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    Well if your going to get a kitten you must get two or even three it’s the law 🤣🤣🐱🐈‍⬛🐕🐈

    MIL was in a cantankerous mood this morning , said her hip was hurting and she had difficulty walking,
    She the proceeded to walk into the kitchen holding the wall instead of using her frame.
    Told her it’s times like this that she should be using it,
    I got told to shut up she will do as she pleases , so I said well you be childish and stupid if you want it’s on your head if you fall again,

    I have just texted Bs sister , she had told his sister to take exactly the same shopping tomorrow as I took today 🙄
    She then demanded her bed being made and the bin emptied,
    Her nicotine patch put on her arm ( that she could do herself) and her hair sprayed with water to get the curls back, again she can do that herself.
    Thats not a bother but a please and thank you wouldn’t go a miss

    Came home angry and upset how she is not using the aids she has , it’s not fair on the family worrying about her.
    If she falls again she’s going in a home even if I have to carry her there myself silly old fool 🤬
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oma, it's very frustrating when people won't help themselves and are not even appreciative of all you do.
      My mum constantly forgot to use her walker and I lived in fear of her having another fall.

      Plant, things like showering and dressing take a lot of energy when you are not at the top of your game.

      We are visiting the kittens tomorrow afternoon
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        I agree, it is frustrating when people won't help themselves.
        Oma, glad you were in less pain this morning.
        Hope everyone else is in less pain.

        Gem, how lovely to be getting new kittens.

        Just after hubby had gone to his brothers this morning, he rang me and said we need another pair of hands,can you come down.
        So, off i went. Just after i arrived,SISin law and hubby arrived. We were all mucking in, and after a while we were ready for a cuppa.
        Brothers wife never came out to see if she could help.
        I opened the back door and shouted can we have 5 teas out here please. Wait till you here the next bit.
        She said thats a lot of teas,can you make it. I was absolutely stunned.
        My hubby was a bit annoyed,her hubby just laughed.
        SIS in law was speechless.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Nanto, holidays can't be far away when the cases come down. Do you know what you want to take with you? Your OH's sister in law obviously didn't realise it was THEIR shed, and you, your OH and the other couple were actually HELPING them! Did you get a cup of tea or go thirsty?

          Enfys, it sounds as though you are making good progress, and now you've started to go out again I'm sure you will feel the benefit of that. Your DS's new home sounds wonderful, and how could your GS have reached 18 already. These GCs grow up far too quickly, don't they. What will he study at uni? Will he stay at home?

          Gem, what incredibly exciting news. I know you are ready and wanting to give a home to at least one (and two is always preferable) kitties - so I do hope these little babies are what you're looking for. I bet tomorrow afternoon can't come soon enough. Have you already been dreaming up names? xx Have a lovely evening with GS1 tonight. Is this at your house or theirs?

          Oma, I'm so pleased you are in less pain today, but as Gem has said don't go mad on the housework. I hope you got everything ok for MIL, but she is being very silly not using the aids she's got. As you say, another fall could be disastrous for her. I bet she was grumpy partly because she knows she's being silly and not taking care of her own safety. I hope she thought on about what you'd said. How is D today? (Sorry if I've missed an update.)

          Plant, poor little H. I hope her foot is soon better. She's such a lively little girl it must be hard for her to slow down. I think it's perfectly in order to get up, get ready and then sit down for a rest! That's when I often come online in a morning!

          We've had a lovely day with DS2 and family. DIL gave me a hand to finish off the dinner. I did enough roasties for 8 people, and then added a couple more large potatoes in case they disintegrated, and every last morsel was eaten! The chicken cooked nicely, I got Brownie points from DS2 for doing cauliflower cheese as well, so I was very pleased. I think it's only the second roast dinner I've cooked since last Christmas!

          OH and I are quite tired now, so I think we'll have a lazy evening.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Daisy,its all in my head what we are taking.
            I told hubby i'm not taking as many clothes as i usually do. I always bring some home not worn.
            Hubby sais ok,i'll believe it when i see it.
            Glad you had a lovely day with DS2 and family.
            We like cauiflower cheese, but i buy it frozen.

            We did get a cuppa Daisy, i made it.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Nan2, what a lazy woman not helping or even making the tea! I usually take too many clothes on holiday but have got better on recent holidays.

              Daisy, the Sunday roast sounds like a great success 😊
              I have my eye on a little Calico female kitten a bit like my Daisy and I want to call her Poppy. The other, very cute mostly black female is reserved already. There are 3 little boy cats of black and white mix colours and we would probably choose one of those. Boys name totally undecided. I will discuss it with OH. I like Patrick and it goes with Poppy, but it needs discussing!

