard. xxx

                        Gem, did OH know about the bird bath, or was it a lovely surprise? I hope the sun's shining for her and she's having a good day.

                        Once these babies get mobile you need eyes in the back of your head don't you. It's amazing how quickly they can get about, too!

                        We had a lovely walk in the Forest. We went into one of the Inclosures and walked right round. There were quite a few other dog walkers, but Eva was very good, and came back when we called her. She's now stretched out on the spare bed, dozing and basking in the sun!
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Just had a lovely surprise visit from Martin Clare and baby Fin ,
                          He is just adorable but into everything , he can crawl at some speed now 🤣
                          Just smiles and giggles constantly , the best afternoon for ages 😁
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            We didn't have the dumplings,there wern't any left in the freezer, we had yourkshire puddings instead.

                            Oma, how nice to have a lovely surprise visit with Fin and his family.

                            Gem, hope S has had a lovely birthday so far.

                            The weather is like winter today.
                            Thank goodness for central heating, sod the cost.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Thanks for OH's birthday wishes everyone!

                              How lovely Oma. Our baby E brings so much joy just by being here and I'm sure little Fin is just the same

                              Daisy, it must be so nice for you and Eva having the forest so close.

                              Plant and Daisy, the mad house thing must be catching!
                              A lady came to look at and buy a camp bed OH was selling. DD1 knocked at the door seconds later, then the postman.
                              Dull and miserable day here, so no birthday breakfast or lunch in the garden for OH .
                              She has positioned her birdbath, which she was very pleased with. She didn't know Daisy, it was a surprise.
                              I will post a photo later.
                              All well with both GC and they are looking forward to birthday cake!
                              The window cleaner was here when we got home then it started to drizzle again!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Oma, what a lovely surprise. Fin sounds utterly adorable, just like Gem's baby E. It's a lovely age, isn't it. They are so spontaneous and find joy in things we grown ups take totally for granted.

                                Gem, it's amazing how often things like that happen - everything at once. The phone rings, the doorbell rings, Alexa is shouting that my time is up, the window cleaner arrives and by the time everything's sorted out you can't remember what you were doing when it all kicked off!

                                I'm so pleased S was delighted with her bird bath. I had one from DS2 and DIL last year, and I was really thrilled with it. I'd love to see a photo.

                                Nanto, I have never had frozen dumplings. Do you defrost them before cooking them, or are they already cooked? We've had a few days like that recently - just like winter, and I put the heating on. It's horrible being cold, isn't it. It's like April here - sunshine and showers.

                                I managed to get a bit of gardening done this afternoon, despite on and off showers. They weren't too heavy so I just worked through them.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

