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The Daily Drop-in

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    Oh Mimi, how moving that must have been - visiting family graves, followed by the two minutes silence and that beautiful robin singing.

    Make the most of good days like that with your MIL Oma

    Daisy, mum never wants to go downstairs for any reason. I wish she would, even just to sit in the lounge when there isnt anything specific going on. She can be persuaded to go down for meal once a while, but generally eats in her room. They told us she joined in Christmas activities downstairs last year. This year each resident can have one guest at the December Christmas party. I will be mum's, so she will have to come downstairs! We don't want to be in her room missing it all!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Oma, yes, they say we will be in partial lockdown, yet again! Your B sounds like my DS1, DS2 said he must be jinxed!

      Mimi that would be moving to see all that at 11am!

      Gem, it would be nice for your mum if she did go down amongst the others.


        Mimi, that must have been a very moving experience for you at the cemetery. I was in my car driving but was able to stop for the 2 minutes silence.

        Oma, honestly what is he like. I hope you have a well stocked first aid box. I think it is a good idea to get B a metal glove, do they sell them for the top of the head as well.

        I know I wanted something in Waitrose that wasn’t on my list, still can’t remember.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Must be something in the air Plant ! I went to see OH this afternoon, forgot to take him a slice of cake and the ring cushion I bought because he's complaining of a sore bottom. Not surprised about that really as there's hardly any flesh on his nether regions ! Anyway I stopped at the nearby Co-op and got him one of those lunch box packs of malt loaf and he enjoyed that. Note to self, make list of things to take with me. Not a great visit, he was feeling very down and conversation wasn't great. He wanted to sleep after he'd had a cup of tea and biscuits, so I put out the big light and said my goodbyes. I'm sure today's weather wasn't helping, it's been wet, dull and gloomy all day. The sunshine we did have was quickly blocked out by the clouds!

          Well done to the new tie tiers!!! OH had to wear a clip on tie for one of his jobs, in case they were attacked and someone tried to grab them by their tie.

          Did a Waitrose order for tomorrow, haven't had one for ages, so I've treated myself to a couple of things. Really couldn't face going round a supermarket this week for some unknown reason. DD coming out on Sunday, so I'll get a casserole in the slow cooker and we'll have that after she's been to see her Dad.I am trying to eat healthily, but it's such a faff cooking for one! At least when DS was here I knew whatever I made would all get eaten. I do seem to have cut down on sweet things and snacking between meals, so that can't be a bad thing...and I haven't had an alcoholic drink or almost three weeks now! It was getting to easy to pour a G&T or open a bottle of wine!

          Have a good evening ladies!xx
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            Another day clearing and burning rubbish at the bungalow.
            I was shattered when we got home at 6.
            I went straight in the shower,think my batteries have been recharged now.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Nanto - I can well believe you were shattered after all that work at the bungalow.

              Oma - when I was telling J about B cutting his hand I said it was a band saw, and I don't think he believed me, so I thought perhaps it was a jigsaw. I hope the chain mail gloves come with a suit of armour and a crash helmet!!! He's certainly a bit of a worry, especially round powerful things like that. Please tell me he hasn't got a chainsaw! (John's just come in and he says he doesn't use chain mail gloves because they can catch and lock on the blade! ) I bet B loved his shirts all turning pink.

              Mimi - that must have been so moving and special.

              Gem - Perhaps your mum needs to make friends with a couple of other residents and they might encourage her to join them in the lounge. I suppose she was used to spending time on her own in the bungalow unless you were visiting, and she's got used to her own company.

              WeeGranny - if I have to take anything out with me, I have to put them right by the front door or I forget. And sometimes I still walk straight past them! You deserve a few treats from Waitrose, so enjoy them. I hope your OH is feeling more chatty next time you visit. I agree, the weather does affect our moods. It will be nice to have your DD's company this week-end and the menu sounds ideal. xx

              Plant - have you remembered what you wanted from Waitrose yet? I bet it will come back to you tomorrow morning - or in the middle of the night!

