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    Sounds like a very enjoyable day Gemini.

    I like Debenhams Qwerty, we don't have one near.

    I didn't take any pics Oma, I am hoping to get some forwarded to me.

    I was going to do some planting of goodies I bought from the garden centre yesterday, I really shouldn't be allowed to go to those places, I am like a kid in a candy shop. The weather forecast isn't good for next week so I am wondering if I should plant them out yet.

    Hope the folks on holiday are having a lovely time.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Morning all Have lovely day everyone whether lunching,walking or shopping.

      I have just made two large Victoria sponges. I didn’t plan to make them in fact I didn’t particularly want to make them but due to a slight mishap when putting a box of twelve eggs away I ended up with one all over the floor and six cracked or broken past repair. Hence the hurried cake making..I ‘ll keep one out to use and freeze the other.Actually I might cut one in half and freeze two and a half to resist the temptation of too large a slice.


        Good morning from me. On Wednesday mornings I always feel I've been away from here for weeks! Even though we've only got Cooper during the school day on Mondays and Tuesdays, I find I don't have much chance to sit and chat. Then by Wednesday morning it takes me ages to get going!

        Oma - your graphic made me smile. One of the very best things about being retired is most days we don't have to set the alarm. It's still an absolute luxury to wake up naturally and know you haven't got to rush to be somewhere. Also ten to two is the 'happy time' and the clock is smiling. Nothing to do with Happy Hour!!!

        Enfys it's definitely a good idea to get someone to help with the heave gardening. there's no point in wearing yourself out trying to do something a fit young chap could do in a fraction of the time.

        Gem - have a lovely day. Isn't it good knowing your tea is already and only needs popping in the oven tonight.

        I used to love Debenhams, but don't go there very often now, mainly because it's not near any other useful shops in Southampton! Sheer laziness really.

        Clover - that was a good idea turning a mishap into delicious cake. I love home made Victoria sponge, but can eat far too much of it - one slice is never enough. I put one in the freezer a couple of weeks ago for 'emergencies'.

        Plant - we have had frost the last two nights, and I think you're right about the forecast for the coming week. Perhaps keep them in your sun room till you're sure they'll be ok outside. What did you get?

        This morning started bright, sunny and quite warm, but it's now clouded over which lets me off the hook for doing a few loads of washing to dry outside. No wind, no sun = no washing!!

        I hope all the holiday makers are having a wonderful time.

        Wee Granny - how are you? I hope you're not overdoing things after your op. xx

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Went to Debenhams and bought my Sun glasses in the metro centre ,
          Had a look around I want a couple of short sleeve white blouses for our holiday but not much in yet in short sleeve ,
          We then went over to Ikea in the retail then on to Morrisons for some shopping ,
          Just going to car when I had a nose Bleed lucky I had just bought Loo rolls so B grabbed one out of the pack ,
          Took about 5 mins for it to stop by then I had a bag full of blood soaked loo roll to bring home ,
          It happens now and then usually if I sneeze hard or blow my nose too hard , Nothing serious just a pain in the bum , thankfully we were by the car not in the shop itself
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            I did dig over a border in DD's garden and put some small pinks out Daisy. I bought some hollyhock plants, one lovely polyanthus plant and some cosmos and nasturtium seeds. I don't grow much from seeds now. The greenhouse is just used for tool storage it is nearer than the shed. GGS came out and offered his help but it was a bit cold for him.

            That wasn't very nice Oma, good job you had those toilet rolls.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Lucky the loo rolls were handy Oma

              We had a lovely day. Our friends have just dropped us off. Resting our feet now, before table setting etc before our friend arrives
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Oma - you're not safe to go out, young lady. It was lucky you'd got loo rolls handy. xx

                Plant - they all sound lovely. I've never managed to grow hollyhocks - the slugs get them!

                Gem - look forward to hearing about your daffodil walk when you've got some time. Enjoy your evening with your friend.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Daisy it usually happens on a morning when I get up and blow my nose so im usually at home Doesn't happen often though just occasionally ,
                  Its just a little blood vessel that's a bit delicate , my sister has the same thing ,
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Oma - thank goodness it's nothing serious, although I'm sure it looks very dramatic. By the way - are you pleased with your new sunglasses?
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Late reporting in today but it’s been ‘one of those days’ .
                      Sit down this may take some time

                      Just before we were due to take the cat to the vets a parcel arrived for me from Debenhams, I just quickly signed for it and then left in a taxi where we sat in a huge traffic jam making it just in time for the appointment for her check up. Apparently her restless nights, forgetting where she is supposed to be doing her ‘business ‘ and having trouble remembering how to work the cat flap all points to her having problems with her memory It has been suggested she could have some supplement powders to sprinkle on her food which may or may not help as it helps some cats/ dogs but not all .
                      We have got some leaflets to read on the matter before we make a decision.

                      When I got home I opened up the parcel, it was a dress that I had ordered almost two weeks ago from Debenhams. I sent them an email yesterday about it and I thought it was strange that it should turn up today. I wasn’t able to read the receipt that was with the dress as it looked as if the printer had run out of ink when it came to printing it. All that was clear was one bar code. I said to OH that I wasn’t going to keep the dress so I went into town to return it to Debenhams. They weren’t impressed with the receipt but when they scanned the bar code they said this item has already been returned so they wouldn’t except it .
                      I was advised to ring the credit card company I brought the dress with and see if a refund had taken place. I got out of the shop only to discover my card was missing, back in I went to see if I had left at the counter and luckily I noticed it on the floor where I must have dropped it .
                      Back outside I tried to ring the number on my Debenhams credit card only to find that I was told my date of birth didn’t match the phone number connected to the card and they hung up.
                      Back home I go just in time to see OH bringing in the washing as next door neighbours were having another garden fire . Since Sunday they have had two a day . Yesterday we couldn’t work outside it was so bad. By now my ‘dander’ was well and truly ‘up’ so I went next door and asked them politely just how many more fires were they going to have as I am trying to dry my washing but it is getting covered with smoke. The woman tried getting nasty with me but it was the wrong day to try that. Her husband/partner was far more reasonable, they explained that they have been warned that if they didn’t tidy up their garden they would be evicted so they were burning old fences and shrubs that had been left by previous tenants which I thought was unfair. We have now come to the arrangement that they will let me know if they are having any more fires .

