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    Good Sunday morning everyone. It's wet and dreary here.

    Nanto, it was quite a long day yesterday, and we've both overslept this morning. A friend's coming round for coffee so I'd better get dressed soon! We'll need that pretty umbrella in your graphic today. I'm going to leave washing our bedding today - no chance of getting it dried outside.

    No other plans for today except taking Eva out, but plenty of jobs to be done! OH was hoping to replay the outside light today, but not if it's raining!

    Glamm, poor you. Everything happens at once, and when your back is hurting you don't feel like doing much. I'd chase the MRI appointment as well. Oma's idea of asking for a cancellation is a good one. Ollie is a smart cat, he knows where he's well off and pampered. I sympathise with you over your broad band. We're stil waiting for our fibre to the property to be installed - it keeps getting put further and further back.

    All this talk of jam roly poly, spotted dick and custard is making me feel hungry. Yummy.

    Lizzie, you are good at finding gems in the charity shops. I bet your friend was delighted with the cape. I noticed an item on the online news this morning asking if the roads are too dangerous for cyclists. I don't know if it raises the issue of how worried careful motorists are about the reckless cyclists.

    Plant, I hope you find the right colour for your kitchen. Did you enjoy your lunch with the family yesterday?

    Gem, you must be very pleased to have got your Christmas cake made. I wish I could smell it from here. x
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Gem, our posts crossed. I find it more difficult to feed 'fussy' eaters than those with diet restrictions or preferences like vegetarian etc.

      Your (or your OH's) Chinese sounds perfect.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Had a lovely meal with GS3 and Dil, my son was poorly. Bless him GS quietly paid for the meal, now he has left home and earns good money he wanted to do this. It was a belated birthday present. He is really enjoying living and working in London, sharing a house with friends, I am so pleased for him. Today DD, Sil and I are going to GS2’s and his now wife to their house in North London for a meal, all go atm. We have sunshine this morning, I hope it lasts.

        Glamm, so sorry to hear you are still suffering with back pain, I hope you get to see someone soon. Dear Oliver, he knows where to keep warm, how old is he Glamm? I hope you get your cooker mended soon, what a responsibility cooking all the meats for Christmas.

        Gemini, Lovely Christmas smell in your house. We are not very traditional in our house, no Christmas cake since I stopped making it, mainly for OH. I shall start making mince pies about 2 weeks before Christmas, no room on the day. My OH used to love Boxing Day, we were usually on our own and he would enjoy the nuts and dates with a glass of beer. Cold turkey, bubble and squeak for lunch by the fire. Sil will order a small barrel from our local brewery.

        Nanto, didn’t you know there is a law that no ironing should take place on a Sunday, put your feet up.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Morning ladies
          I am late today ,
          Ididnt sleep last night at all then when it was time to get up I wanted too stay in bed ,
          I looked at the clock for the hundredth time at 5:40 and then must have dropped off , I woke at 7:45 again late for me
          so everything is behind .

          Enjoy your visitors, just as well S makes a mean sweet & sour 😁
          can’t go wrong with a crumble can you.

          Its not raining here yet but so dull and that grey damp looking type of day .

          Your weather has gone quite quickly from lovely to very cold hasn’t it ,
          If your out on your bike take care incase the roads are slippy xx

          You did havea long day yesterday didn’t you , did you sleep well ?
          enjoy just relaxing with your friend having coffee 😁

          Did you enjoy lunch with the family yesterday xx

          Im off with DD, SILs mother and GSs girlfriend for afternoon tea this afternoon in a posh hotel called Malmaison in Newcastle.
          Its my treat just the 4 of us without the men 😁
          There are two different afternoon tea options , as it’s a pre Christmas treat I’ve chosen the better of the two 😁

          I try each year to do something like afternoon tea or lunch and the cinema ,
          Usually only the 3 of us but now GS has a steady girlfriend she’s coming ,she’s a lovely girl .

          our posts crossed ,
          Poor DS is he ok ?
          What a lovely young man your GSis and so generous xx

          Last edited by Oma; 20-11-2022, 10:08 AM.
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Plant, I'm glad you had such a nice meal yesterday. I hope your son is better soon.

            Oma, that sounds a lovely afternoon. Enjoy it

            We had a lovely afternoon with our friends, and lunch went down very well. MM, the fussy eater even asked OH for the recipe!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Plant, your GS3 is so lovely, and how kind of him to treat you and DD to your lunch yesterday. I'm so glad he's enjoying living and working in London. I hope your DS is soon better - what a pity he missed lunch - and I hope he'll be well enough to go to GS2's today. Will this be the first time you have visited GD2 and his wife in their home in London?

              Oma, I'm sorry you had another bad night. Thank you for asking I did sleep well after our long day. I do hope you are enjoying your afternoon tea in the posh hotel. Isn't it fantastic to have your 3 generations together like that. I'm sure you've all had a delicious time. What did you have?