              I am at DDs looking after GS1 so he can go to bed. He went up a little while ago but is still awake.
              He has the pre op visit for his grommets in the morning but doesn't seem worried at all.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                B and my lot love cauliflower cheese, I can’t stand it , yuk 😁
                I bet they were all stuffed after , what did you do for pudding?

                I told my DD you were going to get two kittens she is green with envy😁
                Hope everything goes well for GS tomorrow.

                Some people are unbelievable, just as well you were willing to make the tea .

                Dorothy is doing ok ,
                The antibiotics were not working and there was talk of putting her on dialysis,
                They changed the antibiotics and they new ones seem to be kicking in.

                We are going in tomorrow night to see her.

                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Thank goodness the new antibiotics seem to be helping your friend Oma.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Nanto, how annoying your Bil’s wife couldn’t manage to make some teas.

                    Oma, I am not surprised you were angry with your Mil, she is a very difficult lady. How ungrateful and demanding of her.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Oma, glad the other antibiotics are working for your friend.
                      Your MIL will never change, I don't think.

                      Gem,the little kittens sound adorable. I like the name Poppy.

                      No plans for today, apart from doing some housework and a bit of packing.

                      Dinner will involve fish in some shape or form.

                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning Nan2 and everyone else.

                        Cute cats there Nan2!

                        No aqua for me this morning as it is the Library Friends Group committee meeting. I have to be fair to everyone when setting the meeting dates, so unfortunately they do sometimes have to be held on one of my aqua mornings.
                        OH is playing in a golf knock out and should be home by 3, maybe earlier. We are seeing the kittens at 3.30.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Good Monday morning, everyone. It's dark and damp here.

                          Nanto, I wonder if those three kitties will tempt Gem into having three kittens. It's nice to get most of the packing done in good time. Do you find yourself rushing round virtually spring-cleaning the house before you go away?

                          Gem, it can be impossible to keep everyone happy on dates for meetings, can't it. I think that's the fairest way - moving to suit everyone at some time or other. I'm sure OH will be home in good time to go and see the kittens. It's a good job you're busy this morning, as you will be counting down the minutes. xx

                          Oma, I do hope the new antibiotics work for D. Everything crossed for her. I'm sure it will do her good to see you and B tonight - you'll cheer her up. I was guilty of not making a pudding yesterday. DS2 and DIL aren't keen, and the girls love ice cream - in fact they had Magnums.

                          I need to get the bed made up and some housework done before our visitors arrive on Thursday. I'll take Eva over to DS2's this afternoon, as we're out all day on Tuesday. We'll pick her up on our way home on Tuesday night. Wednesdays are always busy, so I've only got today to get organised and hopefully do some baking as well.

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Morning ladies

                            Why is it when you have guests everything seems to happen that week ,you meet yourself coming back don’t you 😁

                            Im excited for you can’t wait to see pictures, my friends DD is called Poppy she’s a lovely girl, so hope your Poppy is a good girl too 😁❤️

                            you will be getting organised no doubt , it’s fast approaching 😁

                            We are popping to Dunelm this morning, I want a new toilet roll holder for downstairs loo and online Dunelm had some nice ones,
                            Hopefully they have them in store.

                            Its bright but very very cold here, The heating is hanging on , roll on Wednesday when new boiler gets fitted ,
                            I know it’s a two day job but he said it would be up and running by Wednesday night , Thursday will be the other jobs like plastering where the new flue pipe goes in and the old heating controller comes off.

                            Hope everyone is feeling better today ,
                            Im almost back to normal thank goodness😁
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Daisy, my 3 oldest GC would almost always choose Magnum type puddings over proper puddings! We have a fair selection for them in the freezer
                              When we had 3 cats it was very expensive (and at times hard to find anywhere to sit ) so 2 is the limit.
                              I'm having a few of those thoughts I had when we were deciding on having DD3 after a 10 year gap! I never regretted disrupting my life with another baby though, so I don't think I will with kittens.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Daisy, you always seem to be cooking for family or guests. I used to love cooking but not any more.

                                Gemini, exciting day for you, I am sure the kittens will steal your hearts. I miss not having a cat but the last one got run over. We always had tabby cats.

                                Oma, I hope you find the toilet roll holder you want at Dunelm. Not the best time to have to have a new boiler. I hope your Sil’s mother is on the mend.

                                Nanto I like to gradually pack, do you have lists?
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

