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    Good morning, although by the time I press "Post Reply" it will be afternoon!

    Enfys - glad to hear you're on the mend - but don't overdo things. Hopefully you can have a bit of a lie in tomorrow. I hope P's hospital visit goes smoothly. It's a bit frustrating when you know someone should be resting but won't. I do hope your DS is soon better.

    Oma - Also hope B's appointment goes well, too. Oh dear, how scary that moment is when you know you've left your handbag somewhere - I've done it often.

    Nanto - I hope your in-laws are ok at the moment. I don't suppose they look forward to winter though.

    Gem - I'm exhausted reading about your day, but a 7th birthday has to be celebrated. Doesn't everything happen at once! Hopefully you'll get a chance to catch up on sleep tonight.

    Mimi - we can grow very old waiting for someone to answer a phone! I agree - where does the stuff come from! When we moved house regularly our loft would be empty apart from a few packing cases we knew we'd need next time. Now - well, I think things creep in the house in the dead of night and then hide in cupboards etc and expand, silently and stealthily.

    Plant - I agree about not wanting clutter around me, and if I'm honest I'm doing all this clearing out partly for me and partly so the rest of the family doesn't have to do it eventually. I already feel better about the two wardrobes I've sorted out. OH has taken about 10 bags of stuff to the charity shop this morning. He's suggested we do one day a week until it's all finished. Since a lot of the clutter is his, I might keep him to that!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      My Friends D& J ( SIL's Parents ) are moving into a retirement flat on 2nd November ,
      I am going to miss them being just down the road but its only 20 mins drive and they will still be picking Storm and GS1 up twice a week and we will still do our Sunday Coffee and everything else ,
      Anyway at the moment they live in a 3 bed 3 story town house and D cannot manage stairs etc now with her LYmphodema ,

      They are moving into a 1 bed flat on a retirement complex all new and shining
      J is in the middle of constant trips to the tip and charity shops,
      The amount of stuff they have collected Is unreal they have found stuff they forgot they had , The house is up for sale so they have to keep it tidy between showings and its being difficult , J is trying to do everything on a morning ,

      D said she wished she had de cluttered a long time ago as most of the stuff she has kept was never going to get used again ,
      Lots of furniture has to go too .

      The best thing is this new place has very little storage so no chance of collecting so much stuff in the future
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma - I'm sure they will be delighted when everything is sorted out. It will certainly make life a lot easier for D.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Miserable sort of day here, grey,drizzly and not very warm. However, I've gone through the house with duster and hoover and have only kitchen to do, but that can wait until tomorrow.

          Mid-morning, a side table I'd ordered from the mosaic centre in Jordan arrived, so I had to take a break from housework and assemble it. I am so pleased with it and it looks just as lovely as it did in the shop.The workers all have a disability, either physical or mental, and they are so talented at what they make. Even OH has said how lovely it is...and he was non-committal in the shop!

          This sorting out malarkey seems to be taking over......I've made a start on sorting out boxes of 'stuff' that I know for certain the DC won't want when we've gone. It's amazing though how much stuff you can accumulate without realising it. Plus there'll come a time when we have to downsize, so why not make a start when we're both reasonably fit and healthy?

          Hope all poorly people are on the mend. Have a good evening ladies x
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            Wee Granny - your side table sounds lovely, and very unusual, plus it's helping people who probably need a bit of support.

            Anybody would think it was Spring with all the sorting out a lot of us are doing! My good intentions slipped slightly yesterday though. I was sorting through a large box of books - mostly textbooks - and I just couldn't throw away my shorthand books - old ones, modern ones, three different shorthand systems, I kept them all! My excuse? When I'm too old and frail to do anything active they will help to keep my brain active!!

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Oma, hope B's appointment went well.
              A big upheaval for your friends,but it will all be worth it in the end.

              WeeGranny, i like the sound of your table.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                We spent quite a few hours shopping today.

                I hope the hospital appointments went well. All this de-cluttering might just spur me on to do some of my own. I was saying to OH that the house is looking tired now & so we've to do some thinking how/what we can do to get it sorted.

                I hope you all had a good day whatever it is you've been doing. There seems to be a lot going on with all of you. 😊

                Might not be on here til later tomoro. 7:30am hospital app't would you believe? Hand physio. Then we're visiting my brother nr Derby.
                Last edited by Nana; 21-10-2019, 10:00 PM.
                "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                (Doe Zantamata.)


                  Chilly this morning,but sky is clear,i can see the stars.

                  Just housework today, although i have to pop to the post office when it opens in ½ hour.

                  Have a good day everyone.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Morning Nanto absolutely love todays graphic
                    Its cold here too ,
                    Off to Hairdressers soon so will catch up later xxx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Morning Nanto, Oma and all.
                      Dry but chilly here.

                      Work this morning and then a scan this afternoon.

                      Hope to pop in later.

                      A good day to all.


                        Dull here, just a bit of cleaning to do, then who knows. Was roused by the telephone ringing at 8.30, it was JL wanting to know if I wanted to pay for my ordered bedroom blinds on the phone or in the store. I don't really want to pay for them at all but certainly not when I was half asleep. Very pleased with my bowls game yesterday, even with a bad back and the remains of a chesty cold but I have to admit that the gentleman I was playing against was not on form.

                        I hope the scan goes okay Clover and the wait isn't too long.

                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Good morning dear ladies.
                          A full one yesterday, but all went well. Mum survived her review with only slightly raised BP (understandable as she was very stressed) and got her flu jab done. They didn't offer it but I was damned if I was putting us both through a second visit so I asked.
                          We only missed about 45 minutes of the party, and GS was happy to see us.
                          We had a nice get together with our friends, not getting to bed unil 1am!
                          I was on leg duty yesterday. Lifting my friends leg into and out of the bath for her shower, into and out of the car, and into her boots! Plus getting her elastic TED stocking onto the bad leg. It will be the same this morning. Her sort of OH (its been complicated, as they say) got back from Spain last night and will collect her this afternoon to take her back to the hospital for a check up and physio.
                          This afternoon I will collect GS1 from school, to be shown all his new toys when we get in, I'm sure

                          I hope the scan is OK Clover, and hand physio Nana.
                          Happy haircut Oma!

                          I hope everyone is feeling well today.
                          Have a good day everyone.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Good morning, bright and sunny here so far.

                            Hope the scan goes well Clover.

                            I managed to persuade DH to let me change his diabetic review this afternoon, he’s still feeling tired and I don’t feel happy about driving at the moment. So he has another appointment next week, we should both be feeling a lot better by then so I feel happier about that.

                            No plans today, still feeling sore and a bit shook up, although not as bad as before. So a pottering day for us. As it’s so nice I might be able to get out into the garden, just a few things need tidying up, nothing strenuous, but would be nice to be out in the fresh air.

                            Have a good day everyone 🌞
                            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                              I'm glad you got OH to change that appointment Enfys. Take is easy and get some fresh air. You are both recovering!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Enfys, you did the right thing,getting P to change the appointment.

                                Clover,hope the scan goes well.

                                All my housework done,even made a lemon drizzle cake. ajaust waiting for it to cool before i put the drizzle on.

                                Weatherwise its dry and bright.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