              I've got quite a lot done today - housework, washing etc, including all the dog's bedding, portioning up dog food, taking phone calls for OH - his mates seem to have him on speed dial at the moment, still it keeps my secretarial skills from getting too rusty.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Daisy I will tell him what J said about the Glove ,
                He has been using all these saws and gadgets for years and this is the first cut so I think he has been lucky ,

                Im sure its a band saw but having said that he has so many different types I could be wrong ,
                I know it wasn't a Jig saw its a different machine
                But I tend to switch off when he is talking about stuff so what he says goes in one ear and out the other

                His finger is nipping together nicely but the nail wont That will fall off at some point.

                WG I have taken to writing what I need to take anywhere and taping the bit of paper onto the front door so I see it when I go to open it ,
                The amount of times like Daisy I have put it by the door and walked out without it ,
                At least A note stuck to the door reminds me

                I hope he enjoys his Malt loaf at least it is tasty and calorific so good for him .

                My MIL finds it a chore cooking for one , she says sometimes by the time she has made something she doesn't feel like eating on her own .

                Nanto I hope you sleep well after all that work xx

                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good mrning. Dry this morning.

                  Oma, hope B is ok after his accidents.

                  We are going to Wakefield today shopping.
                  Supermarket shopping will be in Sainsburys, in the Ridings. Thats where we park up.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning dear ladies.
                    Welcome to the weekend. Dull here but at least it is dry.

                    Nan2 I have heard of the Ridings, but never been there. Will you have dinner out?
                    Oma, how are B's injuries today?? OH was playing golf yesterday. Tournaments have all but finished but there will be a couple more I think.
                    WG, get online deliveries, and anything which makes your life easier/ better. You need to look after and treat yourself.
                    Daisy, I think the reasons for mum not going downstairs are several. Shes not that sociable anyway, can hardly see and only hear when you shout in her ear, so she would still be a bit isolated. The lady in the next room, like mum loves to be in her own room. She's a lot more with it than mum though and can certainly see and hear better,as I often chat to her as I pass her door. It would be so nice if they spent time together, but mum's hearing and vision plus not being able to carry on any conversation not about her past, makes this hard I think.

                    It is Christmas cake making day in the Gemini household. The house will smell lovely
                    GD started to feel a bit 'coldy' whilst she was our house after school yesterday. She had been warned that may be the side effect of her flu jab on Wednesday. We both said at least it waited until the school week was over! I gave her a little extra pocket money this week for being so brave. She was literally shaking on the morning DD said, but still went through with it. Most of her class are still 11 so ineligible for the jab.

                    Have a good day everyone.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning everyone. Nanto - what fabulous Autumn flowers - they look so real I could almost smell them. Enjoy your trip out - you are due for a bit of relaxation after all that work on the bungalow.

                      Gem, yes, I can see how hard it is for your mum, but it just seems a shame being on her own when she could spend a bit of time just being with other people. But you have to respect her wishes, I know. Enjoy your cake making. I hope it's just side effects of the flu jab for your GD. She was a very brave girl.

                      Oma - J is like B - he has a shed full of things that could cause serious injury and I'm like you - I glaze over a bit, and don't know what each bit of kit does. Sticking a note on the door is a good idea! I'll try that.

                      It's dull and a bit damp here today. We need to move the caravan - it keeps getting moved depending on what's going on with the garden at the moment, but it also needs a good clean with all the leaves and bits blowing off trees. Other than that, I fancy a quiet day!

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good moaning each.
                        I have been reading your news but not felt like posting as nothing much is happening here. The highlight of my day is the district nurse’s visit.
                        There is so much to do in the garden but I am banned. 🙄
                        Gem, my mother wouldn’t mix with the other residents, she preferred to stay in her room. Happy to chat to anyone passing her door though.
                        Out of boredom I thought I’d teach myself to knit in the round and then move on to fairisle…thank goodness for YouTube!
                        Must make bread now, (in the bread maker) OH has taken a liking to spelt bread which we don’t seem to be able to buy locally.
                        Have a good weekend ladies.
                        Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                        Eleanor Roosevelt.


