Just been to vote and for the first time ever there was a queue!! Never seen that before.
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Just arrived home , soaked , tired but in good spirits ( that could be due to the odd glass of wine and complementary glass of fizz I had with my Christmas lunch) .
We went to vote on our way into town and unlike when Enfys voted there wasn’t a queue, in fact there was a total of 4 in the room. Myself and OH and the two ladies sat behind the desk. It was then getting on for 11am and they said hardly anyone has been to vote so far.
I have finished the Christmas shopping, even popped into M and S for some nibbles for when the family descend on us....oh and to buy the M and S toffee shortbread for myself and OH . Well why not ?Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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Glad you enjoyed it Mimi perhaps more than you should lol
I was at the dentist this morning had 2 x rays but couldn’t see anything to cause the toothache thinks it might be a touch of neuralgia as that comes and goes , so looks like put up and shut up 😄
Haircut this afternoon can’t see for my fringe and meeting old workmates on Monday don’t want them thinking I’m loosing it 🤯
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I think there will be a low turnout for voting generally Mimi . The December date plus awful weather ( where we are at least) will see to that .
At least there is nothing wrong with your teeth Qwerty.Can' t be any fun though.
I hope your sister is OK Oma.
Plant I hope you enjoyed another day of gadding about 😊
I got mum's windows washed and her clean nets back up.
Glad to be home after the dark wet miserable afternoon.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Oma, hope your sister is ok.
Gem, i'm going to clean in laws windows on monday. I shall take my window vac.
Been in touch with GD1, to make arrangments to deliver their presents.
We are going on monday evening. I know its a bit early,but we have to fit in with their work pattern.
Looking forward to seeing them.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Gem how you feeling now after laying little kitty to rest ? how was your Mum today was she pleased you did her windows x
Qwerty how does your mouth feel today ? Neuralgia is very painful sometimes xx
Mimi im finished tooNever tried the toffee shortbread sounds lovely
Nanto sometimes we have to give gifts out early everyone has such busy lives
My sister is ok thanks ladies spoke to her tonight she said she's very stiff at the moment and its painful to walk
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning all.
Didn’t get a lot of sleep last night and now I am up at sparrow cough !
I really must tackle the last of the Christmas wrapping this morning.
Tesco delivery not coming till later this afternoon. We usually have a morning delivery but when I did my online shopping in the week I forgot to click confirm and didn’t notice till a few days later so the slot I usually have was fully booked .
I know it hasn’t actually helped your pain Qwerty but at least you have been spared any dental work. How is the pain today?
Oma, good to hear that your sister is doing
Have a good day everyoneBring me sunshine in your smile.
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Good morning Mimi, Nan2, ladies.
Wrapping is on my list Mimi, but not today.
I hope you find all well with the in laws Nan2.
Oma, thanks for asking, we are a bit tearful at times about kitty, but her time had come. Mum was happy with the things we got done yesterday. She may put her tree up this weekend
I'm a bit heavy hearted at facing more years with the government who has kept mine and OH's pensions from us for 6 years, but hey ho.
GS2 day today. I know that will involve lots of farm animal play for him (Last week my job was to make his 'mud' for his pigs) I have got the Christmas books out too, he loves being read to.
When I come back from school with GD, she OH, GS and I are going to see the local Christmas lights! This is a cul-de-sac in the next village who go overboard with lights. It is well known around here. They have collecting boxes for different charities each year and raise a lot of money. Not as exciting for GD now she is older, but GS adored them last year and will again. I have booked the 4 of us into the small cafe at our fish shop for our tea afterwards
Have a good day everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good morning from me. It's dry but very blowy, but we are heading out to do a big supermarket shop - non-perishable Christmas goodies, plus some Christmas present shopping. We don't have a lot to buy for as the adults in the family have agreed no adult presents this year. The teenagers would like money, and the GDs' parents have kindly ordered main presents online for Christmas and GD2's birthday. I shall get small token presents for the adults but that's all.
I've nearly finished writing cards, too!
I'll be back later for a proper chat, but take care if you're going out in this gale.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Daisy, not often I read that you are going on a supermarket shop. Hope you get all you need.
Cards all done, must get the wrapping done. Warfarin clinic for me this morning, then being picked up to go to a tea party and entertainment at the senior school.
Enjoy the lights Gemini and the fish and chips after. I am sure you are still feeling sad, it does help having your GC in your life.
Will pop back laterWhat is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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Good morning. Bright and sunny here, looks quite pleasant. Popping out later and I need to go to building society, then we’ll have a coffee out. Just a few cards to write and deliver locally, wrap the presents...not many this year as adult children would like cash.....then I must think about what we are taking on our little trip away.
Gem, we have a road near us that do fantastic lights. All the houses make a real effort and it’s always popular and very busy with visitors. I like seeing all the different effects people have made with outside lights.
i think we are nearly ready apart from fresh shopping which DD and I will do next week. Have a good day everyone 😀
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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