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    Plant, hope DD is having a lovely birthday,and enjoys her day in London.

    Oma, i bet Storm lapped his dinner up.

    Daisy, good to hear the dentist visit wasn't painful.

    The window cleaner has been today,hope the weather doesn't change now.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      I hope your DD is having a good birthday Plant.

      Nan2 our window cleaner is well overdue! I hope he comes this week.

      Daisy, what an end to your night having the drive through fog

      Lovely lunch for Storm, Oma!

      We had a nice afternoon. After an early lunch we drove to the coast ( Hunmanby Gap Lizzie) It was so fine and sunny. A bit breezy but we were dressed for it. We had a good walk on the beach then stopped in Filey for a cuppa and cake. The fresh air and sunshine definitely did me good.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Gem, a walk on the beach and fresh sea air should be available on prescription. So glad it helped.

        Nanto, hopefully you will get a few dry days now your windows have been done.

        Dog training was busy. A bit like the first day of term, and there was a new boy in the class who set a couple of the dogs off, shouting the odds. Eva just ignores them when they get shouty!

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Gem, glad the beach stroll did you good.
          As Daisy said, it ought to be on prescription.

          No plans for today, will just see how the day pans out.

          Chicken goujons for dinner, with whatever kind of potatoes and veg I do with them.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Morning Nanto,
            We off to MILs shortly,
            I need to go to Sainsbury's first .
            It's a lovely bright day and supposed to be warmer than yesterday hopefully,
            I will pop back later xx
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Good morning ladies.

              Oma, I hope MIL is well and not too moany!

              Daisy, Eva is a good girl ignoring the shouty boys

              Nice sunny morning again.
              Little E day, and golf for OH. I slept well and am getting better but not fully so we will stay in. OH has a golf-free Thursday later this month so we hope to take GS a bit further afield then.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gemini, A blow at the sea is very good medicine. I am sure little E will be very good medicine.

                Daisy, will you continue with dog training? Well done Eva ignoring the shouty boys.

                Oma, hope Mil is in a good mood today when you visit. I hope you are both feeling better or getting there.

                Nanto, No plans, that’s unlike you. Time to have a ME day.

                I am waiting for my GD1 to return with my car, she has borrowed it to take H to nursery. Missed a visit from my son yesterday so I had a long chat with him on the phone today. I am going to pick up some shoes that I ordered from our nearest independent shoe shop.
                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Asda shopping delivered at 9am.
                  Most of the morning was spent sorting the frozen things, and tidying freezer drawers.

                  Making swede and carrot mash for dinner. Doing some extra for the freezer.

                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Best not push yourself you had a breezy day yesterday 😁
                    The sea air will have done you good.
                    Enjoy your day with E I bet he's like Fin a character ❤️

                    What would your GD do without you ,
                    Hope the shoes are comfortable.
                    What a shame you missed your DS but at least you had a good chat.
                    Swede and carrot mash is the only way I like carrots 😁🥕

                    MIL had a bit of a moan when we went in but she was ok after about 5 minutes,
                    Put her meals in the freezer and left one out for tea,
                    B made her bed and I put the bin out and took a pile of clothes upstairs for her.

                    She was going to have her hair done this afternoon,
                    After we left Martin turned up to pressure hose her back path and patio area ,
                    She's been complaining about it for weeks but he kept telling her there was no point while it was frosty.

                    He's been on Jury Duty for two weeks and the trial finished at lunch time so he went straight to hers after to get it over and done with.

                    Hopefully she will be happy now.
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Oma, your MIL is very well looked after by you all. That was good of Martin to go straight round there after what could have been a gruelling two weeks of jury duty. Let's hope that's the worst of the frost over now.

                      Nanto, I often wonder how the freezers get into such a mess so quickly! Not a very nice job, though, tidying them out. I hope you didn't get cold.

                      Plant, I hope you're pleased with the shoes. What a pity you missed DS, but at least you've caught up on the phone. I agree with Oma, your GD1 is very lucky to have the use of your car, but I'm sure she appreciates all the help you give her and little H. Yes, I will carry on taking Eva to training classes for as long as she is enjoying it. She can't wait to get through the door and enjoys all the games etc. I think it helps to keep her young as well.

                      Gem, sleep is a good healer, but you are right to take it a bit easier. My OH is still the same and he's frustrated he's still not 100%, but he'll get there eventually. How had little E been today? Did S have a good round of golf?

                      I've had a lazy day today, and haven't done anything much.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Hallo everyone, a little late today, it has been lovely and sunny again, 18 degrees is some places, it is still chilly in the wind though.

                        I have been for the first "home grown" cucumbers!!! I got 2 for the neighbour as well, they are so lovely and fresh.

                        Plant, I hope the shoes are better for you, my late sister had very swollen feet in her last years.

                        Oma, your MIL will be pleased with the meals.

                        Gem, I do hope that you are soon feeling better.

                        Daisy, it is taking a while for your DH to recover.

                        I was watching Netflix the other evening, Toxic Town, a good watch but sad!! Has anyone watched it?

                        GD1 arrived home yesterday, DS1 picked them up from Rotterdam airport, a 10 minute drive.

                        Nanto, I had swede mash only last week, the strange thing is, when I buy them they come from the UK! Why I do not know.

                        I want to get some legal papers sorted out, for, if I get alzeimers!! I was talking to a friend about it and he said get it all sorted now, so, I will do it, I need the doctors signature etc, will study it all over the weekend.


                          We decided to go to our local Indians for tea ,
                          We have been going for about 40 years and it's always been lovely,

                          We usually go as a family as everyone likes the food there , but decided just the two of us today.
                          We are stuffed now .
                          We came home and I went straight upstairs and put my PJs on 😁

                          We are going to get sorted with power of attorney for our DD and the power of attorney for health too ,
                          Then if or when anything happens she has that and doesn't have any hassle.
                          The health one means if we are incapable of deciding for ourselves she can have a say in our care and treatment,
                          Your doing the right thing .
                          I bet GD has lots to tell you .
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning, it isn't power of attorney Oma, it is for euthanasia, lets hope I don't need it though. The rest is all arranged.


                              Good morning Lizzie, and all who follow.

                              Don't they grow swedes in your country.
                              I find they are very hard to cut, so I buy the frozen ones that are diced.

                              Not raining at the moment, but it rained last night and through the night.

                              Just need to do a bit of tidying up today, dusting and hoovering.

                              No cooking today, we are having fish and chips.
                              DS1 is hoping he can join us for dinner.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning ladies.

                                Same weather for us Nan2, except I think it's still raining.

                                Oma, like you we mostly eat out with friends, sometimes it's nice to just go as a couple.

                                That's a good idea Lizzie, and as you say, hopefully you won't ever need it. Toxic Town is on my to watch Netflix list.

                                This virus is taking its time, but I will get there

                                DD1's monthly social meeting this morning, which I encourage her to go to. GS will come here. He may stay all day and come for GS2 from school. Or maybe not, I just go with the flow.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

