Pleased to hear you are feeling refreshed after your long sleep Glamm. Good luck with the news of Liverpool hosting the Eurovision Song Contest next year.
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The Daily Drop-in
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Good Friday morning, everyone. It's pleasant at the moment, but with 31C forecast for later in the day, it's going to be another warm one down here! I don't cope with this extreme heat as well as I used to, but am so grateful I just feel tired - I don't know how you cope, Lizzie, or Oma's friend.
Glamm, so glad to hear you're feeling better - but I agree a chat with your doctor would be good.
I do hope Liverpool gets the Eurovision Song Contest - they are short listed according to what I read a little while ago. If not Liverpool, then Manchester. Both have got good music credentials between the Liverpool scene and Northern Soul. It would give Liverpool such a boost, wouldn't it.
Oma - what a gorgeous photo of your DD and SIL. He looks so cool, and I'd love to be able to wear that gorgeous dress of your DD's but know it wouldn't look like that on me! I bet Storm enjoyed his early morning walkies and doesn't care about bed hair or anything else!. Does he like the long lead?
Nanto - those mushrooms are brilliant. Eucalyptus is lovely wood and such an unusual colour. Enjoy your unexpected lunch out. I agree about the hosepipe bans - if they're needed why wait so long! Unless they're hoping it will pour with rain and the reservoirs and watercourses magically fill up overnight.
Gem - I hope your mum is ok. Does the hot weather bother her? I've commented on your baby thread.
I'm going to push the sucky-up thing round before it gets too hot. OH is going to visit a poorly friend. I think this afternoon will be just lazing about and reading.
Take care in the heat everyone.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
he's good on either s short or long lead
He does like the freedom of the long lead but as soon as you click it he comes back to go on a short lead till its safe to extend again .
Phoned to get a Dr's appointment this morning as we have to ring at 8.30 when you get through never any left so just out of curiosity I went on line and booked one for face to face on Tuesday morning .
How come none when you phone up but a good choice booking online . Doesn't make sence does it .Im not fat just 6ft too small
Oma - Storm's a good boy, coming back like that. It seems crazy that you can book appointments online but not over the phone. Do you think surgeries are trying to get us all to use online systems to save them time/money etc!
Nanto - Glad you enjoyed your outing. I never know whether dinner is something you eat mid-day or in the evening!! I can't imagine calling school dinners, school lunches, but lots of children take a packed lunch! the main thing you have a lovely time, and eating out again tomorrow is something else to look forward to.
Plant - are you feeling ok now? My DIL1 sent me a photo of their garden thermometer and it was 36C at 2 o'clock this afternoon!
I pushed the sucky up thing round downstairs this morning, but wasn't sorry when the battery ran out so I couldn't do upstairs.Apart from getting dinner I've had a pretty lazy day!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Hello each.
We have been to Edinburgh for a few days, we stayed with friends, visited a few historical buildings and went to the Tattoo last night. It has been great! The weather was kind and that always helps. We flew home today.
I have the youngest two GC tomorrow for the day so I will have to be up at silly o. Clock to buy some food!
Night night all, have a good weekend.Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Grauntie, we posted together. Was it much cooler up in Edinburgh? It's a beautiful city, isn't it, and I imagine the Tattoo was a really great spectacle to watch. Enjoy your day with the two youngest GCs, although I bet you could really have done with a day to regroup first. Sleep well!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Nan2, quite a few people call the midday meal dinner. We always know what you mean when you say it
Good to hear you are feeling better Glamma. Fingers crossed for Liverpool!
I hope you had a relaxing afternoon Daisy. My mum rarely feels hot. Today she had only a knitted waistcoat over her blouse rather than her usual long sleeved cardigans.
Mum was deeply asleep again when I got there this afternoon, and they said she had eaten very little lunch. Once she woke she enjoyed a cream doughnut however. I took her some lovely scented sweet peas from our garden and a double picture frame with photos of the new baby. The photos gave her lots of pleasure, and she can talk to the carers about him when they come in.
I cut her hair this afternoon! I have zero hairdressing skills, but it was so long and unkempt I figured I couldn't make it any worse! She has extremely fine hair so I had to be careful not to take to much off the top. I looks neater - I hope!!
We hope to take her to the coast next week.
When I left mum I went to DD2's for cuppa and cool down in the garden. It had been very hot in mums room! They go to London for a week tomorrow so it was good to see them all before they go.
It is still so hot, at 10pm. I hope we can all sleep tonight!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning Nan2, and everyone else
Stay cool in Pontefract Nan2!
Another hot sunny day. I don't think we will be going out today. A friend is coming to sit in the garden with us (in the shade!) this afternoon.
Enjoy your Saturday everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Morning ladies
Misty here but it’s very warm
I was up early to do my housework so we were in Aldi just as it opened at 8
GS picked dog up yesterday tea time as DD & SIL were flying back last night at 9
your Mum has a sweet tooth hasn’t she 😁
At least her hair is neater now ,
Im seeing Dr about mine on Tuesday it’s getting so thin and you can see my scalp in places ,
Im trying to comb it to hide but it’s getting difficult , I’m wondering if it’s a hormonal thing .
We call it Dinner at lunch time and Tea at what people call Dinner , but either way it doesn’t matter 😁
Enjoy your day out xx
it’s years since we were at the Tattoo , we used to go every year then B became ill and we couldn’t go ,
Would love to go again but it’s so expensive now isn’t it .
your lucky with the weather , it almost always rained when we went 😁
Its too hot during day for hoovering
how’s Eva doing , Storm just slept all day moved around for shade but didn’t even want to go for a walk last night ,
GS tried about 8pm but said he wouldn’t move .
how you managing in the heat
Speaking to my friend about how uncomfortable the heat and having to wear the stockings ,
She said she’s not going far just to local shops and back into the cool ,
How are you today , any better ? I do hope so xxx
I wonder how Enfys is and Clover ?
Have a good day ladies keep cool xxIm not fat just 6ft too small
Good sunny Saturday morning, everyone. t's already 26C here and the forecast is for 31 later!
Oma - I don't blame Storm not wanting to walk in this weather - he's built for snow, bless him. Eva was full of beans about 11 o'clock last night and I ended playing ball with her in the garden, so I got up early and took her into the forest for a long walk this morning. It was lovely about 6.30!! She thoroughly enjoyed having a good nose round, but it was getting warm by the time we got home about 8 o'clock. I hope DD and SIL are back home safely and have enjoyed their little break.
I think hormone ups and downs can cause thinning hair so it's best to get it checked.
Gem - I think this very hot weather must be quite trying but it sounds as though your mum isn't too troubled by it. I love hearing how she enjoys cream doughnuts and other goodies you take her. I bet those sweet peas fill her room with their scent, and the staff will be sure to comment on them. I hope it's not too hot to sit in the shade this afternoon. Even I retreated into the house yesterday.
Nanto - do you have a favourite place to eat in Pontefract? I hope it's not too hot to enjoy your day out.
I'm going to do some painting this morning, before the dining room gets too warm. I really must finish the 3 half done ones off so I can start something new!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Good moaning each.
Daisy, it was just as hot on Edinburgh as here! I just love the history of Scotland and the beautiful buildings.
GCs here now, we are going to make ‘cocktails’ when they stop fighting. 😆
Keep cool Ladies.Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
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