Just popping in to say I am okay, busy day and I am out at the games afternoon now. I will pop in later.
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Lizzie they not bad scalds just sore I put Germolene on
not blisters this time , I’ve had many of them on my fingers and hand .
Trouble is once my hands start to shake I can’t stop them and have to put cup down somewhere or spill it all over the carpet 🙄
They are ok and the soreness will be gone in no time 😁
Nothing like the nice clean smell after a good clean is there .
Im not keen on the smell of lamb cooking same as pork but I like the taste .
Its came in very dark and the wind has picked up ,Rain just started so the dog has came in and he is sleeping by my feet at the moment .Im not fat just 6ft too small
I hope the games afternoon went well Plant. What did you play today?
Rainy dark and miserable here.
DD1 called in for cuppa and chat after I got back from the pool. GS is almost over his cold, he has gone back to school today.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Poor you Oma, what is it that makes you shake?
I love the smell when I have polished the furniture!!!!
I have had a man here to look at my fridge, the freezer compartment wasn't closing right so I phoned and he came today, he adjusted the door of the freezer, and, he finished fitting my fridge for me!!! I managed to get it fitted in whilst I had covid, someone was coming to place the slide parts on the door but he must have forgotten, when GD2 was here she opened the door and when the fridge didn't open with it she thought it had a secret lock. I had got used to it being like it was. The man has screwed it into place and placed the slide holders etc on for me, what a nice man.
It is a lovely sunny day but still windy, I have been on my bike to the next village for a few things, I wanted aluminium foil, there is a shortage, I did manage to get some at the Lidl on my way home. I got the other things I went for, I wanted a reflector for on my arm when I am out in the dark, I went for a walk the other evening and decided I would feel safer with one on. The same when I go to the gym on a dark morning.
Dark,raining,windy and cold here.
Visitors have gone now,both said they enjoyed the dinner.
Plant,hope you have had a good games afternoon.
Gem,good to hear GS is almost over his cold.
Lizzie,soinds like a lovely chap that came to sort your fridge and freezer.
Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Lizzie, well done that man for sorting out your fridge. Good idea to have that armband if you are walking after dark.
Oma, my sister had a very shaky hands, it is difficult to hold and do things that need steady hands. No the antibiotic had no effect on my spots and caused a problem with my tummy so now I might have to have a bowel exam but I have been for a blood test first. I am not taking any more tablets, I am sure they caused the bleed. Lovely to have Storm warming your feet.
Lizzie, very sad about your mother loosing her father so young, there were so many young men killed in the First World War. To loose your husband and your home must have been very hard to deal with.
Clover, thinking of you, I hope the treatment didn’t upset you.
Nanto, I hope the meal goes well, I am sure the beef will be delicious.
The games afternoon went well, we now have three new members from Monday bowling, we have been spreading the word. The lady manager of the village hall looks after us with drinks (coffee and tea) and biscuits.Last edited by Plantaholic; 02-11-2022, 05:04 PM.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Been looking at paving stones today.......very exciting!!!! Have got some quotes for sorting out the garden, so now have to decide which one to accept. One I know is off the list because I had to chase them up about a quote and I'm sure some of the things we spoke about isn't included! Another is local and is involved with the same football club where my SiL coaches. I'm tempted with him and also he's a bit cheaper than the one I went to see today.
Thought I'd got out of dressing up days when I retired, but No! I've been asked to take part in a Great Fire of London day at the school where I help with reading!! I can't really say No as the children were very excited about it. Now I just have to source a suitable costume. I did think about going as a wealthy lady, but I think a commoner will be easier!! Wiah me luck!
Very windy here at the moment and I think we're in for a wet night again.
Art tomorrow. Using only black,red and green in support of Black history month which was in October. The class started two weeks late, so the programme is also out of sinc. I think I shall just do a pattern of some description unless anyone has any better ideas. Not so keen on this class as we do something different each week and there's not enough time to finish what you start. I did the first week, but the last one is still sitting there looking at me!
Hope Clover's treatment has gone well and that you haven't had anymore accidents Oma.
Enjoy the evening ladies xBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Lizzie, how sad and hard for your grandmother to have had to leave her home after losing her husband in the war. I love that clean smell when the house has been given a good going over.
Oma, I'm glad the scalds weren't too bad. I used to love the smell of Germoline, but haven't used it for years. Storm makes himself very much at home at your house, doesn't he!
WeeGranny, good luck with choosing the person to do your garden. Thinking about your Fire of London costume, have you got a local Am Dram group who hire out their wardrobe stock? I would find it a bit disconcerting to do something different every week in an art group. I need time to practise! Black, red and green - what about a Lowri-type scene, or a city scape at night with red and green lights on tall buildings, or an abstract "pour" type of picture?
Clover, many thanks for the update on your thread.
Plant, it does sound as though those tablets weren't helping, just making matters worse. It must be lovely to see your bowling friends at the games afternoon.
Gem, was GS1 happy to be back at school now he's recovering from his cold? I'm sure DD1 was glad of a chance to relax for a bit and have a cuppa and a chat with you.
