

have a good weekend everyone

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    Morning Nanto /Ladies ,
    Sun is out at the moment but it rained very hard about 7am ,

    Busy Day for us its my SIL's ( Brothers ex wife ) 70th Birthday and we are having a bit of a party at my Nieces house ,

    But first my Great Nephew and his wife are coming over to see us this Morning with my GG niece Baby Isabelle , she's about 5 month now and we haven't seen her since she was born so im so looking forward to heir visit .

    Have a good day ladies xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good morning everyone.

      Nan2 it was sunny here, now like where you are, dark clouds are looming!
      Family party and a baby visiting, lovely day Oma

      No firm plans today. I want to go to the library before it closes at 12.30 though, to pick up Mum's audio books in case I see her tomorrow.

      Have a good one , even if the weather is not good!

      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good morning all. Sunny here after rain all day yesterday. I plan to get out into the garden today, now we’ve had it all cleared I can do lots of pottering and sorting out. Also, I have a new garden toy 😀. Bought one of those big trugs on wheels, like a big wheelie bin, much easier for me to use than the wheelbarrow. Will be so much easy for all the clippings, rubbish etc. It’s bright orange and I have new gardening gloves which are shocking least I won’t lose them.

        otherwise no plans for today, we never go far at the weekend, the traffic is always so busy we tend to stay at home. DD is only across the road, so handy for coffee etc if we want to see them.

        Had a long FaceTime chat with DS yesterday. GS has a school project where he has to write a biography of one of his grandparents and he has chosen DH. There are lots of funny stories he can tell and his work life was quite interesting so he’s been asking lots of questions. I think it’s so nice he has chosen DH and we can’t wait to see what he’s written.

        Have a good day everyone 🌞
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Good morning all. At the moment it’s sunny here but we would be hard pushed for it to be a nastier day weather wise than yesterday.

          We traveled to Cardiff in the pouring rain, sat in DD’s house while the wind howled and it rained even harder. When it was time to go home SIL took us to the railway station through deepish flood water . When we eventually got on the packed train and managed to find a seat only to discover that the windows leaked with rain water. And low and behold when we arrived home it was pouring with rain here.
          But we didn’t let the nasty weather get in the way of having a wonderful time with DD and tow GS’s

          Hope everyone is well , DS has just arrived so I will pop back later
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            Sounds like a nice day Oma, party and seeing a new baby.

            Enfys, that is lovely that your GS has chosen to write about P.

            Not sure what the weather is going to do today, very cloudy. I am not sure how the day will work out, family all going to London to celebrate GS's 30th birthday. How did he get to be 30!
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Oh Mimi what a trip! I'm glad the weather didn't spoil your time though. Terrible day here yesterday too. OH couldn't play golf and GS and I stayed inside all day. I felt sorry for our friends having to drive their GDs back to Stoke in all that rain.
              Sunny here atm but I'm not sure it will last We managed a late breakfast outside , but it's not really a sitting out day, too breezy!
              The new trug sounds an excellent idea Enfys.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning dear ladies well after 12 hours of constant rain yesterday,today we have warm sunshine 🏜. How long for is anyone's guess. I have been up since the crack of dawn done all my chores and even got my towels on the line. Not getting much sleep recently ,B has developed some involuntarily jerky movements in the night. It's like the restless leg syndrome he suffers from but in his arms etc. Just about to doze off and off he starts ,almost retreated to the spare bed last night. 😡. If this continues think he will have to speak to the Dr about it, I wonder if it's down to worrying about T who knows. My girls are back today and I think eldest GD gets her GCSE results next Thursday, bless her she did amazing in her mocks gaining 2 ** amongst her other great results so 🤞🤞. Off into town in a while for odds and ends. Hope the sun is shining on you all. Tizzys family were in my thoughts yesterday ,what a hard day it must have been for them all.
                Last edited by Libra Gran; 17-08-2019, 10:26 AM.
                "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                  Isabelle with GG aunty Oma and with her Daddy my G Nephew
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                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Oma, as our Tizzy would have said IWOOT! Beautiful baby

                    I hope the sunshine stays with you Libra. It has here but it's windy. I have got two washloads dried on the line though, so its not all bad
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Oma,lovely photos. Beautiful baby.

