He is so cute Oma!xxx
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The Daily Drop-in
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Good afternoon.just a quick visit from me. Son, DIL and DGS arrived here on Wednesday from Australia! So lovely to see them and W (GS) has grown so much. He is way taller than me and I’m not short. Well over 6ft. We’ve had a lovely couple of days and now they are having lunch with her parents then will come home and we will go over to DDs for other GS’ birthday BBQ. He is 24 today and I look like a real shorty in between these two 6ft young men. DS has already done a couple of little jobs for me, bless him and is planning to do some more. He’s like his Dad, has got to be busy all the time.
A couple of my friends from my knitting/craft groups hve got covid so I’ve been keeping away for the past week. Didn’t want to risk catching anything with my visitors coming. It’s certainly doing the rounds here.
Have a good day everyone, enjoy the lovely weather 🌞🌞"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Good morning, after managing to miss the covid, until now, I have tested positive! I have felt tired since Thursday but put it down to coming home from holiday, I was wrong! I had a fever during the night and feel really tired, up to now that is all. I will phone later and get another date for the fridge to be delivered then I will have to phone the hospital as I was due to go for all the tests on Wednesday.
Good morning everyone.
Nan2, I wonder what the glitter graphics problem is? I will try on my laptop later.
Oh no Lizzie, I'm so sorry. Not what you wanted to bring back from your holiday. I do hope it's a mild case and you feel better really soon xx
DD2's birthday today. I have sent our present with DD1 as I wasn't sure I would be up to going over. I do feel quite a bit better this morning, but probably best to take it easy a bit longer.
I was in the garden, in the shade on my sun lounger most of yesterday afternoon. I expect I will be again today. I am getting a lot of reading done!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning ladies ,
glitter graphic working for me maybe you need to shut down and reboot to stop any glitch xx
Oh no that’s bad luck hope your not too unwell and it’s only mild ,
Annoying when you have things booked and planned but can’t be helped , take care xx
Take it easy don’t try to rush your recovery I know I did and it set me back ,
Happy Birthday to your DD what a shame you can’t see her but it might be just too much , how is DD 3 any movement with baby ,wasn’t it yesterday her due date ?
I have just cleaned all my windows inside and out downstairs , I cleaned right through last night when it was cooler but waited till this morning to do windows ,
B spent 6 hours yesterday pressure hosing drive and paths , my god my windows looked like those rally cars that go through all the mud , the paintworks were shocking ,
He is going to resand the block paving today at least that won’t splash up everywhere .
It would have taken less time been less messy if we had paid someone who had all the big machinery
But no he had to do it himself didn’t he and wear himself out ,
No telling these men sometimes 🙄
Have a good Saturday ladies xxxIm not fat just 6ft too small
Good Morning Ladies, I have not posted all this week I did a Covid test and it came in positive I can only think it was caught whilst on holiday or at the airports whilst I was away.
I'm feeling rotten and so tired I am going back to my bed and hope I feel better tomorrow x
Glamma xxKeep Calm,You're Fabulous
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Lizzie, so sorry to hear you have Covid, hope you are not too poorly, take care. Pleased you have good neighbours to see you are okay.
Oma, I can imagine what your windows must have been like after the pressure washing.
Gemini, pleased to hear you are gradually feeling a bit better, you wanted to loose weight but not that way.
Did a bit of gardening yesterday until it got too hot. I sat in the garden quite late with the family, we were visited by a deer. GD and her OH are going to a wedding today and are staying overnight so DD and Sil are in charge of H. I think they are enjoying staying here whilst their flat is being decorated as they don’t have much outside space and we are enjoying their company.
Enfys, how lovely to have the family visiting. You will be able to get out and about with the weather being so good. GC do grow and overtake you when you haven’t seen them for a while.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Oh poor Glamma, you too! Rest, take care and get well.
Oma it is DD2's birthday tomorrow! I thought it was 10th todayDD3 due date was Wednesday, I haven't spoken to her yet today.
Plant how lovely to be visited by a deer. OH sometimes sees them on the golf course.
Enfys, enjoy your family
I hope Daisy is enjoying her holiday.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown