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    I am worried about that too Oma, especially as mum is a smoker. She doesn't smoke in the bedroom though so hasn't for the last 2 days
    The Occ H lady said there are no nursing home places at the moment. I do think it may be best for her though.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Gem, its right what they say about getting out of bed. We're lucky if mam gets up for an hour.

      Dad rang today with a shopping we are going to Asda tomorrow.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Really proud of our little cul-de-sac almost every house out clapping at 8 o'clock . We could hear car horns being hooted around the estate too
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          We were still at mums and didn't hear anything and didn't know what time it was.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Gem - yes, it really is important for your mum to keep moving. What a worry for you. While we were outside clapping this evening we had a quick chat with our immediate neighbours. The lady's mum is 86 and was struggling to live on her own even with help like you're giving, so they've managed to get her into a residential home. She's quite bewildered and confused but is gradually coming to terms, and she's safe and cared for. I hope you can find a place for your mum - I'm sure it will be best for her in the long run. It must feel that the balance has shifted very quickly, Gem - for both of you. xx

            Nanto - I'm sorry your mam isn't getting out of bed much. Apart from not being good for her it must be lonely and difficult for your dad as well as a worry for you.

            Oma - There were 6 families in our little cul de sac of 11 houses, and one of them is empty.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Gemini, is the reason your mother wants to stay in bed because she is in pain? I thought she had a sort of fall and had what appeared to be a muscle injury. Everything seems to have escalated so quickly. SIL's mother aged 92 has taken to her bed, she has a live-in carer.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Gem, Mum was determined to stay in her own home. Care packages were put into place even tho' she wasn't keen at first. It was wonderful for her socially. Her carers became friends and I know she never felt lonely. She agreed to home care as she'd always insisted she wouldn't go to live in a home.

                I really empathise with you & hope that it sorts itself out soon. One day at a time lovely lady.
                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                (Doe Zantamata.)


                  Good morning everyone.

                  Plant, yes my mum fell on Sunday evening, no one was there so we can't get the full details and it changes slightly each telling due to her extreme short term memory loss. She told the Dr and OT she tripped over her walker, which she didn't have at that point. As she is deaf I can quietly put them right whenever this happens.
                  We think she pulled a thigh muscle, and around her hip, but whatever it is the pain and exhaustion of even being got out of bed is making her refuse. She doesn't want to BE in bed, she's depressed in bed. She is saying all the time that she would end her life if it wasn't for the fact God may not let her into heaven, or that she can't live alone any more. At times she can be cheerful and I'm hoping if she can be got up out of bed her spirits may improve.
                  I feel as though the world which was already so awful with lock down and virus fear, has spiralled into something worse.
                  Nana, thank you for your kind words xx

                  I hope everyone is well today and keeping spirits up as much as possible.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good morning Gem, and all who follow.

                    Looking a bit overcast,but its a good forecast for the weekend.

                    We are going to Asda this morning. We need a few bits and shopping for ma and pa as well.
                    Not been in a proper supermarket since 14th March. This is unheard of for us.
                    Been making do with the local shop and nearby Lidl.

                    Have a good day ladies.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Oh Gem, more worries on top of everything! Hugs!


                        Morning ladies.

                        Up at silly o'clock got most of hall stairs and landing walls painted . Small area to do but had to have a sit down I'm not feeling my best today .
                        Still have all the paintwork to do but B will happily do doors can't get to skirting though I can't get him back up

                        That can wait for another day . As long as it's done for next Wednesday .

                        Gem you know if your Mum has to go in a home don't blame yourself you have done everything you possible could for her . Plus these thoughts of wanting to take her own life maybe it's loneliness . My MIL at 86 is feeling very lonely at the minute as none of us can go . We are phoning every other day and SIL is leaving shopping at her door having a few words through the window but not the same is it . I feel sorry for both your Mum and you it's a very difficult time xx

                        Nanto you won't know what to do with yourself escaping like that . You will be like a kid in a sweet shop

                        Going to have a cup of tea and a couple of headache tablets I will pop in later xx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning everyone. Just a very quick hello as we haven't got the bins out yet - I popped in to see how Gem's mum is. Gem - sending a million hugs, and hoping today is a better day. Has she tried Volterol on the painful area? If she can ease the pain it would make it easier for her to get up. xxx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Thank you Lizzie, Oma and Daisy xx
                            Daisy that is on the shopping list today. OH is doing it and bringing it over to mum's this afternoon. I'll go over around midday to see how things are.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem,hope you find things have improved with your mum when you go over later and she's accepted the help on offer. Worrying time for you all. Sending love x
                              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                              Theodore Roosevelt.


                                Gem what a worry for you, what a pity she is unable to spend some time in respite care to give you a break.

                                Oma. do you think it might be the paint giving you a headache, you had a headache when you did your cloakroom if I remember correctly. I understand you want to get the stairs painted before the stair lift goes in but then no more decorating.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