                          Grauntie - it's fine to read and not comment! I hope we keep you entertained for a few minutes, though. I hope you're feeling stronger with each passing day and you're getting merit badges from the district nurse. It's frustrating seeing things that need doing in the garden (we're the same, but for different reasons), but Nature is kind and will let you catch up when you are well enough.

                          I haven't tried making spelt bread - is it similar to wholemeal?

                          I remember my MIL knitting fairisle - it looked impossibly difficult to me! Best of luck. xx

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            I am quite relieved that you youngsters are forgetful. I look on the calendar to see what I should be doing the next day, write it on a post-it note and place it on the kitchen table with my car keys and put anything I have to take there also. I think my DD has GGS and GGD1 this morning, their mother is busy and GS1 has a sickness bug, he has only just got over a nasty cold. I think he is run down, although he works from home his job is quite demanding. They could do with some help, his wife is a teacher and also does some coaching.

                            Gemini, it is a shame your mum is still not socialising, it doesn’t help that she cannot hear what the others are saying. Enjoy your cake making.

                            WG have a lovely day with your DD, I hope your OH is awake to enjoy her visit. I am going to make a chicken casserole.

                            Nanto, enjoy your trip out
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Morning ladies ,
                              Its not a bad morning here ,

                              B had been in the garden almost a hour clearing the leaves from the garden , Boarders , down the sde of the shed and the alley way .

                              They will be no better by tonight as there are still a load more from these trees to come down but they were really deep so had to get some up .

                              I have stripped the bed its in the wash , done my housework , and sorted the what we call the treat cupboard out .
                              Its only a little narrow cupboard we keep the biscuits and when the children were small there sweets in .

                              It was sinful the amount of un eaten biscuits that went into the bin , a half eaten chocolate covered swiss roll , a half eaten Ginger cake ,
                              They were in plastic boxes but have been there a while ,
                              I took no prisoners everything went

                              DD had her leaving Party last night , I expect she is worse for wear this morning

                              Grauntie as Daisy said its fine to just keep up with chat and pop in to say hello now and then
                              We like Spelt bread too , no Gardening it can wait xxx

                              Plant your poor GS1 it does sound like he could do with a boost of something , I bet he is fed up feeling poorly now .
                              see its not just you that's forgetful hahaha xxx

                              Daisy that Caravan has done more miles on the drive than on the road all the moving about

                              Gem I can almost smell your house all those lovely fruity spicy smells mmmm
                              Your Mum must find it too much trying to hear and see , you can understand why she isnt keen on joining in bless her ,

                              MIL has said she isn't coming to DD's with us this Christmas she wants to stay at home ,
                              We wont push her although she does enjoy herself when she comes ,
                              We said if she doesn't we will go across to see her later in the day and DD will plate her a Christmas lunch up for us to take to her .

                              Nanto enjoy your day out and have lunch out you deserve a treat after all the hard work you have put in at the bungalow xx

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good morning ladies everyone seems to be so busy,Oma your poor B he will be full of plasters my John could be gauranteed to hit his finger if he was using a hammer he was hopeless.
                                WeeGranny I know what its like cooking for one I usually cook enough for two and freeze a portion for the next week it not only saves time but it saves on energy.

                                Today I am off to Liverpool to St Georges Hall Plato where they are holding a massive Christmas Market with stalls from all over Europe so can't wait to try some of the foods on offer and pick up some little trinkets as gifts.

                                The sun is cracking the flags today I wonder how long it will last its sod's law isn't it as I have no washing to hang outside today during the week my washing has been in and out like I don't know what !!

                                Must get off now as I am being picked up in 5mins talk soon x
                                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

