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    I am intending to go to the tip today to get rid of my paper and card before the Christmas wrapping arrive. I am also going to stop at a shop to buy DD’s voucher from the shop she likes.

    I hope B is feeling better today Oma.

    Mimi, naughty Alexa, mine is in the sitting room and she replies to things said on the television sometimes. I wonder what set her off banging

    Gemini, I hope you don’t have long to wait for the blood test. Relax and enjoy your free day.

    All this fridge and freezer cleaning is making me feel guilty, stop it!

    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Morning ladies

      I can imagine the naughty words 😁 but at least you found out the cause .

      best get rid of the paper and card now as I’m sure you will have loads come Christmas

      What will you do with your free day , do something nice 😁

      All these freezer and fridge cleaning makes me realise our two need doing at some point .

      Went to Asda and Wilco plus Card factory this morning at our shopping mall ,
      B has had a rotten night but he insisted in coming ,
      We intended being in and out but never goes to plan ,

      Went to Wilko first , standing in queue and tills went down for 10 minutes
      From there to Card shop , not many in until I went to till and queue almost out of the door , poor B was wilting by now,
      From there to Asda , half way around and the fire alarms went off ,
      All ushered out of the shop to instantly be told it was a false alarm πŸ™„

      By this time I made B go back to car till I finished the shopping
      He’s snoozing on the sofa now bless him , he really should have stayed home .

      Storm is on the mend ,he had chicken and rice yesterday and kept it down and in again plus a 20 minute walk the first since Saturday .
      DD had to take a sample of poo to the vet and go back next week to see if he needs a plasma infusion but it’s looking better for him .
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma, good to hear Storm is on the mend at last.
        Tell B to rest, take plenty of fluids and get well!

        I plan to write some more cards today, and I hope we will get the Christmas stuff down from the loft (Rather than just talk about it! )
        β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Got news letter Gem thank you , I’m surprised you had time to do one your so busy so well done 😁❀️❀️❀️
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Thanks Oma. School run literally takes all my Friday afternoon, so I had extra time this week
            I got all the Christmas cards written as well. Just the addressing of those which need posting to do. I hope to get them in the post early next week.
            β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Thanks Gem for the newsletter.

              Oma, pleased to hear Storm has eaten and kept it down.
              Hope B feels better soon.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good day today, I got rid of all the paper and card at the tip, popped into Dobbies for a coffee, bought stamps and posted cards, bought DD’s present and then went to Waitrose for some bits. I also stopped on the way home to buy a loaf from the shop on the green. the bonus was I also saw H and her mum. H was very clingy to DD, GD was a bit upset but H hasn’t seen her much this week.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Plant, I remember our little ones go through spells of being clingy to someone, and it's usually the person they've seen a lot of in the last few days, but I'm sure your GD was upset. You had a very productive day. Plant, all fridge and freezer cleaning is now done! I've just got to repackage the fish that was delivered this week, and cram in the dog food due to arrive tomorrow.

                  Oma, some days, you're better off staying in bed. What a frustrating shopping trip. Poor B. He really does need to take it easy and get better. You'll have to be strict with him. Storm is definitely on the mend and now he's eating he'll soon get his energy back, but it's been a nasty bug, hasn't it.

                  Gem, you've had a productive day, too! Did you get the Christmas stuff down from the loft?

                  I had a frustrating morning. I went into my emails to check that I had the correct address to send a Christmas card to a niece in America, and saw a message saying my credit card had expired. I know it had, and I'd informed this particular company of the new details, but for some reason they couldn't read them! Two hours later and a long on line chat it was sorted, but by then it was lunch-time. It was bitterly cold, but Eva and I wrapped up warmly and braved the great outdoors this afternoon. We got back about 4.30, and she's slept all evening, apart from the 5 seconds it took her to hoover up her dinner. At least I got all the foreign cards written and OH posted them.

                  Ready for bed now. Night, night everyone.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Yesterday DIL took me to our local garden centre for a coffee and a chance to pick up a few bits for Christmas. My word it was packed in there but we did manage to get a lovely comfy sofa to sit on while we had our coffee and a huge slice of coffee and walnut cake Sadly both of us were unable to eat it all
                    DIL brought a few things and I brought a diffuser that's supposed to smell like a Christmas tree. Well I will see if it actually lives up to the promise when I assemble it.

                    Thanks Gem for the email.

                    Ive written most of the Christmas cards out and I plan to post the ones that will go via Royal mail this morning which is a lot earlier than usual because of the postal strikes.
                    On Tuesday, we have to go to town as we both have a dental appointment and when we come out from there we just have to cross the road to the town hall which has become a drop of point for the Scout Christmas card delivery service.
                    Every Christmas they deliver Christmas cards within the city for half the price of Royal mail.
                    Cards that can be delivered by me by hand are still awaiting to be written out!

                    Daisy you did have a frustrating morning and you are right it is cold out there and we have been told it's going to get colder OH the joys of winter !!
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Mimi,how nice to have a bit of time with DIL.

