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    Gem, your poor mum, and the worst timing possible. I hope at least one of the walking aids will help her and ease your worries a bit.

    Oma - thank goodness your SIL has started ordering.

    Enfys - thank goodness your GD is safe and with friends. I should imagine any farm out in Australia would be quite isolated so she may be better off there than travelling home - although I'm sure both you and her mum would love her to be here. She sounds a sensible girl, so I'm sure she'll do whatever she can to stay safe.

    Yes - I keep saying I'll do so-and-so and then thinking there's no rush, I'll do it another day. In fact days are slipping by quite quickly.

    OH's eye is looking very good today. It's not as bloodshot as usual and he's only had one lot of gel in. So fingers crossed it will be even better tomorrow. He's keen to get back into his shed.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Gemini, I hope your mother will be okay with the walking aids, not a good time to hurt herself, well it is never a good time.

      Daisy, pleased the eye isn't too bad this time so that her can get into his shed.

      Enfys, pleased to hear your GD is safe, I agree it is not a good time to be travelling back to the UK.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Daisy, good to hear OH's eye isn't too bad.

        Will go and write up in the what i did today thread.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Plant and Nanto - OH says 'thank you'..

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning. First job for me is cleaning the kitchen.

            Dinner today will be homemade chips,scampi and garden peas.

            Stay safe and warm ladies.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Morning Nanto / ladies

              Up early did washing and dried it . Pottered around as they coming today to fit Stair lift so no point doing much else till they done.

              Asda shopping arrived last night everything but fresh orange juice .
              Managed to book another slot for the 15th.

              Daisy how is J today ?

              Nanto we having Shepherd's pie with green veg and new potatoes

              Gem how is Mum do you think she will use the aids ? Groin strain is very painful when you walk poor lady .

              Plant the days are running into one went they .

              Enfys how is P is he keeping busy ?
              GD will be better off where she is at the moment .

              It's overcast and dull at the moment

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Good morning early riser, and those who are not!

                We've got sunshine after a frosty night. I was relieved to see the greenhouse heater had kicked in but the temperature was only 4C. It's quiet where we live anyway, but this morning it was so still and totally silent - not even a distant train. Beautiful.

                Thank you for asking after His Eye-ness. He's still asleep, so I'll let him lie in again. He's keen to get back into his shed. He's trying to make pencil spinning tops for the GDs - if you get them right when you spin them they draw a pattern and he thought the girls would like them.

                Oma - I agree, the days are running into each other. I have to remind myself each day what day it is. I must remember to finish my Sainsbury's order today for delivery tomorrow.

                I've no idea what we're having for dinner today. I do admire your organisation, Nanto and Oma.

                Has anybody heard from Mimi? I hope she's ok. If you're looking in Mimi - sending hugs.

                Plans for today - my desk needs tidying and dusting. I think I'll keep my ambitions in check and leave spring cleaning the whole house for another day.

                Have a good day, everyone, and take care. xx

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good morning. Sunny but we had a frost! Couldn’t believe all the white out there.

                  Daisy, I never know what day it is now and as for the date......I turned the calendar over two days early!! Every day’s seems the same, well, I suppose it is really. No real plans for today, but I must try and be more organised and actually get something done!

                  Yesterday I phone my neighbour, well, DDs neighbour now, but we lived next door for years. She is a widow and comp,Evelyn on her own as her on,y daughter lives a long way away. We managed to get some shopping for her in my Tesco delivery so,she was happy. I wanted to pass on some info about help in our area that I saw in FB, and I know she wouldn’t see it. Our council has a helpline for anyone in difficulties and a group has been set up in our local area for help with shopping, etc. The other day an elderly lady asked if anyone had any jigsaws she could borrow, and straight away people were leaving them on her doorstep for her!

                  I must try and get a walk in, just around the garden, again today. But I will need my coat on I think, then il like to do some work in my Family history.....we shall see.

                  Have a good day everyone 🌞

                  forgot to mention DHs visit to doctor yesterday. It was all very well organised, he was the only patient there, the nurse doing the injection was masked, gloved and covered up. There was hand gel to use as he went in and out, on the way out he pushed the door open with his elbow! He was in and out in double quick time. They certainly seem to be doing all they can to protect themselves and patients.
                  Last edited by Enfys; 01-04-2020, 08:32 AM.
                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    Good morning ladies, lots of morning posts today

                    As far as knowing the day or date, we are all in the dark. Each day seems the same. I do know it is April 1st though.
                    I feel we are all living the lives of very old people!! Going nowhere, no one visiting, time on our hands, not knowing what day it is as all days are the same.

                    With things the way they are with my mum at the moment, I cant be sure I won't be going over again today.
                    If not I will go tomorrow as planned.
                    I need a walk as I haven't had one for a few days. I have exciting plans to dust and hoover upstairs, and maybe sort a cupboard.
                    I will report in the What did you Do today thread tonight, on what I actually end up doing!

                    Have a good one everyone, take care.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Weather doesn't look inviting today to get in the garden or sit in the summer house so I will have to amuse myself indoors. GD said they are having to reduce so many items that are short date, not many people want bread now, their freezer must be full of it. Perishables not selling either, such as fruit and veg. I have a pile of items to be filed Daisy, perhaps today is the day.
                      I must get a stroll in too Enfys or do some excercises.

                      Love your menu today Nanto and Oma. I am having a Waitrose meal of chicken stuffed with asparagus and wrapped in Parma ham, peas and carrots.

                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Stair lift people didn't turn up today B thinks he got the date wrong so will ring them tomorrow to check . He should have jotted it down on the calendar as soon as they rang . I'm sure he said 3rd t me but we both unsure nowv
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          When i wake up on a morning,i have to think what day it is.

                          Oma, best to check up on the date for stairlift.

                          Will go and write up in the what i did today thread.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            What a day
                            I'll fill you all in later.
                            We must eat now!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem - I hadn't thought of it as being like very old people. I hope your mum didn't need you again this afternoon. How is she after hurting herself?

                              Oma - it's easily done. Especially when one day is like another. At least you've got the socket moved and are ready for action.

                              Plant - how strange that people aren't buying fresh veg and fruit - whatever they bought in the early days of the panic buying will have gone bad by now. Someone was telling OH that loads of people have bought bread makers, and it's still hard to get strong flour, so I can understand bread not selling.

                              Enfys - I'm sure your neighbour it really grateful for the shopping, and the advice about getting help. It's lovely that communities are pulling together and helping those who need it.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                I've updated on Today thread, don't want to do it again here.
                                Night everyone
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

