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    Torrential rain here
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good Wednesday morning, everyone.

      Nanto, what a lovely bright and happy greeting to start the day - thank you. It's dark and pouring with rain here, so something to put a smile on my face is extra welcome.

      Gem, enjoy aqua and your lunch with friends. Yes, I'm sure it will be indoors.

      Lizzie, I always loved C&A - it was such a shame they closed their UK shops. "How it's Made" is interesting. We take everyday things for granted, but there's often more to them than we know. I hadn't heard of Honk Ball either.

      I'll drop in again later - we've got someone coming to give us a quote for solar panels this morning, so need to get breakfast etc out of the way.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Warm and sunny here!


          Morning ladies
          It's wet cold and dark here also ,

          SIL is having a rare day off today so we won't have Storm as planned.
          We went across to M&S for a few bits and I was going to call in Aldi but B started to be sick again ,
          It's a worry but he has taken a anti sickness tablets so hopefully it will settle down.
          Quicker he sees Hep Dr the better,
          It just comes on him suddenly then he's fine again .

          Decorator is coming tonight to see what I want doing but apart from that a quiet day.
          Have a good day ladies whatever you're doing .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            I am just off to a craft morning and it is games this afternoon. I will pop in later.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Poor B Oma. I hope he feels better soon . I was sick a lot with two of my pregnancies and it's miserable.

              Have a lovely day Plant.

              Sunny here now!

              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem, the sun's shining here as well now, but it's not very warm.

                Plant, you are having a busy social whirl day today. I hope it's all fun.

                Oma, poor B. Has he got an appointment to see the Hep doctor? It sounds like the sooner the better - being sick is so horrible. Has your SIL got special plans for today, or can he just take it easy for once? Have you used that decorator before, or has he been recommended to you?

                Lizzie, I hope you're enjoying the sunshine today. I know you don't like it too hot, but hopefully at this time of year it's ok for you.

                OH has gone to play cars with his Last of the Summer Wine buddies for the first time since he was ill. I hope he doesn't stay too long though - he still hasn't totally got his energy back.

                I'm getting on with some online stuff before taking Eva out for a walk.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Plant, a busy day for you socialising. Enjoy.

                  Oma hope B is feeling better.

                  We've had a few showers and some sunny spells.

                  DS1 popped in and stayed for dinner.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Nanto, your family know where to get fed well. Very heavy showers here off and on.

                    Daisy, I hope your OH will enjoy his social time with friends as long as he doesn’t tire himself.

                    Oma, I don’t know what a Hep doctor is. I don’t think I could cope with having decorators in now.

                    I did win one game this afternoon. Some people are very competitive. Of course it is nice to win a game but it doesn’t bother me if I don’t, I enjoy the afternoon. Quiet day tomorrow.

                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Plant, well done on the game you win. As you say, it's nice to win, but for some people it's really upsetting if they don't! Was it warm enough in the hall today? I'm sure you will be ready for a quiet day tomorrow.

                      Nanto, your dinners are popular with your family! Still, it's lovely to see DS1 and gives you a chance for a chat.

                      Oma, did you get a good quote from the decorator?

                      My plans didn't quite work out. I was just thinking about taking Eva for her walk this afternoon when the heavens opened and we had a real downpour. OH was only on the other side of the village and they had a massive hail storm. There was still some on his car when he came home about 5 pm. So I hadn't long sat down after dinner tonight when Eva started to give me The Eye. The one that says very clearly "I need a walk, now!" We've just got back. At least it was dry but quite chilly. There was a clear sky and loads of stars - one advantage of our rubbish street lights is you can see the night sky!

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        The decorator is a friend his wife is also my hairdresser,
                        We came tonight and we have booked him in for the 17 & 18 March .
                        He's a lovely man ,
                        SIl had to take the van in for a new tyre but then he was just going to have a relaxing day till DD gets home tonight.
                        We had hailstones too , then torrential rain.
                        Isn't it lovely to see the stars , when we had a total power cut a couple of weeks ago we went into the garden to see them,
                        No light pollution meant we could see them very well.

                        the Hep Dr is The Hepatitis specialist,
                        He hasn't had a flair up for a long time but I think being so poorly with the latest cold hasn't helped .
                        He has been sick most of the day.
                        We are thinking of going down to the drop in centre at the hospital in the morning maybe he will get to see someone quicker.

                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good morning.

                          Oma, hope B gets seen soon.
                          Glad you've got the decorator booked.
                          We always get the nephew in to decorate.
                          He's very good at it, always got some work booked.

                          Plant, well done for winning a game. Some folk take it seriously don't they.

                          We had a few heavy downpours yesterday.
                          Don't know what the forecast is for today.

                          I'm using some more of the pigs in blankets from Christmas. We'll have mash and veg with it.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good Thursday morning, everyone.

                            Nanto, aren't those tulips beautiful! So cheerful and welcoming. Enjoy your pigs in blankets!

                            Oma, it's lovely to have a decorator you like and can trust like that. It sounds a good idea to go to the drop in centre today. Poor B can't go on being sick like that and hopefully it will speed up whatever treatment he needs. That awful lurgy must have knocked him for 6. Give him a gentle hug from me and say I hope he can get some help today.

                            We're going out later this morning to visit a brewery in Blandford Forum. We have lunch there then go round the brewery! Some friends have very kindly offered to drive, so it gives OH a break from being chauffeur. But it will be too long to leave Eva, so I'm going to take her over to DS2's this morning, then probably pick her up tomorrow morning - she never minds a sleepover with Cooper!

                            The sun's shining, so fingers crossed it stays that way.

                            Have a good day everyone.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Good morning everyone.

                              Lovely graphic Nan2. We took tulips for the friends whose house we went to for lunch yesterday

                              Daisy I hope Eva enjoys her sleepover - and you your lunch and brewery tour!

                              Oma , I hope B stops being sick soon xx

                              Plant enjoy the quiet day today.

                              Lovely bright sunny morning
                              ​​​​​​​Croaky voice and slight 'productive' cough still here. I think all the talking at our friends house yesterday didn't help!
                              Warm drinks help so the kettle will be on a lot today.
                              Golf for OH. Little E and I have no plans . I have some new playdough tubs so I think he will enjoy those later. CBeebies and snack time just now
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good morning, I had plans for today , but muscle in my bum hurts! I will rest it today.

                                This isn't far from here, I may even go for visit when the tulips are in flower.

                                Daisy, enjoy the lunch out. We had a mini meeting last night to see what can be done to make the hall, where I do the art coffee, plants etc, more cheerful, it is an old building compared to the 0ther 3 locations which are quite modern. It is rented from the church and seriously needs a lot doing to to, so, what can be done that isn't permanent! They have a special day here on March 15th, NL does, all volunteers doing good work, even the Royal family join in! We got quite a few good idea's that the group can work on. We had a meal as well which was good.

                                Gem, enjoy your day with GS3.

                                Oma, I do hope that B is soon feeling better.

                                GD1 arrived in Portugal and will be doing her work experience now, in the weekend they are free to enjoy themselves. I think they will do that anyway.

                                Last edited by Lizzie48; 27-02-2025, 09:58 AM.

