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The Daily Drop-in

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    Good morning everyone.

    Good idea to get things done before it gets too hot Nan2.

    Lizzie, I hope it isn't that hot by the end of the week, for you or us!

    What a busy time you are having Daisy! Shame about missing the new baby though.

    Alarms going off like that are so annoying Oma. As you say, thank goodness it wasn't during the night.

    My GC ( new baby excepted ) should all be here around 9.30 and the aim is to set off for the seaside by 10.
    C, P and their 3 younger GC come here as it is on the way, and we set off in convoy. In previous years there has been some swapping around of GC between the 2 cars before we set off!

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Very excited children I expect. Have a lovely time Gemini.

      I am considering going to bowls this afternoon, see how the morning pans out. I have blue plums galore, I must get them picked, if only to give them away. The lovely Victoria tree has lost a large bough again, it was full of lovely ripening plums.

      Nanto, No wonder your in-laws moved closer to you, they keep finding your OH jobs to do.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Morning ladies

        I wish I lived by you ,
        I’m a great lover of plumbs and Victoria plumbs have got to be the best in season 😁

        Have a wonderful day ,
        it’s going to be lovely, the children will be so excited 😁

        Its a salad day isn’t it .

        I was up really early this morning I had a headache during night and couldn’t get comfy ,
        So I got up had a cup of tea and some headache tablets ,

        I then went in garden got a bucket of soapy water and the sweeping brush and washed the fences down .
        Seems a strange thing to do I know but we get lots of tree spiders that leave huge sticky webs and the only way to get rid is doing this ,
        If you try to just sweep them away they stick to the wood and brush
        If the neighbours could see me they would think I was mad 😁

        I did my housework then we popped to our local Morrisons at 8 .

        I need to dust the bedrooms but can’t be bothered yet , I will do them later.

        Have a good day ladies whatever your up too xx

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          A quick good morning from me. Goodness knows when I'll manage a more leisurely start to my GRU day!

          It's hot and sunny with a high of 25 predicted later.

          I'm meeting two college friends for lunch today, and my lovely OH went out early to take my car to a car wash in Christchurch. I'm so pleased - I hardly recognise it as it's been covered in dust for so long, what with the weather, dry dusty Forest tracks and all the road works going on.

          Really looking forward to seeing these two very good friends. I'll be back later.

          Have a good day everyone - especially Gem, GCs and friends.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            You certainly are busy busy busy Daisy.

            Tree spiders sound horrid Oma, I suspect your neighbours would think you mad if they saw you .

            GS1 and his family have just been here for some plums but the children refused to eat them, they are strange but they will eat them in a crumble. Baby H loves them. I am keeping off them today, tummy a bit sore. I am meeting some guiding friends tomorrow I will take some there. I hate wasting fruit.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Plant - I agree I hate wasting any home-produced fruit or vegetables. When we had the allotment I nearly always had a glut of something! I miss that. Did you go to bowls this afternoon?

              Nanto - your OH is always busy.

              Oma - I had to laugh at you with your bucket of soapy water washing the fences! I hope the spiders take the hint.

              Gem - I bet you have some very tired children tonight after your day out. Did you enjoy it as well?

              It was lovely meeting up with my College friends today. Sadly though, the restaurant has changed hands and was a bit disappointing. It's in a beautiful spot, right on the beach with fabulous views along the coast.

              I felt really tired by the time I got home, so sat in the garden reading until dinner time. We weren't very hungry so I just did a couple of salmon fillets and a salad.

              I really wanted to wash my hair this morning, but I noticed the water pressure was very poor, and then found out there was a massive leak from a burst pipe in the village. It was pumping water out really fast - a bit annoying when our Water Company has just imposed a hosepipe ban! It still isn't fixed - they needed to get a digger in to get down to the problem! We are not amused - some parts of the village have been totally without water or only a meagre drip coming out of the taps. I imagined having my hair full of shampoo bubbles just as the last drop of water drips on the the shower tray!

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                We had a great day 😊

                Very tired, so will talk to you all tomorrow.
                Night night!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Sunny again.

                  Gem, pleased you had a great day.

                  Hubby out for a couple of hours this morning. I'll just potter and tidy up i think.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Morning Nanto/ladies

                    We off to IKEA this morning,
                    then will pop in Asda that is just across from there for a few things ,

                    it would be Sod’s law the water would go off mid hair wash 😁
                    The spiders will be back , Im thinking of getting a peppermint spray supposedly they don’t like the smell ,
                    Trouble is we have huge trees around us , little forests so they always there .

