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    Glamm you must do what feels right for you , however maybe your family wont see it that way and are desperate to cosset and comfort you on your birthday without John ,
    Its still very early days and raw for you , plus the way he died so unexpected was a massive shock

    Give it some thought and do what you feel comfy with after all its just another day maybe a belated celebration when you feel more up to it xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Glamm, I do wish they could find some way of making your poorly shoulder less painful after all this time. xx As others have said, all these 'firsts' are painful hurdles to be got through. Gem makes a good point, but as she says it's your choice to do what you feel is right for you. I'm sure whatever that is, John would want it to be as easy for you as possible. I think I remember it's a 'big' milestone this year for you. I don't know whether that makes it easier or harder. Whatever you choose, it is only 24 hours long, and I hope it will pass as peacefully as possible. Sending hugs. xx
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        WeeGranny - I could never be thought of as house proud, but I do like it when the windows are clean inside and out. It rarely happens, but nice when it does! The beef casserole sounds delicious.

        I put a loaf in the breadmaker at lunchtime and there is now a delicate waft of warm baking spreading through the house. Lovely.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Ah Glammanana how I wish I could send you a crystal to heal your shoulder. I have a tens machines so I don’t know if that might help you. I am so sorry about your beloved Husband. You do what you need to do to get through. Sending you healing hugs. Xx


            There is so much going on since I looked in this morning. I hope the ladies are in pain can rest and spoil yourfselves. If Netflix does it for you turn it on.

            Glamm you must do what is best for you regarding your birthday.

            Gemini, thinking of you and your mum, I hope the op. is over and she is recovering in her bed having a nice sleep.

            WG enjoy your walk along the river, I am resting after some gardening.

            We have had a very hot afternoon. Apparently there was a minor earthquake a few miles away, the earth didn't move for me. also we had a stabbing in the town this morning, two boys chased another boy caught him and stabbed him. He is recovering in the local hospital. They say they were about 16.

            Had a lovely morning with my Guiding friends, lots of chat. One of the ladies has a DD who works in a chemists, apparently they are so overworked as they are having to take on some care that the doctors normally do. It really is time the doctors opened their doors, why should the chemists be so overworked.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              I’m currently away in the motorhome we’re up North near Flamborough at the moment had a lovely walk along the cliff tops (not quite Portugal but it is pretty) heading for Spurn Head on Thursday.
              Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                My part of the world Avo Enjoy the break.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Glamma, at the end of the day you have to what is right for you for your birthday.

                  WeeGranny, i haven't used my slow cooker for a couple of months.
                  It will be in use tomorrow, i've taken a lamb fillet out of the freezer, so that will be going in.

                  Hope all the ladies who have been hurt, feel better soon.

                  After a drizzly start to the day,it turned out very warm.

                  Gem, i hope your Mums operation went well. X
                  Last edited by Nanto2girls; 08-09-2020, 07:33 PM.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    The TV blew up tonight, fusing all the lights and the landline which we were on trying to reach the ward.
                    Mum is back on the ward but I haven't been able to find much out as by the time we got through handover was done and the nurse hadn't even met mum. She says she will phone me back. We tried on and off for hours to get through ☹️
                    I'll update more on her thread later.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Oh, Gem, you really could have done without your tv blowing up like that. What bad timing.

                      I'm so glad mum is back on the ward - that is good news.

                      Plant - how awful about the stabbing. And an earthquake. Perhaps as well the earth didn't move for you, but how lovely to spend a chatty morning with your Guiding friends.

                      I don't really see why the chemists should be taking on some of the doctors' work loads at this stage - when the pandemic was at its height I could understand it.

                      Avo - Flamborough Head is on my bucket list for whenever life lets us have holidays again. I hope you're having a wonderful time and the weather is being kind to you.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Originally posted by Fairyqueen View Post
                        Morning Daisy . Cooper sounds amazing! I love dogs. I have a little dachshund. She’s 14 now but still quite healthy. How lovely that cooper and Eva play together. My grand daughters do play together although the two year old fairy is still at the tantrum stage where she wants everything and won’t share. She had a bit of a meltdown at the dinner table yesterday because her Mum had committed the dreadful crime of putting a roast potato on her plate, which for some unknown reason wasn’t acceptable. She did calm down after 20 mins and ate it. 😁
                        Thank you Daisy. I am feeling better but tired after yesterday.
                        FairyQueen - Cooper is a gorgeous dog! Full of character, very sweet, a happy loveable loon. When his family were trying to choose a dog (they'd lost their elderly terrier cross the previous year) they considered lots of breeds, but DS's favourite was a dachshund!! Quite how they ended up with a Viszla the size of a small donkey I don't know, but only today DS said they almost tried to adopt a daxxi from a rescue centre, but realised they need to put a lot of thought into it first. They're dogs that seem to stay young for ever. What is your senior lady called?

                        Your two-year old GD sounds a sweet heart despite the roast potato refusal. We noticed with our GDs who have a 3 ¼ year age gap, that the gap has got progressively narrower and they now play on mostly equal terms instead of GD1 playing 'adult' to GD2's 'child'.

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                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Daisy i said to Gem why does everything happen together , couldnt make it up could you ,Telly blowing up fusing all the lights and phone and worry about her Mum
                          Told her to have a early night she will need it

                          Went to DD this morning Storm got so excited greeted us with a fine display of Husky talk and every toy he has brought to us , you would think he hadnt seen us for weeks
                          I do miss having him twice a week now that DD is working from home .

                          FQ its funny how they have melt downs over silly things , GS1 was if you cut his toast the wrong way , trouble was it changed every time he had any
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Gem, bad timing for the TV! I am pleased your mum is back on the ward, I hope you find out more today.

                            Avo, like Gem, Flamborough wasn't far from where I was brought up, I can remember going on on a school outing, many, many years ago.

                            Plant, I saw on the news about the earthquake. Bad thing about the stabbing, it happens far too often, here as well, not good at all. You would enjoy the coffee and chat with your guiding friends.



                              I think the forecast is for another nice day.

                              Plant, i thought of you when i saw it about the earthquake. Terrible to hear of the stabbing.

                              Gem, pleased your Mum was back on the ward. You could have done without the tv fiasco.

                              Doing a lamb dinner today,i'm looking forward to it.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning Nanto, the very early birds who posted in the wee small hours and all who call in later. That's a pretty graphic for a hopefully sunny day, Nanto. Lamb dinner - yummy. I'm on my way!

                                It's sunny here, but I haven't checked the temperature yet. I want to get a new painting started today but haven't decided what to paint.

                                Gem - I do hope your mum's had a comfortable night.

                                Just going to make a cup of tea - back later.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

