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    Hope that Oma's and Nanto's SiLs both respond well to treatment, but it is a worrying time for their families. Thinking of you all.....and all the other members with family going through difficult times. Maybe February will be abetter month than January has been.

    We went to test drive a car yesterday as we've decided we only really need one car these days. Can't quite believe that we actually bought it! Should get it mid-February so that's something to look forward to. Drove it back to house on test drive to check that it'd fit in the garage....and it did with room to spare. Think the salesman had a chuckle to himself when I asked if I could take it back and check. Obviously not a question that's asked very often! Oh said it was very comfortable sitting in the passenger seat, so he's happy too.

    Been a boring sort of day. Went to Next to pick up a parcel and went into M&S Food while we were there and spent far too much on food, as you do! Finished shopping in Tesco's. Sent OH to get cream, told him where I'd be and managed to lose him! Eventually found him wandering along. Had a coffee in Costa before heading home.

    Weatherwise it's been grey and miserable with the odd shower for good measure.

    DS and DD coming home next week as we need to sit and talk about future plans with them. I'm sure they'll have their own ideas about what we should/n't do. It'll be lovely to be just the four of us, but not so good when we know what the reason is for this get together.

    Grantchester this evening and smoked haddock for dinner! Hope you all have a good evening x
    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt.


      What car are you buying WG, that was a quick decision. Granchester and smoked haddock, what more can you want! It will be good to talk things over with your children, good to have their support.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        WG, I'm glad the car fits the garage
        I hope Cooper is better now Daisy.

        I had a lovely day with GS2, hes lovely company. We baked, played a lot of card games, and snakes and ladders, his version! We watched Bambi together, his first time. Luckily he wasn't totally aware of what happened when Bambi was told his mother couldn't be with him again!
        This afternoon was stickerbooks, stories and C Beebies. The day went quickly. GD and I talked Florida a lot in the car and I filled her in on all the panto carry on!

        I bet Qwerty is relaxing with glass of something
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Gem, saw the lovely photo on facebook of GS. Such a lovely smile.

          Not long now, until we are out of the EU.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Wee Granny - that was a quick decision on the car, but if you've driven it and are happy with it, that's great. What a good idea to check it will fit in the garage, too. We've got friends who recently moved house, only to find that neither of their cars will go in the garage - one car is too high and the other is too wide.

            It will be a relief to talk to your DD and DS, I'm sure - I hope it all goes as well as it can.

            I've just started watching Grantchester - I'm trying to pick up on a few of the many series/dramas I've never seen.

            Gem - what a busy but happy day with your GS - he's got a gorgeous smile.

            Nanto - indeed. I wonder what the next 12 months will bring! I don't suppose we'll notice much difference in the short term.

            It's been a dreadful day weatherwise - so grey, misty, and wet again. I took Cooper back to the shop so I could do the round trip in the daylight because it was so misty. He's fine, now thanks, Gem. I've never known a dog growl at his food because he doesn't feel like eating it!!

            I hope all the people who are coping with illness and problems are ok. We know sometimes members like to keep up with things but don't want to post and that is fine - but we do worry about you all. xx

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Mild again today.

              Going into town today and then to the supermarket. We will be eating out.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning Nan2, Pebbles and everyone else!

                This weekend is the annual one for the ice sculptures in York. We plan to go today as some rain is forecast tomorrow.
                OH is in two minds about even going to town due to the Corona virus. Two people who were staying in York were confirmed with it and are now in a Newcastle hospital. From what I read you have to be within and certain distance of a sufferer and for 15 minutes. If we go we will just have to keep moving if anyone stand close to us!!
                The temperatures are not ideal for the sculptures, much colder weather is best.

                Have a good weekend.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Morning ladies ,
                  Gem they have said people could have it for at least 14 days before symptoms start so potentially anyone could have been in contact already .I understand these tourists had been in York a while x

                  Nanto enjoy your shopping trip and meal out

                  Did intend doing some bits and bobs today but MIL's internet gone off again so we off shortly to sort her out ,
                  I want some new bedside lamps so will go to The Range while im there its only 5 mins from MIL

                  16 years today when my sister was taken from us , still miss the mad woman she was

                  Have a good day ladies whatever you are up too xxxxx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    I'm sure you still miss your sister Oma.
                    We can go weeks without going into town but I was there on Wednesday, the day the ladies were taken ill. We were very close to 2 Chinese ladies at the Cat Cafe However we have so many Chinese tourists and residents in York, so it is most unlikely it was the same 2. They seemed well and happy!
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning everyone. I'm with the girl on Nanto's graphic - enjoying my first cuppa. Enjoy your lunch out, Nanto.

