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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Good morning everyone.

    Oma, he woke 4 times! Easy to settle but it's tiring. He's been awake since 5 chattering to himself and he and I got up at 6.
    I put him down for a nap at 9.30 as he was awake earlier than usual. He doesn't normally have a morning nap so we are only letting him have an hour. GS2 is here so he will wake up happy to see him
    They are both here for lunch and tea so another busy day!
    ​​​​​​I will catch up properly with Chat this evening.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Daisy, not the best start to your day, or yours Oma.

      Our day has been mostly uneventful. Only stayed about ½ an hour at hubby's sisters.

      Had visits from 2 of hubby's brothers,but not at the same time.

      Gem, busy day for you with childminding.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Oma , my mum once got into the front passenger seat of the car in front of me when I was parked outside a newsagent while she popped in. I saw her approach the wrong car and then get in. She sat down closed the door and only when she went to put her bag down did she notice a strange bag there and looked at the driver . The lady must have been surprised!

        That was a hectic start Daisy!

        I'm sure you will enjoy your new sunroom this summer Plant.

        The boys enjoyed each others company, including a bath together this afternoon at GS2's request. They ate lunch and tea together and GS2 spent a lot of time making his little cousin laugh
        GS3 went home after 6 and GS2 after 7 - DD2 stayed to chat a bit.
        Neither of us felt up to cooking so we ordered in a pizza delivery. Just putting our feet up now. We love having the GC but it was a bit full on
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Gem, what a tiring day for you and S. Lovely to have the GCs but I think it's easier when they are older, or are closer in age. Also, we're not used to disturbed sleep are we, and having to get up to a crying baby is exhausting. At least he settles again, which is a blessing, and he's such a sunny happy little chap, isn't he. Did he enjoy have his big cousin's company? You've earned a night off from cooking tonight! . Have you got a relaxing day tomorrow?

          Nanto, it must have been nice to see so many family members, but not all together. What a lovely day.

          Plant, poor GD1, feeling poorly. Is she better today? Are DD and SIL on the Island just for the week-end? Did they go from Southampton? We were saying how the ferry port to the Island has changed since OH used to travel there regularly for work. It all looks well-organised though, but for us Lymington is more convenient. Are you looking forward to getting your new sunroom sorted out?

          Oma, I agree, sugar is one of the worst things to spill. So hard to clear up completely.

          Lizzie, I think olive trees can be quite hardy if they can get a bit of shelter from the worst of the weather. But you've certainly got green fingers, both for outdoor and indoor plants.

          After the hectic start to the day, we've had a lovely day with both GDs. They are good company, and helped to cook lunch - salmon, chips, peas and sweet corn. With cooking at lunch-time, neither of us was very hungry, so we just had boiled eggs. Nice easy meal.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            image.png Good morning, Gem, I can understand you both being tired after having the GC. You would enjoy it though.

            DS1 is coming sometime today to bring a few things for his storage. They are having the garden landscaped, they start on it next week or the week after. I am going to their house this evening as it is DIL's birthday tomorrow so I have been invited for a meal, she was going to do it tomorrow but GD1 is going out for a meal from the Lidl. It is both my DIL's birthdays tomorrow.

            Plant, I am feeling much better thanks, I press on my stomach where the doctor pressed, the pain seems to have gone now.
            The plants in the trough look really good, I had so many compliments on them yesterday when I went to do the coffee.

            Coming home on the bike from coffee, it is 5 minutes, I got wet legs again, my jackets are waterproof but not long enough, so, I have ordered a raincoat especially made for cycling, not the expensive one though, I got the tip from a friend at the gym ,


              Good morning.

              Gem, very tiring childminding but lovely to be able to do it.

              Lizzie, the raincoat for cycling will be ideal for you.

              Glad you had a lovely day with the girls.
              Lunch sounded nice.

              We will eat out today, we are going to Wakefield.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning everyone.

                Nan2 I hope it is fine for your shopping trip. It's fine here at the moment.

                Lizzie my dad, a keen cyclist, wore waterproof overtrousers to cycle in in wet weather. Good to hear your tummy is better.

                I hope your GD is feeling better Plant.

                How lovely to spend the day with your GDs Daisy. It sounds as through they really enjoy doing things with you.

                As many of you have said I do love spending time with all my GC, and especially when they are together. It is a privilege.
                It is also a relief to have some quiet after a day like yesterday GS2 is naturally incredibly loud, and he loves the baby so much he wants to ( loudly) amuse him all day. Baby adores his cousin, but being an only child from a quiet household he finds it all too intense at times and we have to tell GS2 to back off a bit!

                BIt of a sad day yesterday in that close friend's had their dog put to sleep, and our catsitter friend messaged me to say their cat had been put to sleep the previous day. Both pets were elderly and it was the only way, but I still felt very sad for the families.

                Nice lazy quiet day is planned for today. We are invited to friends for a meal this evening ,so no cooking again.
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Morning everyone

                  A quiet day is what’s needed,
                  We do love our GC but unless you have them full time the noise can be tiring 😁,
                  GS1 was a very loud child so different to GS1 .

                  Sad about the pets but they had a good life , always dreadfully sad when you have to let them go as you well know xxx


                  The girls are at that age where they don’t need attention all the time and you can do things and have a good chat with them without exhausting yourself 😁
                  How’s Js Eye now ?

                  How is GD today,
                  Hope your enjoying DS &DILs company,
                  Are DD &SIL away for long?

                  That coat seems ideal at least should keep most of the rain off ,

                  Can you remember the old fashioned police men back in the day when they rode bikes ,
                  They had those big black waterproof capes that went over the handle bars and seats so kept everything dry .
                  They had the right idea didn’t they 😁


                  Enjoy your lunch out x

                  Ive done my usual Saturday blitz through and B hoovered right through for me
                  I then cleaned the one cupboard I forgot yesterday , why I missed it I don’t know 🙄
                  Put a dark wash on and now having a browse on here.

                  I didn’t sleep well last night my Hips were still sore being on the floor so I couldn’t get comfy,

                  We both got up at 3 and B made a hot drink for us I took some pain killers then went back at 5 , managed a couple hours .

                  Have a good day ladies whatever your doing .
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Oma, I do have a cape, the only problem with that is, I can't put my arm out when going round the roundabout etc. I have had it 20+ years so it has earned its keep!

                    I have just cleaned through and made some muffins, I don't know if GD2 is coming with her father or not, GD1 will be working.


                      Good Saturday morning, everyone. We've had a lot of rain overnight again. Everywhere is squelching wet!

                      Lizzie, has your DS1 got a big garden? It sounds like a lot of work, having it landscaped, but hopefully they will get use out of it this summer. The cape is a good idea. I remember the policemen on bikes using those huge capes, Oma. They certainly did the job of keeping them and the handlebars dry. Lizzie, it's lovely to know how much people appreciate you looking after the plants so skilfully. I remember seeing your photos of them and they do look wonderful, and so calming.

                      Nanto, enjoy your lunch, and thank you for such a nice 'warm' graphic on a dull, damp day. xx

                      Oma, I don't know how you find the energy to do all that housework after a disturbed night like that.

                      Gem, you're right about it being a privilege and a pleasure to spend time with our GCs, but it must be hard coping with two of such different ages. I know the 'gap' will get less obvious as they both get older, but at the moment it must be difficult. At least you can relax today and recuperate. It's so sad when you have to say goodbye to much-loved pets. Was this the dog who came with you on a holiday recently? I'm sure both sets of 'fur parents' must be feeling very upset.

                      OH's eye is much better today, and he's gone over to DS2's to start the base for the greenhouse they got off Freecycle. They've got to dig a couple of bushes out first though, so even getting the area clear and marked out will be good progress. I was going to have a bit of a blitz on the house while he was out, but have spent quite a while on the phone with my youngest sister-in-law. OH's eldest sister was rushed back into hospital yesterday. I'm worried about her - she's not at all well, and her OH is also very frail.

                      Eva got OH up in the night for the first time ever - she has a bit of a tummy upset and needed to go out. She was also sick again in the night. She seems to favour the guest bedroom for this! I promise if any of you ever come to stay, we clean up very thoroughly. . I've given her some live yoghurt this morning and am defrosting a really nice haddock fillet to poach for her. It's hard to know what to give her because she can't have chicken. She seems ok in herself, but a bit clingy, so I might just have to sit down and give her lots of cuddles.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Morning all

                        I haven't done much this past week or so as I have been in agony with hips .
                        Left hip has been painful for about 7months but suddenly my lower back became stiff and a few days later what can only be described as having immense pain in right hip and down right leg .
                        I have tried pain kilers, pain reliving gel , hot water bottle and heat pads but nothing seems to help. The pain in leg has subsidised but when I stand the pain in hip is unbearable.
                        I messaged Dr's surgery ( new practice) on Thursday and within an hour I had a response I have an appointment on Monday morning.
                        With our previous Dr's surgery there was a 5 day waiting time to response to messages and then up to a three week appointment slot
                        Taking so many painkillers is making me extremely sleepy

                        Gem it's so sad when a family pet dies I know when we had to say goodbye to our cat it was heartbreaking.

                        Oma I can remember the police wearing capes over their bikes when it was pouring with rain and when they use to direct traffic in the road. Im not certain but I think the capes were bright yellow.

                        Window cleaner cleaned windows on Thursday and within 5 mins after they had gone it poured down with rain!

                        Not cooking today, we are just having bacon sandwiches
                        ​​​​​​​Yesterday we had mushroom stroganoff. I haven't had it for years it made a nice change. Only now I cheat and use a packet mix for the sauce
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          Daisy, no, luckily Lottie who came on holiday with us is only 7 and hopefully has many happy years left!
                          Poor Eva, I hope she is better soon xx

                          Oma, GS1 never stops talking but isn't loud. GS2 is SO loud. His sister is so quiet, we have had him almost 8 years and are still not used to it
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Oh Mimi, how miserable to be in so much pain I'm so glad you have an appointment. They are so hard to get around here many people end up paying for private GP appointments.
                            It does sound a bit like sciatica/piriformis syndrome. The thing that helped me was several sports/deep tissue massages.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Mimi, I am sorry you are in such pain, Gemini is the right person to advise you.

                              Daisy, poor Eva, I am sure she will appreciate some cuddles. I hope the weather stays fine for the greenhouse preparation.

                              I have come back home for a bit to give DS and Dil some space. We searched for my handbag but then found I had left it at home, just the garage key to find and a strip of todays tablets. I am feeling I need a nap, bit late to bed.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                It is pouring down here! It had been a dry day until an hour or so ago when the heavens opened.

                                What a night to be going out At least we can park on our friends drive behind their car. I will wear my raincoat with hood up for the dash!

                                Plant did you have a nap and find the missing items?
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

