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    Morning ladies ,
    Had a busy morning ,
    I was up most of the night so we were in Morrisons at 7am ,
    From there we came home put that shopping away and then went to Aldi at 8am
    Called into local shop for stamps I had forgotten to get in Morrisons and then posted my BIL's Birthday card
    From there I went around to Dr's to pick up a specimen bottle for my sample ,

    All that and back in for 9am ,

    Gem hope all is well with S has she had her bloods done yet ? when is your next appointment ?

    WG did they say how long it will take once he gets into theatre ? fingers crossed he is in quickly xx

    Nanto good news getting your 2nd Jab xxx

    Daisy steady on there old girl doing the Ironing

    New roller Blind to put up today in Dinning room ,
    B tried yesterday but a big chunk of plaster came out when he took old brackets down so it all had to be filled again ,
    New build walls are utter rubbish .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Thanks for the good wishes for OH's appointment everyone. It was good to see the oncologist (who we both like) on video, as the last two appointments have been phone. All good with her bloods again so that's a relief.
      Oma, she has her bloods done a few days before so he has the results. Nothing for me until my mammogram next January.

      Sending all good wishes for WG's OH today.

      I'm going for short walk now whilst OH is doing her gardening task
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Gem pleased OH's bloods were good.
        Hoping WeeGrannys OH is ok.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          No more visits to the hospital to check the device in my chest as it has died, the nurse couldn't get any reading from it so assume it has had its day. They usually last 3 years ish and mine is over that. Doctors will be notified.

          GS2 had a day off today so he went into the loft to find a couple of things for me. In some boxes are decanters and some silver items which I was fed up with cleaning. I said take anything you like and he came down with a cut glass/silver rimmed ice bucket. Very pleased to give it to him. I wish everyone would go up there and either have items or throw away. I think I shall have a family foraging day. I have loads of needlework stuff up there close to the top of the steps so I can fetch bits. I must get them to bring it all down so I can sort it either to be thrown away or to be passed to a needlework group I know. I am anxious that they don't have a lot to sort through later.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Good new about OH's bloods gem. Always a worrying time.

            I phoned at lunchtime and OH hadn't gone to theatre. They said he was due there at 3.30ish. I'm hoping he's done by now! Thanks for your good wishes ladies.

            After a glorious morning, we have heavy rain. Luckily I got the washing in just in time.

            I've amazed myself at the things I've got done today! Don't think I can keep up the momentum though!
            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
            Theodore Roosevelt.


              A lot to catch up on!

              Gem - so glad S's results were clear and you had a good meeting with the consultant.

              WeeGranny - your poor OH waiting for so long to go to theatre. I hope everything went smoothly and he's been able to have a drink and something to eat. Is he home now? Well done on getting so much done today.

              WeeGranny was luckier than me with her washing! I put out a line full just before going to collect Cooper. The sun was shining from a clear blue sky. I didn't even bother to take a coat in the car. It was a glorious day. Until a bare two minutes after I'd left home! The clouds rolled in from nowhere and it bucketed down. OH noticed fairly quickly and fetched everything in, but it was wetter than when I took it out of the washing machine!

              Plant - will they be able to give you a new device? It's surprising what accumulates in the loft. Ours needs a good sorting out. We were going to do it during the first lockdown, but the weather was glorious and who wants to be up in a dusty old loft when the sun's shining!

              Oma - don't worry. I didn't finish the ironing today. There's not much left though so I might to that tomorrow!

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                WG I think we keep busy and get things done at times like these! I hope your OH is tucked up in bed now, whether it's at home or in hospital.
                Daisy I hate it when it rains on the washing! Fine here all day so ours dried. It was a whites wash so not a lot.
                Plant that family foraging day is not a bad idea! I think it's going to take OH and I forever to sort all mums stuff.

                I haven't done a lot today. I went for a very short local walk this morning.
                OH and I had a game of Scrabble after lunch.
                I painted a rock for the grave of our 2 little cats who were born within a week of each other and died, age 19, within 6 months of each other. Beloved pets stay in our hearts don't they, especially when they are in our lives for so long?

                Busy day tomorrow with picking the GC up from school early, and visiting mum first, so it was nice to have a lazy day today!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  I wonder how WeeGranny's OH is.

                  We had a lovely sunrise at 6'o clock.

                  Only definate plans for me is going to in laws,and going for my 2nd jab this afternoon.

                  Hubby out walking with his pal this morning,so he will pick me up from in laws.

                  British summertime starts this weekend.

                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.
                    Good to get your 2nd jab Nan2

                    Today school pick up is earlier, as I said last night. Fortunately I was able to move my visit to my mum forward a bit, as I had booked to fit in with the normal pick up time!

                    I hope everyone is doing well and has a nice Friday. We are on the home stretch before a bit more freedom.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Gem, hope you have a lovely visit with your Mum.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Morning ladies ,
                        Gem good news with S now you can relax again
                        Hope you find your Mum in good spirits im sure she will be much happier seeing you regularly ,

                        Wonder how WG's hubby is hope all went well ,

                        Nanto exciting day getting second Jab

                        Been to Lidl , Iceland then Drs to hand in sample ,

                        Its so dark I have lamp on its wet and miserable ,
                        We were going to the Garden centre for more plants but its not the weather for it at the moment so get on with a few jobs ,

                        I gave my downstairs Loo skirtings a quick lick of paint yesterday , and the bathroom skirtings , might go around with the paint pot touching up any little scratches and dings around the house ,
                        I noticed on the door surrounds in the hall a few knocks obviously when furniture been brought in they knocked the paintwork ,
                        It doesnt need a full paint just a dab here and there ,.
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning everyone. It's bright and sunny at the moment, but I don't think it will last. I'm certainly not going to hang washing out today!

                          WeeGranny - I hope your OH is feeling ok after yesterday.

                          Nanto - second jab is great. We still don't have a date for ours.

                          Gem - back to juggling times around your family. It's great, isn't it. I do hope your mum is feeling cheerful today and you can have a nice chat and hold hands.

                          Oma - what a miserable day, weather-wise.

                          I do hope everyone is ok, even if they haven't posted much recently. We miss you. xxx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            It's just started to rain here. Very dark at the moment I have put the living room fairy lights on!
                            Very windy today, which is not good as all the blossom is out.

                            Daisy, it is nice to be back to the normality and school runs, and to be able to see Mum of course
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              WG, I hope all went well for your OH yesterday.

                              Gemini, So pleased you were able to change the time for your visit to see your mum. I feel these visits will cheer her up and make her more settled.

                              Very watery sun here Daisy, not sure what the forecast is.

                              Going for a hearing test this morning, I shall be pleased to get my aids updated. I will call into Waitrose on the way back.

                              Didn't realise ththe handle clocks have to be altered this weekend, evenings will be lighter.

                              Had a fall in the night, when I got up for a visit to the toilet, no damage done. I usually have a linen bin slightly behind the door into the toilet but I had moved it slightly and when I held the door handle, the door it moved and I went with it. Hit head on the door and landed on my hip. I have moved the bin back now.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Oh Plant I hope your ok , must have been a bit of a shock , xxxx

                                My dear Sister would of been 70 today , she would of hated it she hated growing older , cried all day when she turned 50 never mind 70
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