                      Gem, isn't it typical - when you want cold weather for the ice sculptures it's mild. I hope they survive long enough for people to enjoy them.

                      The coronavirus is worrying, but hopefully the people in York who were taken ill haven't infected anyone else. I read somewhere that the most important thing is keep washing your hands with good old-fashioned soap and warm water, and try not to touch your own face. Apparently most people touch their faces over 20 times a minute!

                      Oma - I hope you can look back on happy times with your dear sister. Have you chosen your new bedside lamps, or just looking? I hope your MIL's internet problem is easily sorted out.

                      No particular plans for us today. I need to do some washing and probably ought to tackle the ironing pile before it gets any bigger. We shall see. It's nice to see the sun, so the garden might take priority over the ironing.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Ice sculptures sound worth seeing, use lots of hand wipes Gemini. Sounds like a lovely day with your GS.

                        I am enjoying my first cuppa, ave a good shop and lunch Nanto.

                        Hope you can fix Mil's internet Oma and find some lamps to your liking.

                        Pleased to hear Cooper is back enjoying his food Daisy, animals are funny.

                        Went to visit my friend in her McCarthy and Stone flat yesterday. It was lovely, just right for her. Although it is a one bedroom flat it was very spacious, she even has a walk-in wardrobe. The public areas were nicely furnished and the lounge where they have coffee mornings and activities was furnished beautifully. My friend came down to show me the way to her flat and to my surprise she was walking without a stick. Her flat is quite a walk to the lift and then another walk to the exit and lounge and she has been attending the exercise class, I was so pleased she was walking better. Her little nervous cat had settled in.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Plant sounds like McCarthy & Stone flats are all designed the same , my friends has a walk in wardrobe too a small kitchen but lots of cupboards , although as there are two of them I think they should have chosen a two bed flat , the one beds are for singletons I think . good to hear she is walking better though it seems to have given her a boost

                          MIL's internet sorted again , seen a couple of lamps in The range I like quite tall and very reasonable but thought I would look at other places first , but to be honest some lamps are ridiculously expensive for a bedroom , I have looked in B&Q online and some other places . I have decided to go back to The range and get the ones I liked

                          Daisy I can now look back with fond memories about my sister , I still miss her but it doesn't hurt like it used too , time passes you never forget but you come to terms with it don't you

                          Gem turns out one of the sisters was a student in York too

                          Wonder how Qwerty is getting on in the sun
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Home from shopping. Everything put away.
                            As we were unloading the car,one of the neighbours asked if we had stocked up because of Brexit.
                            No we said,just the usual amount of shopping. he thought we had quite a lot.

                            Oma, pleased MIL is back on the internet.
                            You will always have your memories of your sister.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Gosh it's windy out!'
                              We wimped out of going into town, partly due to the high winds and partly due to corona virus fear. Silly I know, but when it's your town it's a bit scary.
                              We go to the Ice Trail every year, so will just give it a miss for once
                              OH has been ironing and watching tennis. I have been lazy this morning, then went to the local shops for few things after lunch.
                              One advantage to the winds, I washed our bedding and we got it out, dried and back inside in no time!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Gem - I think it's sensible to be careful - we don't really know for sure how infectious coronavirus is yet and better safe than sorry. We need some lazy time some days, and you had a busy day yesterday. Well done on getting your bedding out to dry. It's been dry here with some sun and a good wind but the lawn is just too soggy to walk on to get to the clothes line, so ours went in the tumble dryer.

                                Nanto - that made me smile, your neighbour thinking you'd stocked up for Brexit.

                                Plant - it sounds as though your friend is very happy in her flat, and I'm sure she's pleased that the exercise classes have helped so much. McCarthy & Stone originate from the town where my DS2 lives. They were one of the first (or the first) in the retirement development business and have always been well thought of round here.

                                Oma - glad you were able to fix MIL's internet problem. The price of lamps seems to go from ridiculously expensive to ridiculously cheap, don't they. But I agree - I wouldn't want to pay a fortune, especially for the bedroom. It can take a long time to get to the stage where you can think about a loved one you've lost and smile about the good times rather than weep about losing them. Sending hugs. xxx

                                I hope Qwerty's lapping up the sunshine.

                                Has anyone heard from Nana, Libra Gran or Avo - wondering how they all are.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

