Daisy, thanks, I heard that about the dog hairs as well. When my dog went to another, very good, home, I had to clean under and behind everything. I did forget to mention that I opened my curtains yesterday morning, 31st October, the neighbors opposite have put their sparkling tree up, almost 8 weeks early!
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Good afternoon, we have just got home from hospital after DHs scan. We will get the results on Thursday when we see his oncologist. I am trying to forget about it until then.
i had a very nice morning at WI. It was the fifth birthday of our group so we had a birthday cake, some quizzes then a talk from a chap from our Macmillan Caring Locally Group. They are a wonderful charity and are working hard to build a new hospice in lovely grounds. We presented him with a cheque which was the proceeds from the sales of a little book of poetry, written by members, which was published this time last year. He was so pleased. Also, I volunteered to keep the group scrapbook up to date as no one had done much to it recently. It will be a nice little job for me to do at home and a way to integrate more within the group.
Pouring with rain here no and very dark and dismal, so we are sitting with a cuppa, heating on after a busy day."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Enfys I hate waiting for results horrid isn't it
Lizzie my Nice sent me a photo yesterday of her tree uptoo early even for me
Back from Dr's its a mild case of Psoriasis gave me two lots of cream and antihistamines , I already have antihistamines in so will get the cream and them sometime tomorrow after we move our friends into their new flat ,Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Enfys, I thought I was used to the waiting game, but this time round it's really getting to me. Had hoped to hear from hospital today, but no joy!Thank goodness for knitting, or I'd have no nails left. Hope P's results will be positive.
Been a grey, wet miserable day today. DD went off with the freezer and the quarter pig which was SiL's last year's C******** present. It was really good to see her eve though she spent time working. We had a lovely meal out last night at our local pub. Haven't been there for ages and decor and menu have had a makeover.
I've had psoriasis since I was a child Oma and apart from a few patches I'm pretty clear now, though it does flare up when I get stressed or worried. Used to get treated with tar so I smelt like the road being resurfaced. Thank goodness treatment has moved on since then!
Lizzie, my niece's ex Oh suffered badly from allergic reaction to cats. just needed to be near one and he flared up. Problem was niece and family were all animal lovers, but they never had cats as pets. Rats, guinea pigs, hamsters,parrots,dogs....but no cats! Hope you soon feel better! I can't believe how anyone can put up a C******** tree so far ahead! madness!
Have a good evening ladies. xBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Lizzie - I am shocked by your neighbours! By the time their tree should be put up it will be tarnished, dusty and boring.My DS1 and DIL have a cat, and DS is slightly allergic to her. Fortunately she's a fairly independent kitty and likes being outside. He didn't know he was allergic until they got her as a kitten.
Oma - I'm shocked by your niece too!
Enfys and WeeGranny - I really do feel for you. All you can do is try and keep busy and focused on other things, but it's not easy. I just hope and pray both your OHs get good results. xx
My OH gets psoriasis and it seems to run in his family. It's usually just odd spots but as fast as one area clears up another seems to appear. He hasn't seen a doctor about it for about 20 years and I keep telling him treatments have improved since then.
I don't know why I didn't think about fireworks this evening, but I didn't until I heard them. It was too late to do much to calm Eva down, but they weren't very loud so we turned the tv up and I've been playing scent games with her all evening - I'm exhausted and she's now fast asleep!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Oh dear Lizzie, what a carry on with the car, and feeling poorly too. I remember your dog. Didn't he eat your phone once??!!
Enfys and WG, waiting really is horrible.
I hope the cream soon sorts the psoriasis Oma.
In the we end we didn't go out for lunch. The weather was awful and both children were happy to stay in so we had lunch at home. Lego, Barbies, farms and biscuit making were the main activities today.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Safe journey back Nanto! At least the sun is shining and it's not raining,well it isn't here!
Can't believe I'm up at this time on a Saturday morning. OH has an appointment at 8.00 in town and decided to get the train in. I offered him a lift to the station which, he needless to say, accepted. Now getting washing etc sorted out before I go to gym. There's a craft fair on in Ely this weekend, so I may get the bus up there this afternoon and have a mooch around. Will be much easier than driving and finding a place to park.
Hope everyone has a good day xBelieve you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Good morning. What a morning!! It’s been blowing a gale all night and the wind is still howling around outside, pouring with rain too. I think this is going to be a snuggle indoors day. I was going to pop to Tesco’s for a couple of bits but nothing essential so they can wait. Cake baking this morning but otherwise nothing else planned.
P has just bought a kit to make a skeleton clock. It’s all wood and looks very intricate, just the thing to keep him busy. He loves making things and recently finished a lovely model of a fishing boat so this is something completely different. So that’s his afternoon sorted.
Safe journey home Nan2.
I’m going to crank the heating up, light some candles and make everything cosy and let the weather do its
worst outside ☔️💨🌨💦Last edited by Enfys; 02-11-2019, 09:09 AM."Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Morning ladies ,
Enfys sounds a idea day ,
WG hope the weather holds for the craft fair enjoy ,
Gem just go with the flow
How are we all today ? hope everyone is doing ok and loved ones
We off soon to help our Friends Move , meeting our DD and SIL at the house to load SIL's van , not much to go really most of the furniture has been sold new sofa and chair was delivered to the flat yesterday along with some other stuff, They have a built in Fridge freezer in the new flat and a washer dryer so they sold theirs , so mainly boxes etc . as the house is on the market there is no rush to get everything out in one go , so anything left can be sold or given away over the next couple of weeks
I will pop in later have a good day ladies xx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Good morning all , it’s another rainy day here but it’s very mild.
It was lovely seeing DD, SIL and GD’s yesterday, oldest GS is almost as tall as me and he is only 9 . It tickles us that he should be so tall as DD is under 5ft .Where she was the shortest in her year at school GS is the second tallest . We think he must have my dad’s side of the family, all the boys , except dad were over 6ft . Youngest GS is certainly following his mum as he is shorter than average for he age but just like his mum what he lacks in height he makes up for in volume
Lizzie48 we are waiting with bated breath as our neighbours usually put up their decorations any day now.
Have a safe journey Nana2
Enfys you make your home sound so cosy .
Have a a good weekend everyone
Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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Good morning everyone. As Enfys said - it's blowing a gale and when the rain comes it lashes down. Eva won't even go out in the garden - horrible noisy place and something's blowing her fur all over the place. She'll have to go eventually!
We're expecting our monthly dog food order today, but the poor chap has had a puncture on the way up from Devon. Quite dangerous in this awful gale.
Wee Granny we were up bright and early this morning as well. OH has gone to Newbury on a wood-turning jolly. His friend was driving, so I hope they're ok.
I'm doing washing (lucky me!) and generally pottering round.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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