                      DS2 and his partner will be on their way to Rome now,if their flight has taken off on time.
                      They have gone for 3 nights.
                      Originally they were going to Lincoln for 3 nights,for the christmas market.
                      But, it only cost Β£150 more to go to Rome, and his partner has always wanted to go there.

                      Our day out today with sis in law and her hubby.
                      Farm shop first,then garden centre and lastly the supermarket.
                      Looking forward to it.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Morning Mimi /Ladies

                        It's freezing here a slight frost too.
                        I wish we had a scouts group that did that with the cards .
                        Having said that I've only posted to a select few , I will hand post what I can . The cost of stamps are rising fast so i decided i will give it to the local shelter who ptovide Christnas dinners for the homeless i donated that yesterday.
                        I love Coffee and Walnut cake you should have wrapped what you couldn't eat and took it home 😁

                        How lovely trip to Rome before Christmas . May as well pay the extra when it's only another 150.
                        Enjoy your trip out apart from supermarket shopping that's not as much fun 😁

                        Hope everyone is OK today xx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning, very cold, I don't go the gym on a weekend so I am still in the dressing gown!

                          Mimi, it is so difficult coping with problems. You seemed to have enjoyed the garden centre and the chat to DIL. I give the garden centres a miss at this time of the year! We had a similar delivery for Christmas cards before the lock down but I haven't seen it at all this year.

                          I may hoover through today, I want to go to the village so will get my warm coat out of the wardrobe! I have to go to the hospital on Wednesday, I hope to get into town whilst there so will need a warm coat on.

                          Daisy, I had problems with my credit card!! I ordered something online, I should have realised when I couldn't pay with my bank card that it was dodgy, it was, they just started taking amounts from my account! I got in touch with Visa (panicking) then my card was blocked, I mailed the firm and lo and behold, I got the money returned!!! The girls at Visa were very good, calmed me down and informed me I certainly wasn't the first and won't be the last! I now have a new card but as I hardly ever have to use it I hope it is now safe! I don't know how those people cope when they find out their bank accounts have been emptied!!! I would faint! It was bad enough as it was. I won't tell DS's what happened


                            We must be posting at the same time!

                            Nanto, it will be nice for your DS2 in Rome, cold there as well I expect.

                            Oma, stamps are so expensive, it is ridiculous, I went for stamps a few weeks ago and couldn't believe the price for the UK, a good thing there in the internet!!!


                              Good morning dear ladies.

                              Mimi, coffee and walnut is my favourite cake. How frustrating not to be able to finish it! I hand deliver every card possible. It still leaves me with about 20 to post and a similar number for OH I think. We have lived together for 12 years but still each send cards to our original lists (but from us both)

                              Nan2, Rome is lovely. I went there with my ex one January several years ago. We ate outside with the restaurant patio heaters for just about every meal! Not hot but certainly not what we think of as cold. I hope your son and OH have a lovely time.

                              Is B any better this morning Oma?

                              Yes, get your warm coat on Lizzie! I have a 'duvet' coat which is so warm and I have been wearing that this last week.

                              This evening we are going round to our friends C and P. They do an online quiz on Saturdays. You Tube via their TV. It's only an hour do we do that together and have chat and catch up too.
                              I am not mentioning getting anything out of the loft. If it happens I will report back!

                              Happy Saturday everyone.
                              β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good Saturday morning everyone. It's another chilly one!

                                Nanto, a trip to Rome sounds wonderful. I'm sure your DS2 and his partner will have a lovely time. Enjoy your day out, and keep warm.

                                Oma, how is B today? What a nice idea to donate the stamp money to a local shelter.

                                Lizzie, that must have been a very scary experience with your credit card. Thank goodness Visa sorted it out for you so quickly. My problem was more that the company's website didn't do what it said on the tin. "Edit credit card details" looked right on the screen and I'd saved it, and I'd done it well before they sent the email saying my credit card had expired!

                                Mimi, coffee and walnut cake sounds delicious, but a pity you and DIL couldn't finish it. I like the idea of a diffuser that smells like a Christmas tree. We don't have a 'real' one, and I miss the scent of pine needles, even if I don't miss the hoovering up of them. Your local Scouts must do a roaring trade in card deliveries with Royal Mail stamps so expensive.

                                Gem, I keep looking at duvet coats. They look so cosy, but do you find them very bulky? Have a lovely evening with C and P. How is she now? Lofts are a forbidden topic today!

                                I'm just waiting for our dog food delivery - I had run the freezer right down so I've ordered extra. I just hope it all fits in the freezer! There are some lovely people about. When I did the order frozen sprats were out of stock. They are Eva's main treat, so I asked them to add them to my order if they arrived in time. They emailed me yesterday to say the sprats had arrived and they'd add them to my order. I asked how to pay, as I'd already paid for the main order, and they said have them as a Christmas present to Eva! So I said I'd pay it forward and add the price to a donation to the rescue centre where we adopted Eva. Wasn't that kind of them!

                                I must get bedding washed today and a pile of towels.

                                On the subject of stamps - we posted 6 cards overseas yesterday - Β£14! Three were only going to Europe.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

