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    Good morning everyone. Nanto - when did you take that picture of our garden???? I wish!

    Gem - how lovely having a cat cafe. I've never had a cat, but when friends of ours had cats I always felt it was relaxing when one came and snuggled down on my lap. Of course, the downside for people who are owned by dogs is that you get a good telling off with silent, reproachful eyes and lots of sniffs when you go home wearing Eau de Chat!!

    WG - Are you pleased with how your wood burner looks? I'm sure you can't wait to try it out. We find ours warms our whole house, and it's a much more comfortable heat than central heating. What did you do with your afternoon on you own? I hope your OH's visit to the optician's went well.

    Nanto - I hope mum and dad are still doing well. I must make it so much easier when they are as well as possible. How was the steak?

    Sunshine - It will be worth the two weeks off the road to get your knee fixed, although I know what you mean - when you can't do something you really miss it. Will you be able to walk a little or should you be resting? I'll pop over if you're in need of company. xxx

    Plant - did you get any knitting done?

    I've written in YEO about my OH's trip to the doctor's yesterday - under OH's and Others' Health.

    Not many plans for today. I'm expecting a signed for delivery so I'll have to stay in until that arrives and I need to do some stuff online, so I'd better get a shower and get dressed!


    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Sounds an interesting day for you Gemini, the cat lady.

      Lovely graphic Nanto, I hope you are right about Spring being around the corner. Hope in-laws are in good spirits.

      Exciting day for me, trip to the tip with paper and cardboard, then pick-up a delivery from Waitrose. I am also waiting for a delivery from JL, the contents of the first parcel were damaged in transit so was returned to JL by Hermes. Sun shining atm but frosty first thing.
      I did get some knitting done Daisy but not the blanket square but a cardigan I am knitting for my GGD.

      Last edited by Plantaholic; 29-01-2020, 09:37 AM.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning, sunny here after all the recent rain. Just general tidying up today then Dexter here this afternoon, so he will keep me on my toes.

        Have posted on YEO, it’s a bit long, sorry 🙂

        Hope everyone is well, have a good day 🌞
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Plant - how exciting, a trip to the tip! I hope the parcel isn't damaged a second time. It was frosty here first thing as well.

          Enfys - I'm sure Dexter will keep you busy - and ask him to give you a hug from Eva.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Afternoon ladies ,
            Plant its so annoying when parcels arrive damaged Grrr .

            Gem enjoy your cuddles , we go to a Dog café with Storm the dogs get a free Puppachino Storm laps it up very fast

            Eventful morning for me ,

            B went to Dr's about his leg cramps they were going to up his meds but the tests he had last week showed his Kidneys are only 45% due to transplant and Chemo , they have to be 75% or over before they will allow the meds to increase ,

            I waited outside in the car Dr was late getting in so I was sat In a freezing car for almost 1 hour couldn't feel my fingers and toes by time he came out , Dr's was packed no seats so I didn't bother going in , I should have stayed at home ,
            We then went to pick his new glasses up , appointment at 10 it was almost 11 before he was seen , its been one wait after the other

            Been in a short while trying to get warm when Gas board knocked , there is a problem with the Gas pressure in the street could we turn the heating off , they may have to dig the street or our drive up they think there may be water in the pipes

            On top of that they are in my unstable neighbours house and they cant get through to her what is happening ,
            She is starting to have another episode , could I go and talk to her ,
            Tried but she's not listening and doing strange things again so I have phoned her parents to make them aware let them come and sort her , to be honest im to tired today to deal with her , I know I sound horrible but I just don't feel up to the drama today having little sleep last night .

            Why does everything happen at once never mind all will come out in the wash as they say
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              08B13284-F5C3-4FD4-A2F7-6EF5C3DE5752.jpeg For Daisy and Eva!!’
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


                Oma,what a morning you have had with all that waiting, don't feel guilty about not being able to cope with your neighbour, you have phoned her parents, not much more you could do. Get yourself some rest now.

                I don't know if I mentioned I had to have a MRI scan for my hearing? I have just been and it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, now the results on Tuesday. I went on the bike, a lot of wind but with the E bike that is no problem.

                daisy, hope your signed delivery arrives earlier than my passport did last week, 19.15 when he arrived! Never mind, it was lousy, foggy weather so wasn't going anywhere, just the waiting for something to arrive!



                    It is what it is ladies ,new kitchen or part of it in the lounge, no water or cooking facilities downstairs have to make a cuppa in the bathroom .
                    We fly at 6 in the morning so will be away for 3 am , before that twins to pick up microwave will be in full swing for their tea ours will be waiting in th fish shop.
                    Will be back later to read posts ad I know there are some worrying posts on YEO onwards and upwards


                      Oh Oma, get warmed up and get a rest, after that morning.
                      No you don't sound horrible. That poor lady is not your responsibility and it's unfair that people call on you about her
                      ​​​​​​We had a nice time at the Cat Cafe. I will make a thread about it later with a couple of pics.

                      Just having as cuppa at DD's before I go over to school.

                      Our BonMarche, which is near the cat cafe has closing down notices on the windows ☹️

                      Bon Voyage Qwerty xx
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Safe journey, Qwerty x

                        What a lovely afternoon, I actually got out into the garden and did some tidying up. It’s lovely and sunny and not cold, come in now to make a cuppa.

                        Daisy, I’ve had plenty of licks from Dexter, maybe one was from Eva 🐶. He is now flaked out at my feet, worn out from chasing around ‘’helping’ me in the garden.
                        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                          Safe journey Qwerty xxx

                          Enfys I bet Dexter was loads of help ...NOT ...hahaha

                          Gem that little cat at reception is the double of our Tally ,Felix look alike

                          looks like they may be able to fix the Gas pipes without digging everything up , they have sent for a machine that can pump the water out but still have cameras down see where water getting in and would you believe it its come in Black and started to rain so that wont help
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            It's been very sunny here today.

                            Oma, what a morning. You did the right thing phoning for neighbours parents.
                            Hope they don't have to dig your drive up.

                            In laws were both in fine fettle this morning.

                            Daisy, we enjoyed the steak,made a change.

                            Gem, i don't think we have a cat cafe anywhere round here. not heard about one anyway.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Oma, you have helped your neighbour out many times but you did the right thing. Hope they find the source of the water soon. Not good enough having to wait an hour to collect B's glasses.

                              Hope you have a good trip Qwerty and come back to a nice new kitchen.

                              We have had a lovely sunny day today without wind so I was able to get my jobs sorted. Went to the tip, then to Waitrose, then got my car washed. Whilst it was being cleaned popped into Aldi close by and bought some wine we like. Now have a nice clean car in the garage, packed with items for the Charity shop tomorrow after swimming.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Thank you Plant , any other time I would do what I can but today isn't a day I feel up to it and to be honest although I will help she isn't my responsibility .

                                Our car is desperate for a wash its hard to tell if it White or Grey
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

