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    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Afternoon all.
      Hope you are all warm and dry on this horrible day. We are expecting the river levels to rise again later today so fingers crossed that my friend’s house doesn’t get flooded again.

      Enfys make sure you wrap up warm , it’s very cold out there .

      WeeGranny good to see that you have been given a clean bill of health with your back.

      Oma, how horrible for your friend to have her handbag stolen, has she cancelled any bank / shop loyalty / ID cards . Did she have her house keys in her bag. What about her address, was it on anything in her bag .
      You have to be so careful these days as it’s not necessarily any money that is stolen, it can be your ID . OH was subjected ID theft some years ago and it’s horrible.

      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


        Nanto those goodies look tasty.

        Oma thanks for asking about us. We are plodding on. Just had an appointment through for the Memory Clinic which is my idea of torture . We have to go as if we don’t they say G’s medication could be stopped. We can’t go the day they say so will have to postpone it ( as far as possible)

        The loaded skip has been picked up and yesterday the scrap metal man came to load up a lot of stuff. The garage still needs some tidying up but is so much better.It’s too cold to work in there today.
        We did go for a walk this morning as we didn’t get out yesterday but it was very cold though the sea looked quite calm. I think the wind was blowing off the land. It nearly blew us over.

        I hope you are keeping warm and having a good day.


          Yummy Nanto, are they pancakes?
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Rained most of the night and there's a possible flood warning in the village. It's quite some time since the Cam broke its banks and it's some distance from the village, but you never can tell. The station car park had quite a few floating cars as I remember and a wood has just been planted but the trees survived and now it's an established woodland. I went into town on the bus today as I had a funeral to go to and you could see the flooded fields from the top deck of the bus. Luckily, no homes seem to be affected.Must be horrible to have that happen to your home.

            Our GP's surgery has been closed by the QCC and won't open for business until Monday. Nobody knows why this has happened, but it must be a serious breach of regulations. You can imagine the gossip going round the village. Of course people can't get prescriptions and the clinics they hold there like with the midwife have all been cancelled. Not an ideal situation to be in especially with the number of new houses that have been built over the past couple of years. Maybe the increase in patient numbers has caused the problem.Hopefully all will become clear in the not too distant future. Luckily we've both got enough medication to see us over the next couple of weeks.

            Well done on clearing( nearly) the garage Clover. Ours isn't too bad but it's the shed that worries me. I did make a start a couple of weeks ago but there was an awful lot of big spiders, so I gave up before long! Too cold to work outdoors at the moment anyway, so it can wait until Spring.
            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
            Theodore Roosevelt.


              Mimi she only had a little coin purse with her with the equivalent of £10 in euros , They only had a holiday card with them and her husband had that , she was more upset her new bag had gone as her DD had bought it for her Birthday a couple of weeks ago , plus the photos on her phone .

              Nanto B makes a variation of your corned beef and beans , we call it Mexican Sausage pie , its Sausage beans mushrooms with chilly flakes and topped with mash and cheese , we love it

              It has never stopped raining for days very windy and so cold , we had hail stones earlier ,
              I have messaged Qwerty a couple of times but no answer im not sure she's getting them , I will try again tomorrow
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma, in laws were fine yesterday,thanks.
                Haven't tried making the pies with sausage. Will have to give it a go.
                Plant,yes they are pancakes,always like to keep some in the freezer.

                Well its pouring with rain.Hope those that have been flooded,don't get reflooded.
                WeeGranny, hope your village escapes any flooding.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Thinking about ladies we haven't heard from for some time.....has anybody heard from LG ? I often think about her and wonder how things are with her and her family. Hope that those we have't heard from lately are all safe and well.
                  Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                  Theodore Roosevelt.


                    Libra has been quiet lately WG, you are right, both here and on FB.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      WeeGranny - I always worry about people when we don't hear from them, but I always hope it's because they are busy. I hope the Cam doesn't flood - perhaps the rain will stop soon. I've just seen on online news that there was a nasty minibus accident tonight in Cambridgeshire. I wonder what could have happened for the QCC to close your local surgery? It sounds a very reckless thing to do when people need prescriptions, to say nothing of possibly urgent medical care.

                      Clover - I know how much you hate the memory clinic, and I think it's nothing short of bullying to suggest that they'd stop your OH's medication if he doesn't attend. Sending you hugs. xx

                      We managed to hang on to the sun until this afternoon, so not as bad as forecast here. I hope other people are as lucky tomorrow.

                      Nanto - those pies sound delicious - ideal comfort food for a cold, wet day. I love pancakes, but I'm not very successful at making them. I made a vegetable and nut stirfry tonight - the fridge is nearly empty and OH is going shopping tomorrow to restock.

                      My day as a Domestic Goddess had some limited success - our living room and hall are fit for the Queen (nearly!) The kitchen and dining room aren't too bad. The rest of the house - well, let's just ignore that!!

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        WG I spoke with Libra a couple of nights ago , her DD is back in hospital having tests on her Liver now , its just one thing after the other poor girl xx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Quiet just now regarding the weather.

                          Hope Libra's DD doesn't have more problems to contend with.

                          3rd and final visit of the week to in laws, unless.............
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning everyone.

                            Nan2, I fully understand that 'unless'! If I have a totally free day it is always Unless!
                            Sorry to hear of more worries about Libra's daughter.
                            I think you should be wearing your Domestic Goddess crown after yesterday Daisy 😊

                            Our hairdresser is due at 8.30, then DD will bring GS2 for his day here. OH is due to play a golf competition today which means taking GS on the school run with me. If it's cancelled I will leave him with her. She's not heard yet, but it's very wet out there.

                            Have a good Friday ladies.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning Nanto, Gem, the cute little duck and all who come along later.

                              Gem - I hope OH's golf isn't cancelled, but of course, it will make life a little easier for you if she's home this afternoon. Thank you for my Domestic Goddess crown! Pretty isn't it!

                              OH is going off to do the supermarket shop this morning, and I'm going to continue with my Domestic Goddess activities. We've got a really busy week next week, so I'd like to get ahead with things this week-end.

                              Oma - I'm so sorry to hear Libra's DD is back in hospital. It seems like one thing on top of another. Next time you're speaking to her give her my love.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Very pretty crown Daisy

                                Golf is on, so OH is going! Her course is closed due to waterlogged conditions, but the competition is at another, which isn't.
                                School run for GS then!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