              Gem, I'm glad you had a lovely afternoon with your friends, and what an accolade to S and her recipe when the fussy eater asked for the recipe.

              I'm just off to cook dinner. I don't seem to have achieved anything today - I just didn't feel like doing anything. Tomorrow morning I'm going with a couple of neighbours to visit an ex-neighbour who has recently moved to be closer to the sea. It will be great to see her.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Plant,glad you had a nice meal. Hope DS is feeling better soon.
                No Plant, i didn't know there was a law for no ironing on a Sunday.

                Gem, pleased you had a good afternoon and meal.

                I'm watching a programme about old Christmas tv aderts.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Daisy, I am sorry to say I think I have been misleading you. GS3 he is the one you met, paid for the lunch. It was his father my DS who was ill and could not join us for lunch.

                  My visit today was to recently married DS2, heis the Phsio who has just bought a place in North London. His dad, my Sil, drove us up to North London.

                  When we got there, I was surprised that GD2 and her partner who live in south London were also there. A nice surprise.

                  So now I have three GC living in London, GS2 and his wife in the North, GD2, his sister and her OH (a lovely Yorkshire young man) in South London and GS3 (my son’s son) just moved to Central London.

                  GS1, who has two children, live at the back of WG’s house and GS4, my son and Dil’s other son lives at home a short drive away.He has a cycle repair business.

                  Have you lost the will to live, or shall I draw a chart?
                  Last edited by Plantaholic; 20-11-2022, 07:50 PM.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Plant, perhaps we need a chart!

                    I'm tempted to put your family tree up as a sticky for easy reference. You all seem such a close family, and they must bring you a lot of pleasure. xx

                    Nanto, I'd be tempted to extend the No Ironing Rule to cover all week-end, warm sunny days, anybody's birthday, when the wind's in a certain direction (which ever direction you choose on a given day), and any day with a "Y" in the name!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Think I've got all that Plant! I think I passed your GS1 and GGS this morning . If GGS was wearing a Superhero costume then it was them! It sounds as if you've had a lovely family orientated weekend.

                      I've managed to get involved in making a topper for one of the post boxes in the village! Problem is, it's one of those little ones on a post rather than a round one. So the lady who's organising it and I met this morning to talk about ideas etc. I think we've decided on a Snowman, but the problem will be when we come to fix it on. I think there will be lots of string tying it on! The other box is a proper round one, but another couple of ladies who live near that one are doing it.

                      I cleaned the lounge windows and got the curtains back up this afternoon. The furniture will have to wait!

                      DD and I went to a lovely Christmas market at the local farm shop on Friday evening, glass of fizz on arrival and plenty of stalls to visit. DD knew a couple of the stallholders and they were saying the sales were down quite dramatically from last year. There did seem to be plenty of browsing but not a lot of buying when we were there. I did manage to get a couple of nice bits and pieces though.

                      Hope you enjoyed your afternoon tea Oma......I bet you didn't want much to eat tonight!

                      Painter back tomorrow nad solar panels being fitted. I've made sure I've got plenty tea,coffee and biscuits in!
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        WeeGranny, you must be keeping your local supermarket busy with making sure all your workmen are kept supplied with tea, coffee and biscuits. Will someone help you put the furniture back in place?

                        How lovely, decorating a post box. If it's on a 'box on a post' could you fix it to the post in some way? A snowman would be very jolly. I think a lot of small businesses will suffer with fewer sales this year. It's very worrying for them.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Frosty this morning.

                          Plant,thanks for the explanation of where family all live.

                          WG,good luck with decorating the post box. It will look nice and cheery.

                          Cottage pie on the menu. Just taken it out of the freezer.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning everyone.
                            Foggy here

                            I'm off to a 9am aqua aerobics class, followed by meeting DD2 for brunch

                            I will say a proper Hello when I get back
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good Monday morning everyone.

                              It's pouring with rain here, and still dark.

                              Gem, that's an early start for your aqua aerobics class, but you will have a good appetite for brunch afterwards.

                              Nanto, your little friend looks well-dressed for your weather. We had cottage pie last night and there's enough for another meal, but I've got a pork shoulder joint which needs cooking today.

                              I can't remember the last time I roasted pork so any tips on nice crisp crackling would be much appreciated.

                              I'm going to see a friend who has recently moved from our cul de sac. I'm giving another neighbour a lift so need to get a move on and tidy my tip of a car out a bit.

                              I'll be back later.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Dark here too Daisy, not sure what the forecast is. Have a nice chat with your friends.

                                Nanto your little friend is well dressed for the weather.

                                WG, I must have a look at your post boxes when they are done. You could decorate your box with white Pom poms joined together for a snowman, just an idea.

                                I went through all the GC yesterday but forgot the nearest one, my GD1 who is the mother of H, she lives 5 mins away.

                                Kevin is just about to start washing the walls, I am now cut off from the kitchen. It took me ages to clear it for him.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