                      Told you it was going to take some time ......
                      Back indoors myself and OH search through lots of paper work looking for the credit card agreement that I would have signed that would have the date of birth on it in case it was filled in incorrectly. No joy so I looked at my online account, downloaded the agreement only to find that Microsoft wouldn’t open it up to let me read it as my contract had expired! Not to be outdone by a computer I was able to open it through a windows application ( felt smug doing that, I refuse to be held to ransom by a multi billion company) . Low and behold my date of birth was correct so I tried again and this time it worked but I couldn’t get to speak to an actual person so I rang Debenhams customer service and they were helpful. On my account it showed that indeed the dress was showing returned but she couldn’t understand why , or why I have the dress here !

                      Now don’t think that’s all...there’s more....

                      I finished the phone call just as the door bell went, it was my neighbour who lives above us. She wanted to know did I know who the little boy ( aged about 2) was that was running up and down our garden path . She happened to see him when she was getting ready to go out. Her husband was working his way up the street knocking on doors to see if he belonged to anyone there.
                      She stayed with him as was about to start on the other side of the street when we noticed a few school children and luckily they knew where he lived and ran and got his mum. She said he must have got through the back gate. She didn’t seem all that bothered, or indeed thank my neighbour for noticing him. Al in all he was in our garden for about 10mins . I dread to think what could have happened to him, for a start he has crossed a fairly busy road to get to our side of the street and he could have just kept waking. Thank goodness he chose our garden to play in.

                      Well thats been my day , I hope everyone is well and I will catch up with you all tomorrow.
                      Sleep well everyone

                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Good morning ladies a lovely morning out there ,

                        Gracious Mimi what a day you couldn't make it up could you hahahha, what will you do with the dress then ?
                        Wouldn't you think a mother would be shocked if her child went missing some strange people in this world ,
                        Good for you telling neighbours about the fires , its illegal up hear to light garden fires is it the same at your end ?

                        Got to take carpet and underlay up ready for new lot today , was doing it yesterday but by time we shopped etc we couldn't be bothered , it will be fun with the dog hear

                        Have a good day ladies xxx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning ladies.

                          Lovely day here too Oma.
                          Thank you for my morning reading mater Mimi!
                          Good grief!! If you like the dress then keep it, as apparently it has been returned. If not, sell it on eBay! The whole thing is weird isn't it? As for a missing 2 year child going unnoticed, then no one being thanked for returning him safely, there are no words really. I hope today is more normal and peaceful for you Mimi!

                          We had another episode last night with the cat. She kept peeing lots of blood, in various places on and off an hour or more, and was distressed and unable to settle. She is still halfway through the 14 day antibiotic course. We phoned the emergency vet again and he seemed to think she would be OK til morning and it looks worse than if is. She may have a kidney stone or something ☹️ It eventually settled and she slept on my knee covered in a blanket.When I went to bed I left her on the sofa with the blanket. She seems OK in herself this morning and eating. Several more blood stained areas in the litter tray overnight though. Hopefully they can see her at the vets today.
                          OH's 6 monthly hospital appointment too this morning. The fun never ends

                          Have a good day everyone.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Morning all.

                            Goodness Mimi,What a day. You must have been exhausted.

                            Gem,I hope firstly S’s check up is fine and that the vet can sort the cat out.

                            Oma I’m sure Storm will lend a paw with the carpet

                            Yesterday late afternoon I had a text from our Pilates instructor saying she was unwell and class was cancelled. She asked if I could possibly pop round to the hall to put a notice on the hall door informing anyone she couldn’t contact,which I did. I’d better go and take it down this morning.

                            Also yesterday I went to get the bag of frozen peas out of the freezer but unfortunately they were upside down and the self seal closure had un self sealed
                            Peas everywhere in a packed freezer drawer was not a pleasant situation

                            Hoping to go and see “Fisherman’s Friends” at the cinema later and get a few bits and bobs.Haven’t been out anywhere much for ages.

                            Have a good day all


                              Good morning everyone.

                              Oma - we need that snail today to slow everything down. After Mimi's day of frustration, drama, wandering two year olds and smoke (where were the mirrors!) plus Gem's poorly kitty, surely today will be calmer.

                              Hopefully the 2 year old's mum was too shocked that he'd wandered off to remember to say thank you.

                              Gem - I do hope S's check up goes well. xx I'm glad kitty eventually settled, but it does sound as though the antibiotics aren't working as well as hoped. I do hope she's ok. xx

                              It's a glorious sunny morning here. I'm going to do a few chores this morning, then out for lunch with my College friends. OH has the dentists and after lunch is going to help the friend build his log cabin.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Gem fingers crossed for S and for poor puss .
                                Clover I have heard Fisherman's Friend is good , I hope you enjoy it .
                                Daisy have fun with your friends always a nice job that 😀 By the way yes thank you I'm pleased with Sun glasses

                                Well Carpets and underlay up , all furniture that can be moved now in dining room Swept and hoovered the bare concrete floor , And Carpet etc now on its way to the tip , Dog chewing on a lamb bone in the garden so he kept out of the way . I need a lie down now 😁
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

