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    Good morning, colder this morning, they do forecast 20 degrees on Wednesday though.

    I have been to do the coffee and will go to aqua soon, I think in the car as showers are forecast.

    I hope the kittens settle in Gem, I am not a cat person so no idea how it works.

    Getting to and from the village at the moment is a puzzle! Roads closed etc, the huge new school near here is almost finished, the last of the road is being done so that is all closed as well.

    Oma, I hope the medicine helps your friend.


      I did find one Plant , this one wasn’t online so I didn’t see it,
      they had them in store ,
      Going to our farm shop bakery after lunch to get Dorothy a nice cake to take in , she’s not enjoying the food in hospital.
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Plant, i've got a little list of things that could be easily forgotten.

        Bedding changed and washed,out in the beautiful sunshine.
        Bathroon cleaned,so the towels are out as well.

        Oma, hope you get the loo roll holder you want.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Nanto, when I'm getting ready to go away I start putting things I might forget in the hall, as close to the front door as possible! I start with my handbag. I always want to come back home to a clean, fresh bed as well.

          Lizzie, we could get much higher temperatures by Wednesday. But it will probably be wet for us. I sympathise with you about the road closures. One main road out of our village is due to have one way traffic with traffic lights (not) controlling it, for 4 months. One section of this roads floods badly (it's impassable today) so how that will work with putting in new gas pipes I don't know!

          Oma, glad you found the perfect toilet roll holder. It's not a big thing in itself, but you want what you want and it's great when you find it. I'm sure D will enjoy the cake tonight. You're right, Oma. Everything does happen at once in our house. Tomorrow's outing was booked a couple of months ago, then when our friends rang to say they'd be in the UK for a few days (they live in France) we didn't want to miss seeing them. We were neighbours when we all lived in Surrey and our sons were all good friends. Their eldest still lives in the area and came to DS1's funeral, but his parents couldn't make it then. We'll have a lot of catching up to do, and it will be great to see them. It sounds as though you are feeling a lot better - don't overdo things. xx

          Gem, I know what you mean. Life might be simpler, and less expensive, without pets, but so much poorer.

          Plant, I don't particularly enjoy cooking and when we have visitors I'm always dithering about what to cook. This week is no different. I've got a beef casserole in the freezer ready for Thursday night, but that's all, so far. We've made the bed up and I'm just about to take Eva over to DS2's as we have to leave at 8 am tomorrow, and it will be too long to leave her. We're going to the Downland and Weald Openair Museum, where the Repair Shop programme is filmed.

          Back later.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good Tuesday morning, everyone.

            Yesterday got busier and busier, and this morning we're off on a day out to the Weald and Downland Museum. I'll drop in later, but hope everyone has a good day.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning ladies

              And there go the busy Daisies off again.......!

              Lizzie, cats are easy to settle especially kittens, and even more so in pairs. They are always already litter tray trained when they are rehomed. I have updated on my Cat thread, but we chose one each yesterday

              Library this morning, GS1 this afternoon. For how much of the afternoon I don't know. At the moment I am keeping the whole of Tuesday afternoons free in case he's not at school.
              Dull and wet morning here. It was a beautiful day yesterday. I haven't checked the forecast today so I don't know what to expect later.

              Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing,
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning ladies,

                How adorable are those kittens lovely markings 😁

                Have a lovely day, hope the weather stays dry for you ,

                We went to see Dorothy last night , oh the poor woman is poorly but Dr was around said her kidneys have flushed so no need for Dialisis now and her infection markers are going in the right direction,
                Its just her legs to get under control now,
                She was still a little confused and weepy and so tired.
                I don’t like to see her unwell or in tears, she’s too lovely for that she’s such a sweet woman ,

                Im preparing for workmen tomorrow,
                We have to move the washer and tumble dryer,
                B took the old loo roll holder down yesterday and a chunk of plasterboard came with it, so that’s had to be plastered then when it’s dry I can paint that bit .
                never straight forward is it .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning. I've been to the post office,then pottering round the house.

                  Hope the Diasies have a lovely day.

                  Oma, like us,one job leads to another.

                  Dinner is bacon,baby potatoes crisped up in the air fryer and beans.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Oma your dear friend is in a bad way, I hope the medics can help her. Oh dear, one thing leads to another.

                    Daisy, will you see the workshops at the Museum? You two are gad abouts atm.

                    Gemini, very difficult not knowing if GS will turn up. Busy Library day for you.

                    Nanto, holiday looming, I presume you are having a cooking free holiday?
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      I am having my first venture out on my own. It is the last meeting of our local WI, followed by a lunch so I thought I would make the effort and go. It is a short drive to the local church hall. Sad day really but members are feeling too old to take up the jobs of ?Chairman etc.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Good morning, nice but chilly in the wind. I have been to the doctor to see about a medical pedicure, she told me that the podo therapist has to arrange it so I have mailed them all the details. The only problem seems to be, here in the village no one is taking new patients on!!!

                        Gem, I can't see the photos of the kittens.

                        Oma, your poor friend, she does seem to be going through it.

                        Daisy, enjoy your day out.


                          Sorry, I forgot to post that! I hope all goes well for you Plant.


                            Good afternoon. Plant I hope your little trip out goes well. I can understand how you are feeling, on Saturday I went out for the first time since my accident, Jest a short drive to the library for my knit and natter. It was fine but did feel strange at first. Yesterday DD took me out for the morning and this morning I went to my craft group. It all went well but goodness I feel shattered now so will have a rest tomorrow. I feel like I’m getting back to normal now.

                            Hope you have a good day out Daisy. Is that where they film the Repair Shop? Your poor friend, Oma, I do hope things begin to improve for her.

                            Quite nice weather wise here today, not cold although a bit damp. I have just bought a dehumidifier and am moving it from room to room, it’s amazing how much moisture it collects.

                            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                              Plant, hope you are ok,going out on your own.
                              I am definately having a cooking free holiday.

                              Gem, the kittens are adorable,especially the black and white one.

                              Oma, your friend is certainly going through the mill.
                              Hope she turns a corner soon.

                              All packed up, so i'm going to do an online check in.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Plant, that's the second WI group in the area who might have to close because of falling numbers. The Ladies Group to which I belong is also in a precarious position, only 14 members at the last count and not everybody comes to the meetings. At one there were more committee members than ordinary members. Very embarrassing and sad. Lots of suggestions as to what might take its place, but as you say, the older generation are reluctant o take on the organising side and younger people aren't interested in joining. All of the members were at our lunch, so maybe we'll have to have a lunch club instead. We went to the Old Oak in HG, by the way. Hope you're ok after your trip out. Your GS1 is getting on well with his home office.

                                Done nothing so far today! Hip/leg were so so painful that I took two of my strongest painkillers, went back to bed and didn't wake up until gone 3 o'clock! Still feel a bit light headed but the pain is definitely easier. I often wonder how people who are waiting for years to have this operation cope with the pain or if they become reliant on the addictive painkillers. It would be so easy to fall into that trap.

                                Nanto, have a safe trip and enjoy your break.

                                Oma I hope that they get D's legs sorted and she's soon back home. Is J ok now after his scare?

                                Enfys, pleased that you're managing to get out and about, even if you're exhausted afterwards!

                                Planning to knit some leaves for our poppy post box topper tonight while I'm watching Bake off. Should be ready for putting on post box on 1st November. Next job is to plan the C******** toppers!

                                My OH's pension society also run trips for members Daisy. I've been on quite a few with and without OH. They still ask for cheques to be sent when you book a trip. That causes a problem, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, in that I don't have a cheque book anymore ! I hope that they'll move into the 21st century go over to bank transfer payments sooner rathe than later! I don't miss not having a cheque book these days as so many things can be paid for by bank transfer.

                                Anyway have a lovely evening ladies xx
                                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                                Theodore Roosevelt.

