Grauntie, lovely to hear from you, I love your sense of humour. I hope the biopsy will be a negative result. Well done Emma.
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The Daily Drop-in
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Sun shining again, I am still feeling tired after my day out with GD1 and H, it was so hot. Another sunny start to the day, I have some errands to run today and couple of jobs to do in the garden, nothing too major. will pop back later.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Morning ladies
Nanto same here we don’t need to go out and it’s chucking it down.
GM Hope biopsy is clear ,
my Youngest is like that with cello tape always needs cello tape or elastic bands ,
I bought a pack of coloured bands just for her 😁
Emma sound very proficient should have got her first 😁💉🩹
Beds stripped and in wash , my usual Saturday morning blitz through done
cleaned all kitchen cupboard doors then B informed me he is starting sanding the worktops ready for oiling from Monday 😱
I will be dust covering everything , he could have said so sooner 🙄
Hope everyone is well and babies are doing well too xx
Plant dont overdo the gardening if your tired xx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning everyone.
Very wet and still raining here Nan2. No point going out if you don't need to!
Plant why don't you at least look into the costs of seeing someone privately regarding your psoriasis?
It is indeed lovely to hear from you Grauntie
I'm sorry about the stitch and the initial canula problem. I'm sure your family visiting was just the tonic you needed.
It was a lovely day with the GC yesterday. GD mainly does her own thing, but is chatty and pleasant when we all get together for meals. GS really enjoyed having me mostly to himself for the day. We did a lot of crafts and drawing, read stories, completed his Jurassic Park Lego sticker book and watched The Lion King.
This morning OH and I are going over to DD3's, to help with the baby and anything they need, and will pick up a couple of things for them on the way.
This late afternoon and into the evening we will be at a friend's 60th birthday party, to be held in their garden. I hope the rain stops! It's in our village but a fair walk. As I am teetotal at present, I will drive us
I hope everyone is well and has a good weekend.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good morning, very hot here!! I have been for blackberries, very easy to get the bucket full!! I made jam and put the rest in the freezer, I then went on my bike to TKMaxx, I treated myself to a new bag, to be honest I think the first one I have ever bought!!!!! I used to love it when a good one came into the charity shop when I worked there, then DIL1 loves her bags so she would give me one, I like this make, it is a Dutch design and very nice, I did see one on Ebay but it had to be picked up, then I remembered seeing them at TK so went and treated myself, it is a year ago on Monday that I decided to try and lose the weight so this is the gift to myself for doing it.
Gem, you would enjoy the day with the GC. You will enjoy going to see the new baby as well.
GM, I know what you mean about the cannula, they can never get mine in without a lot of hassle, I will be needing one again soon and I am certainly not looking forward to it.
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Grauntie, i would send you the rain if i could.
The rain did stop for an hour,so hubby was able get his job done in the garden.
Postman been and collected said package.
Its seems a strange day,not used to being in all day on a saturday. Don't particularly like it.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Morning Nanto/ladies
wet dull and dreary this morning but warm ,
Off to meet our friends D&J this morning for coffee then after lunch GSand girlfriend coming ,
B putting new wiper blades on his car for him .
just been showered put all towels in wash got dressed put a white blouse on made a cuppa and promptly spilt it all over my blouse due to my wobbly hands ,
Ive put it in the sink to soak till the towels are done then I can wash it 🙄
How are we all today ?
Blackberry jam is lovely especially home made ,
We have lots of blackberries in the freezer ,
when it’s picking time the man over the road works by lots of blackberry bushes so he picks them all and shares them with us and our elderly neighbour , always far to many to use so we wash them and freeze to get all year round use out of them 😁
how is new baby getting on ?
are the family still away , did you get the gardening done ? X
how did the party go did it stay dry , hope you had a good niight .
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning, Oma, lucky you with so many blackberries all year round, I love them!! I know what you mean with the white blouse.
It is drizzly here with more showers forecast, I have just been for a drive in my car and got some air in the tyres, I go away for a few days at the end of August so I will be using it for a change.
DS1 will be on their way home soon, picking GD1 up from her friends family, then, they go to the boat on Tuesday or Wednesday I think, he was telling me that the man is coming for the kitchen on 8th so luckily that will be soon done. The man is a very good carpenter and makes the doors etc himself then they chose the colour, style etc.
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Good morning all.
Grauntie, you would be very welcome to our rain.
Oma, that sounds a nice social day for you today.
We did keep dry last night but only because there was a gazebo through the patio doors. The rain was torrential most of the evening !
Lizzie, good for you rewarding yourself for the weight loss. You deserve it!
We spent a few hours at DD3's yesterday. We both got to hold the baby a lot and helped with a few jobs. He is very cute and sweet
We got to the party at around 4.30 and were still there at 11I was ready to long before that!! Mostly I enjoyed it, but was glad to get home to my bed. Our friend has some friends we call their Huddersfield friends, who are funny but very noisy. I need today to recover. I had no alcohol, I will need to recover from the noisy friends!!
No plans today.
I hope everyone is well and enjoys their weekend, and the rain stops!!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gemini, we could certainly do with some of your rain, just one day to keep the borders fresh. My DS has a very noisy friend, I find her company difficult and have to turn my aids off. Lovely for you to hold your new GS. Have your other GC seen him yet?
Lizzie, I haven’t had any wild blackberries for years, they have more flavour than the cultivated ones.
Oma, will this be the first time you have met GS’s girlfriend? Are you going to feed them? The family are back tomorrow, don’t know what time and yes I did get the gardening done but there is still more to do but not so tiring. It is continuous in our garden. The grass is so brown, it needs some rain, we definite do not water that.
I am at my GD1’s baby sitting H, she is asleep atm due to wake up in about half an hour, GD and her partner have gone to a car boot to hopefully sell some bits, my GD doesn’t like clutter. They do not plan to have ny more children, G’s OH is quite a bit older than her. They are both trying to get some weight off atm. GS1 and 2 are on a stag do, GS2 gets married in Sept. I have been watching a lot of the Commonwealth Games and I am planning to watch the ladies football tonight, although I am not a football fan.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Plant GS1 has met the baby. He thought he was lovely, but was a bit disappointed that he didn't wake so he didn't get a cuddle!
DD2 is planning to take GD and GS2 to visit tomorrow on their way back from a day out. GD is desperate to see and hold him!
I am quite glad it is the final of the ladies football Plant! I have enjoyed the odd one, but OH wants to watch them all.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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I get noise hangovers , when we go out to my family parties we are very loud and next day I get such a headache and ache all over like what I imagine a hangover is like 😁
Nice to have time holding the baby , can’t describe the feeling can you it’s so special ❤️
Yes we have met the girlfriend a few times she’s a nice girl 😁
No doubt they will want food unless they have eaten before they arrive ,
B is making corned beef pies and I know they both like them .
I hate football but B will watch it and I glance at it occasionally ,
are you off to the place you went to a few month ago ?
Met up with our friends ( SILs parents ) and our DD SIL and Storm turned up so we had a nice get together and had brunch while we were there .
GS was still in bed but we will see him later ,
DS sent a video of GD doing gymnastics yesterday , she’s very bendy that’s for sure 😁
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Yes Oma, the same B&B as in May.
It has been dull here all day with the odd shower, I have got some sewing done and now fed up with myself! I don't like Sundays at the best of times! I went to the couple next door to take them some jam, I usually do if I make it, I had coffee and a catch up chat with them.
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