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    Lovely to hear from Glammanana yesterday, very concerned we haven't heard from Clover for some time.

    I have to go to the Warfarin Clinic this morning to get a recent INR reading before I have a tooth removed on Friday. I will also pop into a craft group (I hope) on the way back, It is an off -shoot group from WI, we just dabble. I am also waiting for a man (get me), to come to do a job in next door and a small job for me.

    Daisy have a successful trip to Leek, I hope the end is in sight. Al least you will be back before the next storm.

    Nanto, I hope the in-laws are well.

    I will pop back later.

    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Good morning everyone.

      Safe trip to Leek Daisy, and not too much cleaning I hope. Is your cousins house going up for sale?
      Plant I hope you get to the craft group. I notice Clover has been looking in, but perhaps just not felt like posting. If you are reading Clover, sending love to you.

      A calm sunny morning here as I look out.
      It was very cold when we went out last night. Everyone arriving at the theatre looked as though they had arrived from an Artic expedition!
      The play was disappointing. Quite boring, unlike any other Alan Aykbourn I have seen. There was an awful lot of shuffling about amongst the audience, and I heard one man say as we left 'It DID liven up a bit towards the end of the second act' ! Disappointing as theatre tickets are never cheap and OH rarely goes with me, so I wanted her to enjoy it.
      GS1 day today. There is a special assembly at 2.15 so I need to be there for that, then pick him up afterwards.
      This morning OH and I are going to John Lewis. I have something to pick up, and one of OH's golf friend wants us to go with her to help choose a washing machine.

      Have a good day all, stay warm, safe and well!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        I’m still here ladies but don’t feel up to much chatting at the moment. Such a lot of hard decisions to make.I really,really appreciate your thoughts and concern.I’m still visiting G daily, leaving the house at 11 and getting home about 9.30 so only really time for the essential washing etc.I also have worries about my sister at the moment.
        I do hope you are all well and families also. Love xx


          Clover sending lv , I know hospital visiting can be very draining it takes up a lot of the day ,
          as long as we know you are ok and you know we are all here for you lovely lady xxxx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Clover thank you so much for letting us know you're ok. You must be absolutely exhausted. The added worry over your sister is adding to it all too. You must be mentally, physically & emotionally drained. Sending love to you & G.

            Oma I'm relieved for you & your DD. You can't help but worry about these lumps. Gem maybe that's why you didn't sleep the night before, worrying about getting the tickets? Good outcome tho. Cleaning to do today...yuk. Ironing still not done. That's where a spare room comes in handy.😉
            Last edited by Nana; 12-02-2020, 10:50 AM.
            "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

            (Doe Zantamata.)


              Clover, you will be exhausted, worrying, stress and all the visiting. Thinking of you.


                Clover,they are very long days for you. you must be feeling shattered.

                All was well at in laws thank you.

                Still very cold here, with sunshine and showers.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Clover so sorry to hear you have concerns about your sister, that can't be helping.

                  Gemini, sorry you didn't find the show to your liking, usually Alan Aykbourn plays are fast moving and lots of twists and turns and misunderstandings.

                  Managed to attend the craft group, get my blood tested and dealt with
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Clover we all feel for you. I'm so sorry to hear you have worries over your sister too.
                    Nana, I was awake with tummy pain, which is the most common reason for me. You're right though, I definitely had those tickets on my mind too!

                    DD was late getting home tonight due to traffic. I didn't get home myself until 8pm.
                    A good day though. Our friend didn't get a cooker at JL, she's still undecided. We however bought a washing machine! It arrives on Monday. The 3 of us then had lunch at M&S.
                    GS's internet safety assembly was very good, and well attended for 2.15 on a work day.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Calm and bright this morning. Rained during the night,i could here it on the bedroom window.

                      Gem, a pity you weren't too thrilled with the show.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning Nan2 and all other ladies reading.

                        You win some you lose some with plays Nan2, and usually I enjoy things that I see.
                        It rained here most of the night too. Golf course is still closed.
                        Usual Thursday for me. Mum's shopping to do this afternoon , and visit her.
                        I woke with a sore throat so I'm not sure if it is a cold coming on or just sleeping with my mouth open!
                        I have some secretary work to do for the library group this morning.

                        Have a good day everyone.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good morning Nanto, I am second on Chat today.

                          Aqua for me as usual, then food shopping as I am having a tooth extracted tomorrow so will not feel like doing it then. Feeling very pleased to have all my odd jobs done. A neighbour, who has retired from doing large, mainly carpentry, jobs came yesterday and sorted out all my niggling jobs, fortunately it was dry and sunny so he was able to repair my sunroom. He will tackle almost anything, at a very reasonable price. I will pop back late
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Good morning all.

                            Clover, thank you for keeping us updated but so sorry to hear things are still difficult. You must be exhausted, thinking of you x.

                            What a night, blowing a gale and pouring with rain, I thought the windows were coming in at one point. Still blowing and raining and very dark too. We were going out but I think we’ll leave it, don’t fancy going anywhere in all this.

                            i have my ECG tomorrow at the docs, just want to get this niggly problem sorted out. Its SIL’s birthday tomorrow and DH’s on Saturday so they are all coming here and we will have a takeaway. I am also supposed to be meeting up with a group of fellow knitters on Saturday but we will see what the weather is like as some of them have a distance to drive. We met through an online knitting forum and are mostly quite local so it’s nice to meet up occasionally.

                            Have a good day everyone, keep dry and safe if you have to go out, ☔️

                            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                              Good morning ladies its cold wet and miserable ,
                              Dog wont go out its too wet for him .

                              Gem I used to love to go to the boys school stuff nice to here there was a good turnout
                              Hope that's not another cold your getting xxx

                              Plant at least you have the jobs done now enjoy Aqua xx

                              Enfys its not a day to be going out , hope its calmer when you go to Drs tomorrow xx

                              Nanto the rain was heavy during the night wasn't it x

                              Nothing planned today a bit of ironing from washing I did this morning .
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good Morning one and all! Sun trying to break through but without much success! Rained here during night as well, but didn't affect my sleep!

                                Clover, you must be worn out with your daily visits to the hospital. Can any of your family give you a break sometimes? I'm sorry to hear about your sister too, was she the one who's husband had broken his leg/hip and was hospitalised? I do hope things are resolved for you sooner rather than later and that you don't overdo things. Sending love x.

                                Not much happening here. We were planning to go the West Country for the weekend, but Storm Dennis has made us decide to cancel. We'll go when the weather's a bit warmer.
                                OH had his check up on Wednesday and bloods all fine. However, we're still waiting on appointment for both Memory and Eye Clinics. The memory one was still sitting in the surgery on Tuesday waiting for someone to process it and send to hospital. Blood had to be taken before it could be sent off, so that was taken on Tuesday afternoon. FIngers crossed it'll soon be on its way.

                                Off to get new number plates for old car ( I'm transferring my own plate to the new one) and then the ironing is calling me!

                                Have a good day everyone and hope all poorly people + family members feel better soon x
                                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                                Theodore Roosevelt.