                    Loved the pics on FB looks like a really fun day , all the children looked happy 😁

                    Did you get to bowls ?

                    I will pop back later see how you All are xx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oma, no I didn’t get to bowls, my GD rang me to ask if I would go with her to something called Black Park whilst her OH visited his mother close by. We had lunch there and after picking him up we went back to the park and
                      had a walk around the lake and visited the childrens playground. I was shattered when I got back and didn’t even have a enough energy to cook so I just made a sandwich.

                      Gemini, lovely pics on facebook, looks like fun was had by everyone. Did you manage to solve the food for GS

                      Daisy, It is lovely to spend some time with old friends. Shame the food wasn’t up to usual standard, that’s the problem when a business changes hands.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Good morning all.
                        Another bright sunny morning.

                        OH about to leave for golf. I will catch up when the GC have gone home. Not sure if I am going to DD3's later.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          We changed our minds about IKEA I really couldn’t be bothered
                          We went to the garden centre instead and I bought a lovely Tom Thumb Fuchsia bush to replace some Poppies that are looking rather sad , plenty of foliage but very few Poppies
                          Then popped into Aldi for fresh salad stuff and fruit

                          when your worn out a sandwich is all you can manage isn’t it , was it warm too , walking in heat drains you
                          take it easy today it’s going to be hot again xx

                          did the children sleep well after all that excitement yesterday 😁
                          if you go toDD3 enjoy granny cuddles 😁👶🏻
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Hallo everyone, I felt ill yesterday, I still can't eat what I think I can! Some foods are fine, others not, as yet.

                            Plant, you would be tired, it is tiring weather!

                            Gem, I saw that you all had a good day out yesterday.

                            Oma, I don't blame you for not going to Ikea, I went to our garden centre yesterday, looking for plants for in the high tubs, it was so warm in there that they will have to wait!

                            I have been and sorted the hearing aid out, I am having one with the battery in, the others were much more expensive, this one the insurance covers and it works just as well as the others. I asked the men where I do the coffee, they are there to help with tax forms etc etc, he told me that it is a shop and they will try and sell you all that you can! So, I thought it all over and discussed it with the men again, which I often do.

                            DS2 and DIL phoned yesterday with news, DD1 is there living with them, plus the baby! I knew that would happen so wasn't at all surprised when they told me, I only hope that it goes well while she finds a place of her own, or, returns to her partner.

                            I am going to get some lunch, see if it agrees with me.


                              Hello everyone. It's another very hot day here. I went to pick up both GDs and Cooper this morning, with my hair still soaking wet but I was very pleased to be able to wash it. The leak is only fixed temporarily, but at least it's not pouring out all over the road! It seems ages since we had both girls here. I'd got them some fancy pens that make patterns so they occupied themselves drawing for a while, then we sat in the garden and had a chat - mainly about the hedgehog that had actually woken GD1 up last night snuffling and grunting in the garden. Their mum and dad put a bowl of water out for it and it was obviously pleased to get a good drink!

                              Lizzie - I'm so sorry you're still not feeling well. Do you think the heat is making you feel worse? My hearing aids have batteries and I can set the controls from my phone. Very pleased with them. I hope things work out for mum and baby. You never stop worrying about them, do you!

                              Oma - I bet B was soooo disappointed not to go to Ikea!! Fuchsias seem to like this heat provided they get enough water.

                              Plant - you definitely need a quiet, restful day today. I hope you've got a good audio book on the go.

                              Nanto - did you get all your pottering done?

                              Gem - does the heat bother S when she's out on the golf course? I hope DD3 is ok and baby is getting into a bit of a routine. Are they getting enough sleep? I haven't seen the FB photos yet - I'll go on there later. The girls are only here for the day this time - we'll have to organise a sleep over for them.

                              (Oma and Nanto - I've merged your two threads about Olivia Newton John. Hope you don't mind.)

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Hope you managed some lunch ,
                                There is a sickness bug going around where I live , MySister has had it and now her Hubby ,
                                Im going no where near till they better .

                                How nice to have both girls at yours how is GD doing is she having more good days than bad ? I do hope so .xx
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