                      Stayed dry and sunny here.

                      Libra, you must be so excited to be seeing the girls.

                      Put shopping away,had a cuppa.
                      Then went online and booked a holiday for October.
                      We have booked Roquetas de Mar, Costa De Almeria.
                      Only for 4 nights,hubby won't go for any longer.
                      He will only go for a week if he really has to.
                      Otherwise he gets bored,then drives me mad.
                      We will be away for our anniversary in October.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Lovely to have something booked to look forward to Nan2 It must be frustrating that your OH wont go away for longer, but at least you are going.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Hello everyone. Everytime I sit at the computer hoping to catch up with you all something happens to distract me - phone calls, OH, door bell, dog giving me "I'm hungry, NOW" nudges, etc.

                          But OH has had his photodynamic laser treatment on his eye today, and is now dozing in the chair. It wasn't painful, but there's a lot of hanging around, and he has to keep out of sunlight for 48 hours and drink plenty of fluids to flush the dye out of his system. It's amazing how quiet the hospital is on a Saturday - the receptionist even made us a cup of tea, and although the roads were busy we weren't dicing with death with huge juggernauts.

                          Nanto - lovely to have a holiday - even a short one - to look forward to. Perhaps you should lay on a car boot sale at the resort to tempt OH to stay the whole week.

                          Enfys - how lovely that your GS has chosen to do his project about P. I hope you are able to see the finished result. Our garden's too wet to do anything today. I hope it stays dry until tomorrow to give me a chance to at least hack down the jungle, I mean mow the lawn.

                          Oma - gorgeous baby. I bet you enjoyed those cuddles. xx

                          Mimi - it sounds as though Cardiff was as wet as here yesterday. Unbelievable for august - or perhaps not!

                          Plant - I hope you've found something enjoyable to do today. It's sunny but very windy here - not great for doing anything out of doors. It's surprising how our GCs grow up overnight while we stay young and sprightly.

                          Libra - lovely to have the girls back - and I'm sure they will be pleased to be back home, no matter how much they've enjoyed their holiday. Yes, it is GCSE results next Thursday. That's two of us waiting to see how our GCs have fared.

                          Gem - I hope your friends got back ok. It must have been awful driving in all that rain, and when we cam back from Stoke on Thursday the M6 was a nightmare.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Oma what a gorgeous baby and a lovely name. Father looks so young.

                            I phoned Sil's mother as she was on her own too and we went out to lunch. Gorgeous food at our favourite eatery. Took her to garden centre for some bird food and then had a cup of tea at her house. Sun lovely now and warm, my bubbly drinking family are still in London so no one to share a bottle with.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Hes 27 Plant

                              Nice to have company Plant im sure she enjoyed the trip out too , was the weather fine ? its been a quite warm day here apart from rain this morning ,

                              Daisy how are J's eyes tonight ? . always the case you sit down and something needs your attention

                              Nanto 4 days is better than none , mind you im like your OH , if im in the one place a few days and im bored , that's why we do Cruises a different place every day

                              Libra SIL's Dad developed the same thing , His wife said he lashed out a few times in his sleep knocking the clock off the table and once or twice managed to hit her , they had to get twin beds , they keep them close together but just out of arms reach , Dr couldn't say why he was doing it , as you say a bit like restless legs but in the arms ,

                              We didn't get to SIL's Birthday , B's Colitis had a bit of a flare up and he didn't feel up to going , phones her and she understood so just had a quiet afternoon , he had a lie down for a hour and felt better but not enough to go out

                              We did enjoy the morning with the Baby , although she has two teeth already and decided to show my finger how sharp they are

                              My G Nephew is such a lovely man , he's a lot like his Mother( my Niece) very calm and not a bad bone in his body, and his wife is a sweetheart and so good with the baby
                              It was lovely to hold a baby again
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Oma, hope B is feeling better. A shame you missed SIL's party,but it can't be helped.

                                Nothing special planned for me. I must sort out the meat i got yesterday,and get it all packed away in the freezer.

                                It looks a nice morning,so i'm off to sort some washing out.

                                Have a good day whatever you are doing/wherever you are going.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

