

have a good weekend everyone

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    Sounds like Mil enjoyed herself Oma.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Well I never got back here and now it's bedtime!
      I will catch up in the morning.

      Nan2 , very pleased your mammogram results were ok.

      Night all!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Beautiful morning,but forecast says we could have 1 or 2 heavy showers.

        WeeGranny, happy to hear OH's check up went well.

        Oma, pleased MIL enjoyed her visit to yours and tea out. No complaints from her,thats a bonus.

        Gem, hope OH's physio went well.

        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Morning Nanto Ladies ,

          Lovely morning but like Nanto said forecast a few heavy showers hear too ,

          Quiet day for me , Storm arriving soon and B has Physio at 9.30 on his Shoulder but I have nothing Planned and all jobs I can do are done ,

          Knees hurting during night so sat with hot packs on them ,
          Quite a while since they pained so not sure what brought that on they feel fine this morning but now im tired so just as well not going out

          Hope Daisy got away ok and weather is nice for them ,
          How are we all today and hubby's of course , just caught up with update from Sunshine about her son , nice to hear he is doing ok

          Have a good day ladies xxx
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Sunny here, off to Aqua so will report in later.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Good morning Nan2 and Oma, and everyone else.

              Mimi, we are cat feeding for neighbours this week too. As you say not much watering to do!
              WG, good news about OH's check up!
              Oma I so sympathise with the knees. I'm glad they feel better this morning. Mine are bad at the moment. I keep hoping they will improve! I know I have osteoarthritis in the one which was X rayed a couple of years ago, but it is the other which is much worse these days. I could fill a long sheet of paper with all the things wrong with me just now. I hope my holiday may help.
              That sounds like a successful meal out with your MIL.
              Enjoy aqua, Plant.
              I hope Daisy, OH and doggy have a lovely break, and book another!

              OH's physio went well yesterday. It was most reassuring, as apparently all is going as it should. We weren't at all sure it was. She has some different exercises to do and has been told to gradually get back to golf after our holiday. I found a spot to park on the street nearby and read until she came back.
              Later we went over to our friends house, went for a woodland walk and lunch out with them, then back to theirs for coffee. Once home I made a treasure map! This is what I am doing at the village carnival, for our library Friends stall. Find in which square the treasure is to win cash. As the carnival is a couple of days after we get back from holiday, it was on my To Do list.
              This morning OH and I will go to see my auntie. I will then do mum's shopping and she has a Dr's appointment this afternoon. Hopefully for a carpal tunnel injection. She had one many years ago, and is is bad again now.

              Have a good day whatever it holds.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good morning. Sunny here bit still feels a bit chilly but at least it’s dry...for the moment.

                I’ll join the dodgy knees club, Oma and Gem, mine are so stiff and achey, I need to get moving. Glad your OH’s physio went well Gem. WG, good to hear your OH’s check up went well too.

                We are going out this morning to a garden centre a bit further away so will have lunch either there or will find a country pub, will see how we feel at the time. We have been managing to get out and about this week as DH is so much better, what a difference it makes.

                poor GS is suffering at the moment as, when he had his hypo fit last Friday, he bit his tongue really badly and it’s so painful, it’s practically raw in places. He spoke to the doctor but all they can do is prescribe numbing gels/mouth wash which help a little bit. His boss has been very good, they could see how much pain he was in so have let him work from home for a couple of days this week which has helped. Luckily he can do this.

                Have a good day everyone 🌞

                "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                  Oh Enfys it must be so sore poor lad , Many years ago my FIL was knocked over and he bit and tore his tongue very badly , it was really difficult to eat for quite a while , as you say not much they can do they couldn't stitch it so glued it with super glue

                  Well I set too and baked 6 Huge Cheese scones for B and 6 Fruit ones for me , I will keep one of each out for today and freeze the others , house smells lovely .
                  Im going to make a fruit cake at the weekend I cant find one in the shops they must think we only eat fruit cake at Christmas , not sure if will be a rich fruit or a Dundee I will see , I have all the ingredients in for both
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Poor GS Enfys When I worked in childcare a little boy fell and bit through his tongue. The amount of blood was truly alarming. Thank goodness his mummy hadn't left from dropping him off.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Enfys, hope GS feels better soon.

                      Had a few spots of rain,but mostly sunshine.
                      Washing it out on the line,its almost dry now.

                      Gem, pleased OH's wrist is going the way it should be.

                      Off to make dinner now,then i am all done.

                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Oh dear Enfys, that does sound painful, enjoy your outings now OH is feeling better.

                        Feeling sorry for those with poorly knees, hope they feel better soon.

                        I have to make scones tomorrow for the cake table at the Village Fair on Sat.

                        Feeling nicely relaxed after Aqua this morning, stopped for a coffee and poached eggs in my favourite cafe and bought a new jacket in the Charity shop. If DD doesn't like it on me I will donate it back, it still had the purchase label on it.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Hubby went out with his brother ½ an hour ago. They only went to see how much they would give brother for his car.
                          Brother accepted their offer.Hubby just rung,to say they are on their way to Warrington. Brother seen a car online that he likes.
                          Hope he likes it when they get there. Hubby went in our car,so he could bring brother home,if he sold his car.
                          He didn't think he would be driving to Warrington.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Ouch Enfys that sounds really sore poor lad. Stressful day for us , as we weren't at the hospital long we stopped off at Newton Abbot to get the shopping we forgot the other day 😏 honestly we are a right pair of Johnny head in the airs at the moment. Bit late in the day but the sun is glorious this evening. I hope Daisy is getting plenty if R&R. Plant I love scones, made some the other week and instead of strawberries we had mango with clotted cream, it was delicious. Have posted in Yeo, think an early night is in order for me tonight.
                            "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                              Longer trip than your OH expected then Nan2!
                              My head is in the clouds too Libra. I wasted mine and my poor mothers afternoon by taking her to a Dr's appointment at the wrong time . We had missed it. I asked if we could wait to see him. The receptionist sent him a message, the answer was no. Poor mum will have to wait a good while longer to have the carpel tunnel injection She took it very well I must say, never blaming me although it was all my fault.
                              We had a nice visit to my auntie this morning. She has had an offer on her bungalow.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good morning ladies. Its the longest day today.
                                Another beautiful morning,long may it last.

                                Gem,ooops about being late for mums appointment.
                                Auntie hasn't been long at getting an offer on her bungalow.
                                Hope she gets a sale quickly.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

