Very cold here as well. Its very rare we have the heating as high as it will go, but hubby has turned it up full.
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It's been a cold, miserable day here, too. Even with the heating on all day it's been chilly. I don't seem to have achieved much either - wasted several hours waiting for the dog food to arrive, and then a couple more online trying to sort something out. I ordered a couple of Christmas presents online, so that was something! Still, tomorrow is another day and I will be more productive!
Stay warm and safe everyone. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Evening All,
Just had a bit of a catch up. I’ve been in agony with the arm all week so not done much. I could have done with keeping the bottles of gin that I ordered to keep my Tesco slot open! It is easier today though.
We went for a walk earlier in the week and I was astonished to see three people in swimming! Normal swimmies and bobble hats! Crackers or what.😳 I did ask the only man how cold it was, he smiled and said ‘refreshing’, but he was young. 😁
Enjoy what’s left of the weekend Ladies.
Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt.
Good morning, I can't even imagine swimming in the cold, it was cold enough yesterday whilst out on the bike! The exciting part of my day, how sad is this, getting the hall cupboard cleaned out! I have been planning on doing it for so long and pleased it is done now. I did see GD2 from a distance when DS1 put some things in the garage.
Good morning Nanto /ladies ,
Nanto we off to MIL's too she needs a few jobs done before she finally gets her new sofas if you remember that saga
Havent seen her for weeks with the lockdown no doubt she wont be any more pleasant ,
GM a couple of weeks ago we went for a drive down the beach and there were a couple of men swimming in the sea , madness
I so sympathise with you I have had little sleep again with my shoulder and arm , its horrible isnt it xxxxx
Lizzie at least you know your cupboard is nice and tidy now
Daisy I hate waiting around for deliveries but it must be done and the poor delivery man must have been sick of the diversions himself making his day longer ,
At least you have it , is that enough to last over Christmas or will you have to order again ? xx
Gem did you enjoy your wine
All housework done and im showered , Its wet again and yesterday it never seemed to get light , today looks like same thing .
Have a good day ladies I will pop back later after i have been to MIL'sIm not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning ladies.
Nan2 that reminds me that we must empty the freezer part of my mum's fridge freezer! We emptied and switched off the garage one many months ago, but left the inside one as we didn't know if she would be coming home, and I had just put some things in the week before she left.
I hope your pain settles down soon Grauntie. Brave souls who swim outside in winter!!
Very wet where I am.
No plans today but plenty to be getting on with. I must finish my card writing and get those addressed and posted.
I am due to collect an order from M&S but haven't had the email yet to say that it is there. OH has bought some jigsaws from someone on FB who lives near there, so we will do it in one trip, if my stuff arrives.
Have a good Sunday everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Foggy here this morning but the sun is trying to break through. I keep thinking it is Monday. GS, partner and the little ones popped in yesterday with GD1's birthday present and our Christmas cards. DD and sil were out sitting under a gazebo with a fire pit with old friends. Not sure what to do with myself now I know it is Sunday.
I hope the visit to Mil's goes well Oma. I also hope she is satisfied (I don't think she knows that word) with the furniture.
I hope GD1 and her partner hear something soon about their moving date. When they go and GD2 returns to London after Christmas, we will be just 3of us living here. I wonder how long for.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Hello everyone. I've almost given up trying to fathom out what day it is, but I need to get myself sorted out for next week with a couple of things on the calendar. Don't get excited for me - one's a tip run. I'm also taking my friend M to hospital for her mastectomy on Tuesday. Plus a couple of doggy day care days for Cooper.
Plant - It will seem very strange when there are just the 3 of you living in your family community - but I'm sure it won't stay that way. I think it's lovely how your youngsters ebb and flow.How is your youngest GS (S) getting on? He's such a lovely young man, and I hope things are going well for him.
Oma - oh dear, sofa delivery day! I'm sure MIL will be delighted with them and thrilled to see you and B.Eva's food delivery will last well into January. I can always order some for courier delivery if I needed to but this regular monthly delivery is by the company itself and we can return the packaging for recycling.
Gem - I've started my cards, too, but doubt if I'll get any more done today. My thumb is really painful after Friday's efforts so I'll give it a day or two to recover. Who do you think will get voted off Strictly tonight?
Grauntie - all grannies should have a bottle of Mother's Ruin stashed away for emergencies! I'm so sorry you've been in so much pain. Don't overdo things just because you feel a bit better. xx
Wild swimming is supposed to be good for you, although nobody has ever convinced me about the benefits!! I like my sea warm, blue and preferably with a coral reef or two. A couple of Christmases ago we were having a walk on the beach with GSs when there was a commotion behind us and a large group of people suddenly ran into the sea - starkers!
Nanto - it doesn't sound like a nice day for cleaning out freezers!
After a really miserable day yesterday, today the sun is shining, and although it's cold it doesn't feel as bad. It's so lovely to get proper daylight for a few hours! I hope it spreads your way tomorrow, everyone.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Daisy I love sea swimming too, in seas as warm as possible in hot weather!
I don't know who will be voted off Strictly tonight. It;s hard when it gets to this stage. Maybe Bill and Oti? Oti is my favourite of the professional dancers, and Bill has done so well, but someone has to go. GS1 will be gutted if so, hes backing them to win!
I'd rather it was Jamie as I am not keen on him or his partner, but they danced very well.
My vote to win would be Maisie, she is amazing. I like Ranvir though, and for a non performer she dances wonderfully.
My M&S order is there, so we are going out soon.
I have been around the house taking close up pictures of objects on my phone for the picture round of tomorrow's quiz.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Gem - I think it's likely to be Bill and Oti. The judges were quite kind to Bill, and Oti danced so gracefully, but OH and I thought he sort of plodded round. I would be good to see Maisie win, but I also like HRVY and his cheeky grin.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Well we back from MIL's it went ok really ,
Got lots of little jobs done ,
Pictures up on wall ,
Bathroom cabinet back after Martin had painted the walls on Friday ,
Put Shower pole and curtain up then just as we were leaving she found a new one she had in cupboard so had to re do it .
B went and bought new Door hinges for sitting room and dinning room doors the old ones were brass and covered in paint , got them on ,
Measured for a new kitchen blind ,
Cleaned the fridge and put some stuff in the shed .
B needs to go back next weekend to put some new hinges on her cupboard door , she didn't say till he was back with the other ones that she wanted that doing too
She is now coming with us to DD's for Christmas day ,
Last year she went to Martins and had a right carry on spoilt their Christmas so they don't want her this year and B's two Sisters have other plans apparently ,
So DD said bring her to mine Mam
She will be warned about her behaviour before we go .
New Sofas arriving tomorrow , Charity coming in the morning to take old ones away , she only needs to wash the floors now and its all done she cant moan about anything else
Although she will find something ,
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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