Good Sunday morning Nanto and everyone.
It's pouring with rain here - again. I've been hoping for some dry weather to cut the lawn and do a mountain of washing - about 7 loads now, and counting! I'll have to make a start and the things I can't tumble dry will have to be dried indoors. Our garden's looking very sorry for itself and already it feels like autumn.
The house needs a bit of TLC as well, but if OH is feeling ok I will look after the GDs and Cooper here tomorrow and Tuesday, so perhaps I won't bother too much.
It's pouring with rain here - again. I've been hoping for some dry weather to cut the lawn and do a mountain of washing - about 7 loads now, and counting! I'll have to make a start and the things I can't tumble dry will have to be dried indoors. Our garden's looking very sorry for itself and already it feels like autumn.
The house needs a bit of TLC as well, but if OH is feeling ok I will look after the GDs and Cooper here tomorrow and Tuesday, so perhaps I won't bother too much.