Oma - I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I read somewhere that a 20 minute nap is the ideal length to boost your batteries but not interfere with the coming night's sleep.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
I have nights I can't get to sleep for ages, or more often nights when I read for a couple of hours in the early hours having been asleep. Tummy pain from IBS is the usual cause.
Nothing to compare to Oma, Nan2 etc, with little sleep night after night.
It's a good job you are not a driver Oma, I doubt you would be safe to drive most days!!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Went up at 6 and back up again at 8.15 as we had to go out ,
My Sisters Anniversary tomorrow and I forgot to post her card so popped over there house but didn't stop as they all absolutely full of cold and don't want B catching it
Then we had to go pick some stuff up for his Mam so he can take that tomorrow ,
Back in now I feel ok till I stop and sit down
Oh dear Oma just reading this , I have had a few getting up in the night a few times this week with a cough and it’s exhausting. How you do it on a regular basis trouble is your body gets used to waking up at that time then my sympathies my friend 😮
Had a nap not enough but feel less washed out , Did two loads of washing during the night and I wanted to iron it this afternoon but for once I said B***er it , it will wait ill tomorrow