I don't know why I make plans for the day because it never works out that way! We had had quite a lot of rain overnight but this morning was blustery and a bit sunny. We needed to dry the summer cover for the patio furniture so we put that on the washing line for half an hour. Then had another half an hour trying to fold it small enough to store in its original bag. There was a very gusty wind blowing which made it harder to fold this big cover. OH said it was like trying to put a spinnaker up in a Force 10, but at least the ground was solid! I cut back the pot of mint and repotted it as it was totally root bound, then I took some weeds out of a Salvia I'd grown from a cutting, and then realised that needed repotting. Finally, a gave the lawn a quick cut - much needed and we were lucky the wind had dried it out a bit. So, no washing done, and no dinner prepared.
I'll write about training on Eva's thread.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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I have what is called Essential Tremors or Benign Tremors .
it effects my hands badly , some days worse than others , I can’t put Mascara on anymore,
it makes it difficult to eat certain foods like peas as I Can’t keep them on a fork I sometimes have to hold a fork or spoon with two hands to get it to my mouth ,
My hand writing is badly effected too ,
It can be mistaken for Parkinson’s .
Its not life threatening or anything like that just inconvenient, there is no cure or anything I can take ,
Although they did say alcohol helps but as I don’t drink that’s no good 😁
Nice of the man to do your fridge , some really helpful people out there 😁
Not worth taking the tablets if it’s upsetting your stomach like that .
You must be fed up with it now though ,
I hope your having a early night you will be tired I’m sure , big hugs xxx
Good to hear GS is feeling better xx
Thats going to be a challenge finding a suitable costume , good luck 😁
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Weather has calmed down,it was wild around tea time yesterday.
WG, would love to see you in your costume.
Friends are coming this morning,about 12 ish.
Hubby says if they stay for something to eat,pop a couple of pizza's in the oven. We know they will eat pizza.
Apart from visitors,it will be business as usual.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Morning Nanto/ladies
you can’t go wrong with a Pizza a quick lunch and very little cooking ,
Its always handy to have some in the freezer isn’t it .
It was very wet and windy last night but quite calm this morning , if nothing else it brought a lot of leaves down ,
The quicker they down the better , we can get them cleared away .
How are we all today ?
We off to MILs this morning with her meals see what mood she’s in 🙄
Have a good day ladies I will pop back later xxIm not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning ladies.
WG, you are a busy lady
Oh dear Daisy, I can just picture you both wrestling with that cover!
Nan2, good to have something planned as they are coming around 12.
Fingers crossed MIL is all sweetness and light Oma
It's dry here this morning and last night's wind has dropped.
Our friends last night enjoyed the sweet and sour (the first time OH had made it with Quorn) My apple crumble went down well too.
Mum visiting this afternoon for me.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
No real plans today after a busy day yesterday I can finish unpacking
Oma, I hope you find Mil in a reasonably happy mood. Hope the burn is getting less sore too.
Daisy, I hope that cover stays put. Have you covered the banana tree?
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Good morning, everyone.
It's cold, wet and blustery here - and the window cleaner has just arrived. Perfect timing.My car has gone for a service so no plans to go out today. I've put a load of dog towels etc in the washing machine. She makes more washing than us.
It feels really chilly today and we've just lit the woodburner. The trouble is that makes me feel lazy. I might have to just snuggle down in the living room with a good book for the rest of the day!
Plant, We haven't covered the banana plants or anything else yet! It's a job we need to get on with. We'll wrap them in fleece, put a cover on and then group them all together in a sheltered corner. We also need to put pots of other plants up on pot feet to stop them getting waterlogged. I'm sure after your busy day yesterday you're ready for a bit of relaxation today. I hope you haven't got a huge pile of washing from your holiday.
Gem, your OH's sweet and sour quorn sounds very tasty, and a good standby for veggie visitors. I bet there wasn't any apple crumble left! I hope your Mum is ok this afternoon. It must be hard when you don't know how she will be each time you visit. x
Oma, I hope your hands are better today and the scalds aren't painful. Some trees seem to be losing their leaves all at once, and I bet you will be relieved when they're all gone. Do you take them to the Council tip? Our neighbour collected all the leaves from the tree in our cul de sac on Tuesday and we put them in our compost bins - we'll share the resulting leaf mould/compost with him when they are "cooked". I hope your MIL is on her best behaviour today.
Nanto, you've reminded me that I haven't got any pizzas in the freezer! They are handy for unexpected visitors. I also try and keep some soup at the ready as well now the weather's colder. It is nice to have visitors though, isn't it!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
MIL was in a good mood for a change and happy we had taken her favourite meal ,lamb hot pot ,
She will have that tonight and the rest has gone in the freezer , she kept a steamed jam pudding out for afters , we took custard too , so she’s set for this evenings meal 😁
Scalds are fine thank you for asking not bad ones still slightly red tummy but not sore now .
The leaves are sucked into the garden blower sucky up thing shredded then put in my neighbours garden waste bin ,
Or if that’s full they go into our general rubbish ,
We don’t have a garden waste bin not having real grass .
Isnt it nice when a meal goes down well , I don’t mind Quorn at all ,
Its how it’s cooked and seasoned I think so S must have done a good job 😁Im not fat just 6ft too small