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    Thanks WG!

    A productive day for you indeed
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning everyone.

      Just last minute packing and running the hoover and floor steamer round to do this morning. We will have an early lunch here then set off around 1.30.

      I won't have my laptop, but will of course have my phone and be in touch daily.
      Be good all of you and stay safe and happy while I am away

      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Sunny,but early mornings are starting to feel autumnal.

        WG, a very productive day. it lovely to get the jobs done though.
        Hope appointments go well for SIL and GS.

        Gem, safe journey for you and S. Hope you have a lovely holiday.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good Tuesday morning everyone. The sun seems to be waking up and promises another nice day.

          Good morning, Nanto and your pie-baking friend.

          Gem, you are very well-organised and it's nice to have a later flight. Getting up at 3 am to get to an airport for 6 is no way to start a holiday (even though I've done it lots of times!) Have a safe journey and a wonderful time, both of you. xx

          WeeGranny - isn't it satisfying when you get so much done. Having another pair of hands to move heavy furniture is good - don't overdo it on your own. Cutting off the annoying bit of wood was a good idea, and I'm so glad you're feeling your new house is "home". I do hope SIL's back is ok and it's nothing more than a bit of muscle strain. I'm sure GS can't wait to get back out on the cricket pitch.

          I hope everyone is ok and looking forward to a good day.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning ladies

            Have a wonderful restful holiday , enjoy the sunshine love to S xxx

            you were busy weren’t you but I bet you feel better all those little jobs are done ,
            Dont move too much on your own though you don’t want to be hurting your back xx

            We have been up and at airport at silly times too 😁

            I'm off to see my lovely Sister this morning
            Electrician is coming after lunch to do my annual check make sure all is safe ,
            Both B and myself were downstairs till the early hours last night unable to sleep ,
            We lay talking for ages then got up and had a hot drink .

            I couldn’t sleep and B was having trouble with the nerve pain in his leg it was pretty bad yesterday so he knew he wouldn’t sleep last night
            Not too bad today , he has good and bad days with it , it’s all due to his spinal injuries and the shingles he got in his spine .

            MIL was playing up yesterday I will post in YEO

            Have a good day ladies I will pop back later

            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma, I hope both you and B are having a relaxing day after such a bad night. I'm sure you and your sister will have a good laugh, though. x
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Oma, Enjoy your time with your sister, lots to talk about I am sure. Sorry you and B had a bad night.

                WG, you have been busy, well done with the saw. Enjoy your shopping at JL, I could spend many hours there and usually stop for lunch.

                Gemini, not long now before you are off for 2 weeks of rest and recuperation, hope the sun shines. It is nice for you to know everything with the new baby is working out.

                WG. That Lancaster Bomber that you saw flying over was something to do with Hazlemere Fete I think. We saw it too. I hope your two wounded men will be out of pain soon.

                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Back from Sisters
                  We could have stayed longer if not for electrician coming ,
                  It was my nieces 47th Birthday yesterday so we came home with yummy Birthday cake .

                  It always worries me my Sister is getting older ,
                  there is 11years between us and each time I see her she looks a little older .

                  We we’re having a laugh remembering some years ago when I was at hers and we were sitting chatting when the Christmas tree standing on a small side table next to the sofa fell on me and I was tangled in lights and baubles 😁😁😁

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    I really miss my sisters Oma, I lost a brother and a sister when they were 29 and 30, my eldest sister died some years ago but I really miss my sister who died recently, I even think about phoning her.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Mine too Plant , our other sister was my best friend , a pain in the bum sometimes but we were close , Took me a long time to stop the urge to phone her and tell her about stuff , it’s strange isn’t it
                      My Brother I still expect him to walk through the door , it doesn’t seem real with him .

                      We we’re all so close I dread anything happening to this sister x
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Lovely to have that family bond isn't it? I've noticed my DB and I have become closer since OH died and I rather like it. Always been fiercely independent and had to make decisions on my own quite often because of OH's job, but family seems to have taken on a new importance. DB will phone me nearly every week now, whereas before we could go for weeks without any contact. I got his advice about a new television and was quite knowledgeable when talking to the salesman this morning. He didn't know that I didn't know the difference between one woofer or the other!!!

                        I know what you mean about spending time in JL, Plant! I'm still finding my way around and keep coming on sections I haven't been in before. Was going to have lunch there, but it was very busy. I had a coffee in Waitrose on the way home where I spent more than I intended!!!

                        I have a few phone calls to make, so I'd better get on. By the way the new TV will be delivered and set up next Tuesday!

                        Enjoy the rest of the day ladies xx
                        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                        Theodore Roosevelt.


                          WG, If you went to Waitrose near to JL for a coffee, it was probably my GD who served you.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            I'm in my room and ready for bed after quite a stressful day.

                            I will write more tomorrow.
                            Goodnight ladies!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning on this last day of the month. This year seems to have flown by.

                              Gem, hope you are feeling more relaxed now after a stressful day.

                              GS2 and his partner coming for dinner today.
                              Beef joint is in the slow cooker.

                              Have a good day ladies.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Sun just peeping out, I have a few jobs to do indoors then I hope to get into the garden, through my newly mended doors. This afternoon I hope to join the games players in the /Village Hall. My DD and Sil celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary with a meal out, I joined them for a nightcap. They are having a Zoom meeting with a representative from Dogs for the blind today, they have offered to have a puppy.

                                Nanto, Yummy dinner for GS2 and his partner planned.

                                Gemini, I hope you had a restful night.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

